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When FinTech Came to Young India!

FinTech or financial technology entered Indian banking and finance sector a few years ago, but it's 2016 when it became noticeable. It not only enhanced the finance and banking of the country but also generated employment efficiently in the areas such as payments, retail baking, peer-to-peer debt financing, personal finance, asset management, institutional investments, remittances, and financial research and hence, the demand for data scientists is growing at a greater pace among FinTech companies along with Big Data, analytics. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are among the key technologies driving the FinTech industry. Therefore, the FinTech industry gives much more opportunities for young students and professionals in the analytics field. It would surpass the traditional BFSI industry in terms of growth, as well as the size and with an adequate supply of skilled labor and the overall impact of FinTech on economic growth will be huge. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/314042


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Retail Analytics: Is it Always Good?

Analytics is seen as a ladder to succeed in today’s world. It reminds everyone of the benefits that one can achieve with its application in business. But is analytics always useful? What people chose to ignore is its downside. In retail sector, although analytics helps to predict demand, but it also helps to predict the employees required to meet the demand. This in turn, leads to less stable work hours for part time workforce. To reduce the harm to real people, retail analytics should be used in a responsible manner.

To know more, read the following Forbes article:


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Three changes worth mentioning in Investment

According to Larry Fink, if you want to be a better investor than stop worrying about daily fluctuations and think of long term investing goals. Also, three major changes worth noticing have happened in past years which have long term implication on the economy. The developed world’s aging population is the first changing picture as the proportion of developed market population is expected to double (30%) by 2025. As a result labour force will shrink and greater people will take advantage of entitlement programs. It will be a challenge to all government to maintain the spending with such a rise. The phasing out of financial repression by U.S., i.e. financing its debt on own will benefit shareholders through capital structure arbitrage, while not appreciably hurting debt holders. These conditions will create a framework for equity optimization that allows risk asset prices to grind higher even in the face of what some believe are extended valuations. The rapid change in technology has displaced a lot from employment in many sectors. As such structural unemployment is expected to rise there will be a check on core inflation ( because inflation in real economy is generally due to wage increase). All these shifts matter a lot while deciding upon investment and also encourage corporations to engage in aggressive stock buybacks at the expense of capital reinvestment. Read more at: http://www.investopedia.com/partner/blackrock/articles/investing/072514/three-big-picture-shifts-worth-paying-attention.asp

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