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Building Brand Loyalty on Instagram

A smart business person knows how to use his/her’s Instagram profile to its full potential. Instagram provides a platform in building trust, also contributing to the long term loyalty of the brand. A strong customer relationship is extremely valued. Frequent interactions and word of mouth engine have proved themselves to be very important factors in strengthening the customer relationship over time. A few social media marketers pay a lot of importance on the follower counts and ratios. But on the other hand having a small number of followers who see the brand in a positive light is more valuable for the business.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/loyalty-marketing/how-to-build-brand-loyalty-on-instagram-02093963


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Ways to Significantly Improve Communication Skills

Communication is one of the most important skills required in almost all fields, especially in the field of business. To be a successful communicator one needs to have ability to listen to the other party. A good communicator should always take the time to practice listening. Learning about the nonverbal communication also adds to the skills of an efficient communicator. As we all know that humans have an attention span of a goldfish, so keeping the audience involved is another skill a good communicator needs to have.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/communications/how-to-significantly-improve-your-communication-skills-02096026


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The diverse impact of insolent emails

By rude mails, I don’t mean the blatantly rude mails, but those mails which keep annoying in one way or the other. The incivility in mails has created much wider problem than anticipated, which indeed have a ripple effect. Although mails are one of the most emerging work stressors, it is so ingrained in our work life that it would be impossible to totally get away with it. 

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/communications/rude-emails-have-a-wide-impact-02094741


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Five important things to keep in mind during a Presentation!

A very common misconception is too much of practice is going to result in a bad presentation. Enough practice helps us in knowing our lines better, giving us enough confidence so that we don’t have to struggle for the words. Also with the proper knowledge of the pitch we can have enough control and get back to the point that we want to make. The point is not to memorize the pitch word for word, which might work for some people, but the key point is to memorize the specific key lines and transition points. The first line, the first line of every slide or topic, the transition line, the last line of the presentation is of great importance in a presentation.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/communications/you-dont-have-to-memorize-your-entire-presentation-just-these-5-things-02082423


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Branding- the new Booze of the marketing industry!

Authentic branding has become the new essence, which every organization is taking up to increase their demand in the market. Generic branding in today’s market can cause a dearth of reputation of the company. Hence, branding should be such which is an ensemble of business, culture and reputation. Branding should align with the career progression, professional development and personal development.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/branding/5-features-to-include-in-your-employer-brand-02072256


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Importance of customers are the key to a successful business.

A Business owner wishes to know more about his/her customers, wants them to keep visiting the business more, and increase the purchases. To achieve such goals, loyalty programs are created. So basically marketing strategies involve in getting the customers and getting them to return. Loyalty programs are structured marketing strategies. It is designed to encourage customers to shop at or use the services of businesses again and again.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/loyalty-marketing/do-loyalty-programs-really-create-loyalty-02049183


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The key elements of marketing!

The marketing mix model has four key elements- product, place, price and promotion, which constitutes the four Ps. The four Ps need to work together. The only way a marketing plan can succeed if the four Ps are aligned and are worked in unison. Their role is to implement the strategic direction the top management has chosen.  However if one of the four Ps is not in sync with the others, then the entire plan becomes compromised.  All four Ps must be integrated and directed in the same direction; otherwise a company’s competitive model wouldn’t succeed. The four Ps shouldn’t be applied in a static way either. There will be times when one changes. The four Ps can be readjusted and need to be readjusted when one of its Ps’ changes.

To know more visit at: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newSTR_94.htm


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Ways to improve the networking skills!

Networking plays a vital role in any business owner’s marketing plan. Networking is the medium through which we come across people who help in expanding our brand or bring something to our business. But somehow networking seems to be a bad word, a word which is void of emotions. So even if networking seems to be a negative word, it is a very important part of business strategy. A good networker is the one, who asks questions, engages himself in the conversation, and listens sincerely to the other person.  Also attending large networking events is also the other best way of networking. Networking can turn out to be extremely fun and helpful for the business.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/communications/three-things-good-networkers-have-in-common-02075854


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Writing Tricks to Combat Short Attention Spans!

Words used should have the capacity to grab and keep the user’s attention. As they say, humans now have the attention span of a goldfish; some of the tips should be remembered before writing or publishing any content. Unnecessary uncommon words should not be used in any web content; it does not allow the audience to resonate, alienating them from the content. So instead of throwing bombastic words, stories should be told as to how to use the products and services and how it improves their life and work.  Writing in clear short sentences help give us the best chance to keep the attention of the readers intact.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/communications/6-writing-tricks-to-combat-short-attention-spans-02084934


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Ways to recover the reputation of a damaged company

If in any case, our corporate reputation has been broken, crushed or damaged, it needs rebuilding. The first and the foremost thing that needs to be done is to start somewhere. The long history of failures and scandals are the examples by looking at which we can learn what works and what doesn’t. There’s a lot that take in rebuilding a company’s reputation. We need to analyze the depth and extent of the damage done by the fallout. The second important step is to research on the customers’ comments. The customer base helps us sensing how many of them have left the brand. Reconnecting with the investors and stakeholders and resolving the issues is another important step for recovering from the damage done. Rebuilding a damaged company’s reputation is not an easy task, it might end up in taking a lot of time but with the right amount of efforts put, there’s a possibility.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/crisis-management/how-to-rebuild-a-damaged-corporate-reputation-02055252


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All you need to know about B2B

B2B or the Business-to-business marketing involves the sale of one company’s products or services to another company. B2B marketing refers to the techniques and best practices used by the companies to sell their products and services to other businesses. Finding new and innovative ways to increase relationships through social media is currently a hot topic in the B2B marketing world. New buzz-words and acronyms are popping out each day, in such an evolving marketing landscape.  A B2B marketer should be accustomed with certain terms and definitions.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/b2b-marketing/the-b2b-marketers-dictionary-terms-and-definitions-you-need-to-know-02088378


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The need of CRM in today’s Marketing World.

