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Robots - The New Decision Making Tool.

How can we use AI to better understand the future? What will our clients and the marketplace need and want one year, two years, five years from now?” This is a shift from analytics that automatically collect and analyze data from past interactions (buying behavior, customer service engagements, etc.) to leverage AI to provide solutions that address both current and future challenges. 

Now, instead of using chatbots and other AI tools as communication devices to interact with customers at various phases of their shopping and decision-making process, many companies are exploring how bots can collect and analyze customer needs and business data for solution development. 

Read more at : http://www.cio.com/article/3200667/artificial-intelligence/robots-are-not-coming-they-are-already-here.html






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The techniques used by data scientist to get results

Nowadays, many organizations use data and analytics to understand customers, develop new products and optimize business processes. 

“Organizations able to take advantage of the new generation of business analytics solutions can leverage digital transformation to adapt to disruptive changes and create competitive differentiation in their markets,” said IDC analyst Dan Vesset in a statement issued in conjunction with the release of IDC’s Worldwide Semiannual Big Data and Analytics Spending Guide earlier this year.  A recent Forrester Research study also found that, 50% of businesses now use data and analytics tools to analyze their existing customers, while 48% use them to find new customers and 47% use them to develop new products and services. Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/3147293/analytics/analytics-50-how-big-data-innovators-reap-results.html#tk.ciofsb





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Is being agile a good approach?

An agile approach is to identify smaller data governance initiatives based on strategic projects or business needs, and build from there.

Following these steps, the data governance program can be set up as a highly structured organization and set of defined processes with tools and templates, or it can be set up as a less structured team of individuals who work together to accomplish the goals and work through the roadmap.

The approach you decide to take should be one that correlates to your organization’s culture, data management maturity level, data governance objectives and desire for structure.

Can data governance be agile? Many organizations are now recognizing the need for data governance but are still struggling with the right way to structure it. Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/3203410/data-management/can-data-governance-be-agile.html






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What helps in cloud management?

Cloud services have grown to become an evident part in providing online services and data storage over the past few years. But there are still some strategies that would define or make a better cloud service.

The very first could be the co-located cloud service which would prove a higher speed of access Another important aspect would be easily cost figuring with better management and storage computation and services. Usage of hyper converged infrastructure (HCI) solutions offer pre-integrated compute, storage and networking resources to the private cloud.  And lastly getting the old apps by lift-and-shift method could provide an advantage to the company, although that would be in exchange of a good amount of migration cost. Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/3137946/cloud-computing/6-trends-that-will-shape-cloud-computing-in-2017.html






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Because technological devices can be more accurate in these cases.

Not all of us are good at knowing how ripe a fruit or a vegetable is just by seeing it. But the research at MIT has solved this issue. They have created a hand-held device which would say how ripe an apple is based on the glow of chlorophyll in the fruit's skin under ultraviolet light.

The device is 3.5 by 1.5 inches mostly made up of all the commercial objects available in the market making a chip that picks up the fluorescence an exception which the researchers had specially ordered.

The device interacts with the user via the Bluetooth and the android app. With advancement, this device would be able to go for many other fruits and vegetables with dealing with a great amount of data. Read more at : https://www.livescience.com/56040-handheld-device-tells-if-fruit-is-ripe.html


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Smart usage of exoskeleton.

Exoskeleton is a combination of technologies that allows limb movement with increased strength and endurance. For now, it is worn on the shin and foot and applies forces to the ankle and toes. An exoskeleton has a variety of applications. With many advancements coming along in exoskeleton, one of the advancement is a customizable exoskeleton.


The customizable exoskeleton uses the human in the loop algorithm which has reduced the energy used by the participants by 24% which is highest till now. A customizable exoskeleton helps you cover more distance and with the high pace. A personalized exoskeleton would make an easier job of walking for the physically impaired people. An exoskeleton is designed with various pattern implementation with two factors consideration; 1) amount of force 2) when the force is applied. Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/59595-personalized-exoskeleton-learns-from-your-steps.html


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A relief for the people who drop their cell-phones quite often!

A screen- replacement for the cracked screen is one of the expensive costs you incur in maintaining your smartphone. It is a must do thing and costs almost 1/3rd of the total cost of the cellphone. But thanks to the collaborative research of Queen's University Belfast, Sanford University, the  University of California, Berkeley, California State University, and the National Institute for  Materials Science in Japan who came up with the research of alternating the material of the cellphone screens. The new research has come up with the combination of 3 materials for the replacement of silicon. The material also referred as 'magic material' is made by layering hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), graphene, and C60 which complement each other in some or the other way. Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/59397-cracked-cell-phone-screens-could-soon-be-a-thing-of-the-past.html






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A wonder in the era of air pollution.

