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Installment Loans: Relief to Bad Credit

Installment loans make it easy to deal with the financial urgencies. People with fixed monthly income should go for the installment loans. For the students, it eases the pressure of the payment of tuition fee, by giving flexible options for installment. Also for the long-term desires, one needs a large amount for which installment loans is a secured option with hassle-free funding. The online platform is making the whole scenario more convenient in order to attain the loans directly from the lenders.

Read more at: http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/finance/how-installment-loans-provide-relief-in-bad-credit-situation.html


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Why Corporate Treasury important For Companies?

Companies need money to run and have treasury for the same, taking care of incoming and outgoing money. Corporate treasury works, comprising liability and an asset division.  Liability division raises working as well as long-term funds and asset division fulfill the purpose of investment of any surplus fund. The liability group gets the money from different sources and then it is deployed for the asset division. Short term funds are raised when there’s need for liquidity. The surplus of liquidity get invested in asset division and hence, the company ensures no opportunity loss. Two broader divisions are there- Back office and mid office. Keeping a check on interest rates is also an important task of the Treasury, in order to not have uncompetitive products in the market as per the price parity. The corporate treasury, therefore, plays a pivotal role in the functioning of the organization.

Read more at: https://www.mbaskool.com/business-articles/finance/17619-corporate-treasury-managing-business-funds.html


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When FinTech Came to Young India!

FinTech or financial technology entered Indian banking and finance sector a few years ago, but it's 2016 when it became noticeable. It not only enhanced the finance and banking of the country but also generated employment efficiently in the areas such as payments, retail baking, peer-to-peer debt financing, personal finance, asset management, institutional investments, remittances, and financial research and hence, the demand for data scientists is growing at a greater pace among FinTech companies along with Big Data, analytics. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are among the key technologies driving the FinTech industry. Therefore, the FinTech industry gives much more opportunities for young students and professionals in the analytics field. It would surpass the traditional BFSI industry in terms of growth, as well as the size and with an adequate supply of skilled labor and the overall impact of FinTech on economic growth will be huge. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/314042


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How to deal with Unpaid Invoices

According to a recent study, the average small business only has 27 days of cash reserves on hand which implies that there is a possibility of serious cash flow issues when a client is tardy with their payment. Dealing with unpaid invoices can be tough and to handle all aspects of the unpaid invoices, we need to take care of few things. First, there is a need to avoid working with clients who don’t pay on time. There must be a clear understanding of the terms and conditions so that no client can take benefit of the doubt. Considering mobile invoicing make the things more convenient. There is a need to handle the issues in a professional and systematic way. If there are cash flow problems due to outstanding invoices, the option of invoice financing can be chosen. Approval for invoice finance is a quick process and hence can be useful at the time of crisis. Unpaid invoices result in a lot of time wasted chasing clients for payment. However, there are ways to get back the money from the clients, keeping the business financially sound. 

Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/finance/5-ways-deal-unpaid-invoices-2018-02022443


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Commodity Trading Advisor- More than a Portfolio Manager

Earlier the commodity trading advisor is supposed to trade commodities and futures for a managed futures fund. But now selection of investment products is more complex and varied which calls for the need of acute understanding of CTA, of these products. Role of today’s CTA is related to derivative analysis also and hence not only limited role to trading. Analysis is now, the catalyst for the inclusion of value added service to retain customers which includes structured products, risk management and OTC derivatives.

Read more at: http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/finance/the-role-of-a-cta-commodity-trading-advisor.html


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