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By Nitin Sinha on Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Category: Technology

Tips to prevent cybercrimes

We use the internet every day to access social media. We perform many tasks using the internet believing that it is safe, but it is not so. Sometimes, we neglect the security and preventative measures. To prevent cybercrimes, there are some tips that can be followed. They are: • Constantly update passwords and log in details.

• Use encryption for important files

• By activating the built-in security feature we can avoid any access to personal details in our mobile devices.

• Always think before clicking on a link or file of unknown origin .Everyone must check the source of the message.

To read visit on:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2016/02/09/eight-proven-strategies-to-deal-with-cybercrime/#2307b2d1258c

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