In a non-energy efficient and air polluted world, an innovation which helps purify the air and store the hydrogen gas is like a boon. The device is a result of the two separate teams working in for their respective tasks of air purifying and gas storing. The two teams merged and made a single device capable of doing both. The air purification is done with the help of sunlight which would help in eliminating the volatile organic compounds present in the air which are extremely harmful. Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/59173-device-purifies-air-and-creates-energy.html




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The Most Common Phishing Attacks

Phishers attack business by collecting customer mailing list, so they can cover-up as your business entity and steal from customers. Scammer’s method is to develop emails or phone scripts to victimize their customers. They steal the data from links where messages directed them. The scammer then disappears and use the customer’s information to purchase for which the customer is unaware. There are 8 common phishing attacks:


1) Whaling/ Cyber whaling, 2) Hapooning , 3) Spearfishing , 4) Fake Phishers, 5) Pharming, 6) Mimic phishing , 7) Nigerian payment for the service and 8) Banking scams. Read more at: https://www.computer.org/web/computingnow/security/content?g=53319&type=article&urlTitle=8-common-phishing-attacks-and-how-to-protect-against-them






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Business doing Outsource Without Going Overseas

In today’s business world, outsourcing of overseas tech support is changing with an Innovative solution ‘TechtoUS’ that helps in eliminating language barrier and allows business and individuals. Local Outsourcing is more cost effective than outsourcing overseas. Overseas tech support is difficult for some people because they pay to businesses to call tech support for them. Read more at: https://www.computer.org/web/computingnow/insights/content?g=53319&type=article&urlTitle=how-technology-allows-your-business-to-outsource-without-going-overseas




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AirSelfie- The next trendy thing amongst selfie lovers!.

Selfie stick has been in the market for a long time. It has led many clicks and takes and is owned by almost every selfie lover. But here comes another invention for the selfie lovers- AirSelfie. It is the camera drone which flies in the midair and clicks the videos and photographs.

The drone is extremely easy and safe to use. The iOS or android app lets you adjust the height and direction and helps the drone to take off. You could also manually move the drone and can touch it while it’s on in the midair.


The drone also lets you upload the photos directly to the social media app. If you need them, you could transfer it through Wi-Fi. Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/57185-airselfie-drone-takes-photos-in-midair.html


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Drones helping to showcase the aquaculture of Tanzania

SecondMuse, place of work that collaborates with organizations to assist solve complicated issues, looked to the most recent drone and 360 video technologies to assist showcase cultivation — the farming of aquatic life-forms — in United Republic of Tanzania.

Led by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s InnovationXchange, in partnership with SecondMuse, the goal was to award comes that each facilitate scale back environmental impact and increase property.

Ben Kreimer, a drone and computer game individual, and Brett Garling, producer and founding father of Cut Canvas inventive, shot 360 video underwater, on land, and within the air to document 3 of those initiatives.


More than seventieth of Tanzanian alga farmers square measure ladies, and rising ocean temperatures square measure reducing the economic viability of alga farming, per the Blue Economy Challenge web site.Read more at : http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2017/06/08/drones-showcase-aquaculture-in-tanzania/#.WUK_3BN968V


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Is your Business Cloud ready?

Many organizations have large amount of data, but don’t really know how to manage it all. You will decide to move all the data to the cloud, but, is your business ready for it? Do you move every single asset to the cloud? Once capital, infrastructure, technology, and operational aspects of the enterprise are under control they can start to think what needs to be optimized, how and what should be relocated to the cloud. It is critical to have a cloud strategy, make sure it is flexible due to the nature of growing and shrinking of data. Moving customer prone applications or internally developed applications to the cloud without careful evaluation can lead to loss in revenue. Applications can be ‘cloudified’ by using application-specific workloads such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) etc. To decide which application, make sense in cloud, enterprise’s IT teams must balance performance, interoperability and compatibility. Having a Data Center Management (DCM) platform allows company to procure, deploy, monitor and measure IT assets through web browser. Read more at: https://www.computer.org/web/data-center-insider/content?g=55674596&type=blogpost&urlTitle=big-data-in-the-mist-are-you-cloud-ready-





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Are self driven cars safe?

The idea of gradually exposing more people to the benefits of riding around in self-driving taxis and other vehicles seems to be the guiding philosophy for a number of companies such as ride-hailing giant Uber, MIT startup NuTonomy, and the company Waymo spun out of Google's former self-driving car project.

