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Five Ways To Make Your CRM System Work More Efficiently

Is your CRM system making you work but isn't working out for your company then here are some tips that will come handy. Oliver Lopez, founder and CEO of Structsales, in his blogpost on Hubspot Blogs puts down 5 points thinking along which one can make for a great CRM system for their organization.

• The relationship between sales process and CRM 

• Find your key performance indicators

• Give Reps clear and compelling guideline

• Link sales process to buying process

• What you need in CRM 

For more takeaways from this piece of information follow the link http://blog.hubspot.com/sales/how-to-make-crm-work-for-your-organization-and-not-the-other-way-around

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CRM - The Future of Smart Businesses

 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the approach of managing a company’s interactions with customers. It involves various technologies that organize and automate marketing, customer service and technical support. Companies employ Business Intelligence (BI) tools for the same. A BI tool is useful when it has rich, in-depth data to analyze from a CRM system. It helps companies organize and manage customer data by improving tactical and strategic decision-making for company growth.

Objectives of integrating BI and CRM:-
1. Collecting and consolidating data, lowers overhead
2. Missing data is lesser as it stores data in a central location
3. Duplicate data can be detected easily.
The methodology for the above integration follows Review, Analyze, Plan, Implement, and Deploy (RAPID). Read more at: 



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Sales Opportunity Through Customer Service

Customers always want good customer service and like timely support and excellent customer service drives repeat business. Customers can pay a little more for products or services if they receive good customer service. CRM system helps to improve customer support and increase sales through automated e-mails, quotes, and invitations to sales events. Anthony Ortega (Analyst with Studio B) writes in his article link about how to turn great customer support into sales. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/turning-customer-support-into-future-sales-opportunities-66195



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Use Of CRM Dashboard In A Manufacturing Process

In a manufacturing process everything is volatile and the main driver of that volatility is demand. Customer relationship management (CRM) system is the best place that reveals to us whether a product is in demand or not. The CRM system shows what will be bought and by whom. Earlier, assistants would gather data from people or reports, combine these data into spreadsheets, and then make the calculations. But, nowadays, dashboards are used to reduce the workload. David Gillman (Analyst with Studio B), writes in his article link about some common metrics that manufacturers need from the CRM system. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-dashboard-data-that-matters-most-to-manufacturing-executives-66197



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Social CRM: An Emerging Trend

One of the challenges that the digital marketers face is to reach the right customer. Nowadays, social media marketing is treated in the same way as email or SMS. But, nowadays, social Customer Relationship Management is gaining importance and marketers can now identify leads on social channels and send them straight into the CRM system, so that they can be converted into sales. The major difference between traditional and social CRM, is that the customer becomes important and companies actually interact and collaborate with customers, building relationships with them. This approach can be more successful than traditional sales and marketing campaigns. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/social-media-marketing/maximising-every-customer-sales-opportunity-with-social-crm/1709




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Customer Retention & CRM

Customer retention is the hardest part when maintaining quality leads. But, with the help of CRM, it is easy to make sure that one is following a process that will boost business. CRM system helps to create more productive campaigns and by monitoring response rates helps to build a successful business. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-lead-generation/can-crm-be-your-new-lead-retention-tool/1621



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Is Integration of CMS and CRM System Possible?

Small to medium-sized businesses use contact management systems (CMS), where a single sales person interacts with the entire client base and they replace CMS with CRM system when their clientele increases. Marketing can be done using CMSs, but with CRM systems one can extract sales data more implicitly. CRM systems allow marketers to target customers that the system has identified by analyzing and CMSs reveal when last time a customer purchased a product or service. Nowadays, vendors advertise their CRM products with features that allow for the integration of CMSs but in reality, data from the contact management software can only be extracted and imported into the CRM system. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/is-it-time-to-integrate-your-contact-management-software-with-your-crm-software-65416



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Benefits of CRM System

CRM is installed to manage relations with customers. But, CRM can reduce the load on owners and managers by automating day-to-day jobs. CRM system helps to keep track of conversations with customers. A good CRM system includes tools for scheduling emails and sending them automatically and also helps to personalize your relationships with your customers. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/relieve-headaches-with-crm-automation-65154



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How CRM Helps In Building Customer Loyalty

Gartner research forestalls that the customer relationship management (CRM) market will be worth $36.4 billion by 2017 because staying in touch with customers is the key for surviving in any business. The main purpose of a CRM solution is to provide any business with data that helps you to take the best decision and build relationships that establish strong customer loyalty. To do that, it’s important to track all types of interactions with your customers. Jeff Orloff (content developer for an e-mail security awareness company) in his article writes about some important customer touch points that are commonly tracked. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-customer-touch-points-you-arent-tracking-in-your-crm-system-64884


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CRM Training Strategy

Successful adoption of CRM system begins when companies make a good strategy to adopt CRM. It begins when implementation team begins training as soon as the product decision is made. Another aspect is the adoption of training and for training it is advisable to consider each group of users that will adopt the new system. A CRM training strategy can make or break a CRM system. Companies have to make sure users are properly prepared to adopt the new system by beginning the training early, customizing training to each user group, and re-training on a regular basis. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/is-your-crm-training-strategy-good-enough-64696



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Selection Criteria for CRM

When a company implements CRM Solution, usability should be the most important criteria because it is found that CRM systems work only if they’re used; if the system is too complicated, it will never serve the purpose for which you purchased it. But, we should know what is meant by usability. Usability refers to the ease of use. It measures how well a user interacts with the CRM application. But, it is not this simple. There are many factors to measure usability. Jeff Orloff (an analyst with Studio B) writes in his article about usability in details. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/usability-as-a-selection-criterion-for-crm-63210



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