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Twitter gets its New Director of VR and AR

Twitter hires ex-apple worker, Alessandro Sabatelli who is an interface designer and joined as the Director of VR and AR. He is also the founder of Ixomoxi. He will be working on the machine learning and AI team-Corex. Sabatelli will also work on Magic Pony, a technology that enhances video and image quality on twitter. By combing Machine learning and augmented reality together, Twitter can develop snapshot features like Face Swap etc. Also, augmented reality can combined with geolocation and geotagging tool. Read more at:  http://tech.firstpost.com/news-analysis/twitter-hires-ex-apple-designer-as-director-of-vr-and-ar-322924.html?utm_source=top_stories 


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Facebook Updates its Feed Algorithm

Fed up from the endless advertisers, publishers and contact posts on Facebook? Well Facebook is updating its feed algorithm which will more priority for the friends post over ads, etc. Seems like Facebook wants to stick to its main principle 'Connecting people, places. Starting with people one is friends with on Facebook'. Many updates have been done already in the past like to reduce the amount of posts about friends liking or commenting on some post. It is clear that Facebook doesn't want to get into the business of spreading news issues the world should read about. But rather show articles, which are informative and interesting. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kathleenchaykowski/2016/06/29/facebook-tweaks-news-feed-algorithm-to-prioritize-posts-from-friends-you-care-about/#5b0bbedb2598


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New Technology of iPhone

At the 10th anniversary of the original iPhone, Apple has decided to do something unique. To tell the design changes bought on the iPhone, which can include edge to edge LED and many more. According to the sources, more changes can be bought like eliminating the home button by building the fingerprint sensor into the display. Read more at: http://tech.firstpost.com/news-analysis/wwdc-2016-siri-imessage-and-maps-open-to-third-party-devs-320457.html


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Twitter taking help of Machine Learning

Twitter will now be shaking hands with a machine-learning startup that specializes in working with images, to deliver better video and picture content to expand its Machine Learning and AI parts. According to the sources, nearly $150 million is invested in this machine learning startup. A team of engineers will help Twitter by letting the users explore new experiences and share them. Read more at:  http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/twitter-allows-users-to-share-140-second-videos/articleshow/52848116.cms


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Invest To Bring Your Passion Together

Larry Page, the CEO of Alphabet (Google's parent company), is funding two different self-driving car startups. He spent a whopping amount of $100 million in order to bring his passions together. Larry Page has also been personally funding one such startup which aims to create self-driving vehicles-Zee. Aero, launched in 2010. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2016/06/09/googles-larry-page-is-spending-100-million-to-build-flying-cars/#21084c5c5855


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Protect Your Social Media Accounts

32 million Twitter passwords were sold for whopping 10 Bit coins (around $5,775). Though Twitter denies the hacking fact, but as far as sources are concerned, the fact is real. The major fact that can be concluded from this is that it's not tough to hack one's account. Some steps can be taken to insure that your tweets do not fall in the hands of those who would use them for spam links. One step is to get a password manager, like LastPass, who would generate a random password for you which is difficult to hack as the passwords undergo the process of hashing. The second option is going for an OTP along with your normal password for every time you log in. Hacking can only be achieved if you lose your device. Twitter, Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft, all provide this under the 'Security Privacy' tab. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/06/09/32m-twitter-passwords-sale-password-manager-two-factor-authentication/#735a5e622073



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Work On Your Managing Price Risk Skills

Financial professionals nowadays is managing price risk to handle many challenges like low price, randomness, oversupply and unpredictable swings. You should always be prepared for an unanticipated rise and drop in prices. You need to be foresighted to be good at managing risks. Having no hedging strategy is a risk in itself. Always have a plan according to your needs and experiences in your mind. Heterogeneity is also crucial for overall risk management. Self-made options, currency hedging and structured products are other important solutions to it. Taking an integrated approach is always a good idea. Gone is the time when the companies used to seek help from large banks. A new trend of working along with non-bank organizations to achieve their hedging goals is gaining popularity. Along with regulatory requirements, it ensures to provide a stable balance sheet and reputation. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/cargill/2016/06/08/manage-risk-with-confidence/#7104ea8f6bd1


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