Top concerns mentioned in social media included self-driving car fears of being hacked and "robot apocalypse" scenarios of technological change.

About 6,000 social posts focused on the positive side of self-driving cars as a "technological revolution that harnesses big data and machine learning."

 Another 7,000 social posts discussed self-driving cars as a possible solution to traffic jams and highway congestion even as they also featured angry venting. Read more at : 



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Can IoT dodge the barriers ?

The basic premise behind the IoT is to connect everyday objects to the internet through tiny sensors, allowing them to communicate with businesses, consumers, and each other.

While hearing about the Internet of Things doesn’t necessarily signify a consumer would not use an item connected to the IoT, the survey results show a lack of awareness and understanding about what can be gained from it.

The Internet of Things sounds good in principle, giving consumers unparalleled convenience and access to the latest technology, but there is one requirement that can’t be ignored: the internet.

One idea for the Internet of Things is to place sensors on roads, traffic lights, utility grids, and buildings, but doing so represents an expensive venture.

Read more at: https://www.smartdatacollective.com/potential-hurdles-limiting-internet-things/


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An extraordinary age of Data-driven discovery

 IBM announced last week it has moved its cognitive computing system into the cloud to form the Watson Discovery Advisor, allowing researchers, academics and anyone else trying to leverage big data the ability to test programs and hypotheses at speeds never before seen.


"I think there have been a number of ways that we have improved the system since Jeopardy", said John Gordon, vice president of IBM Watson Systems.


IBM has been honing Watson's capabilities over the last three years, reducing its size and upping its power since its famous appearance on "Jeopardy!" in 2011.



"Part of Smarter Cities was working with different municipalities and governments to determine how technology could help them provide better services to their constituents", Gordon said.Read more at: https://www.fedscoop.com/watson-cloud/


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Current demand for the data scientist job

The data scientist focuses their efforts on developing analytics solutions that solve a specific and unique business problem. The primary reason for this declining demand, according to the author was that increased automation and operationalization of business processes will not require the technical skills of the data scientist. IT individuals steeped in the more traditional computer science discipline are trained and developed to focus their skills on developing solution that streamline business processes. Creating a technological environment which allows access to data and the potential for increased automation is the role of IT. This kind of scenario is simply going to increase the demand for both data scientists and IT in our Big Data world, regardless of certain opinions on the declining importance of data science. .Read more at: https://www.smartdatacollective.com/demise-data-scientist-heresy-or-fact/

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Dear president , Sleep more Tweet less!

It’s no secret that President Trump prefers tweeting over talking to the public — particularly when nearly everyone else in the country is fast asleep.

Trump’s Twitter archive shows that some of his angriest and most flamboyant accusations are issued early in the morning.

For most people, the middle of the night and the very early morning are not great times to make decisions, to say nothing of making policy pronouncements or political commentary.

At those times, you are likely to be close to so-called REM or dream sleep, which we all know brings about intense and often distorted emotions and thoughts, often about the events in our everyday lives.

These are times for reflection, not for social media.


A bit of unsolicited medical advice for President Trump: For the sake of the nation, stop tweeting and go back to bed.Read more at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/05/opinion/mr-trump-stop-tweeting-sleep-deprivation.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FSocial%20Media


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Netflix on a cancellation binge

Is Netflix about to set forth on a cancellation binge? A week after it axed “The Get Down,” its expensive single-season music drama, Netflix announced Thursday that it was canceling its sci-fi drama “Sense8” after two seasons.

After 23 episodes, 16 cities and 13 countries, the story of the Sense8 cluster is coming to an end.

Netflix has poured billions of dollars into original TV shows, and it has only canceled a small fraction of them.

But the company’s chief executive, Reed Hastings, recently suggested this was something they might be prone to do.


“I’m always pushing the content team, We have to take more risk, you have to try more crazy things, because we should have a higher cancel rate overall,” he said Wednesday in an interview with CNBC. Read more at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/arts/television/sense8-netflix-canceled.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Ftechnology&_r=0


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The8App:Money Maker

The8App Cloud provides individual users a daily stream of direct offers from brands that need to reward them for posting or sharing relevant content across their own social platforms.

Micro-influencers need to be rewarded for his or her interactions on social media and The8App allows users to legitimise their social influence by sharing brand campaigns.

Brands may love the chance to faucet into influencers so that they will incentivize social content on behalf of the brand.

Although the brand needs to "empower each individual with the tools to legitimise their social influence," blindly sharing ads across social feeds isn't correct.


Like affiliate selling revenue for the tip user, users may need to attend it slow till they will alone live off their social media activities from the app. Read more at :



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