More customers mean higher profits but at the same time it gets difficult to keep contact with each one of them individually. On everyday basis, interactions take place between the sales manager a huge number of existing and potential clients. The information about them is stored in different files and it might get really confusing for them and lose a customer as a result.  The solution to this problem is the Customer Relation Management.  The CRM method is an automated method of sales management.  Human memory is not perfect, but with the CRM system any information will always be on hand. CRM allows to be always in touch with the customers, hence resulting in higher profits.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/b2b-marketing/4-reasons-why-crm-is-essential-for-sales-and-marketing-teams-02086135


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The importance of “WHY’” in public speaking

As many of us will agree that public speaking and presentation is not easy by any stretch of imagination. It requires a lot of practice and effort. It happens that only a very few people enjoy speaking in public or look forward to it. 73 percent of us consider it to be significant challenge, as suggested by the National Social Anxiety Centre. The most important question we need to ask ourselves before giving any presentation or during any public speaking is ‘Why’. Every presenter needs to have a clear idea why their presentation matters, how it will impact the audience. This reasoning of ‘Why’ is very important to instill confidence in the presenter.

To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/communications/the-most-important-word-in-public-speaking-and-presenting-is-w-why-02084805


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The reason why Emotional Agility is a necessity in workplace.

There is a certain level of expectation that our leaders should show some level of positivism, enthusiasm and confidence all the time. Also negative emotions are not very much appreciated in the workplace. So there is this tremendous pressure on the leaders as they have to maintain a positive attitude, even if at times it might not come to them naturally. Such kind of expectations that we keep from our leaders is harmful and impractical. Emotional agility is a term used to describe the inner experiences and emotions of people which can be responded productively with a clear head and open mind. Instead of confronting with their negative emotions, leaders generally suppress them or push them away, resulting them to make poor decisions. Emotional agility helps them to learn from their negative thoughts and emotions instead of being dominated by them. To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/communications/the-importance-of-emotional-agility-in-the-workplace-02076802


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Loyal customers are the key to a successful business.

A Business owner wishes to know more about his/her's customers, wants them to keep visiting the business more, and increase the purchases. To achieve such goals, loyalty programs are created. So basically marketing strategies involve in getting the customers and getting them to return. Loyalty programs are structured marketing strategies. It is designed to encourage customers to shop at or use the services of businesses again and again. To know more visit at: https://www.business2community.com/loyalty-marketing/do-loyalty-programs-really-create-loyalty-02049183


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Human Capital Management Software simplifying People Management!

Employees are the company’s most important asset and the HR department is critical in managing them. The HR department has huge responsibilities, right from recruiting employees to ensuring the employee’s rate, all the responsibilities fall under the HR department. With the pool of functions that an HR has to perform, the best would be to provide them with sophisticated HCM software which would make their work comparatively easy and more efficient. It is a tricky business to choose the best HCM software. We can either choose to have a specialized tool to perform one function efficiently. Or, we can go for a consolidated tool to help you manage all the HR process under one umbrella. These software save the company time and money, making the HR department more efficient.

To know more visit at: https://academy.whatfix.com/human-capital-management-hcm-software/


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Transformation of Human Capital Structure!

Great businesses are powered by great people. The term human capital signifies that the value of an employee can be measured and enhanced through investments in training, benefits, compensation and so on. And, of course, as the value of the workers has been growing in an organization, the software to manage HR functions and human capital has also evolved as well. Human resource information systems (HRIS) or human capital management (HCM), they arguably provide similar functions that are either part of, or integrated with, ERP software and go well beyond handling hiring, firings, payroll and benefits.

Read more at: https://www.cio.com/article/3269807/software/best-hcm-software-comparing-7-human-capital-management-platforms.html


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The Biggest important asset in an Organization - Human Capital

The companies that manage the human capital in the most effective and efficient manner are considered to be the most successful companies. Gary S. Becker, a Noble Prize-winning economist, coined the term “human capital”, saying that “the basic resource of a company is the people”.  With time, corporations are recognizing the importance of human capital more than ever. Companies are now beginning to understand that to stay on top of the global economy; they need to put more and more emphasis on developing and retaining their people. Cloud Computing infrastructure is the new salient trend in the IT industry which helps not only to expand business globally also provides a sophisticated and successful strategy to make business more reliable and flexible. Organizations need cloud-based HR system in upcoming days.

Read more at: https://www.hr-jump.com/blog/2017/10/31/why-is-human-capital-management-important-in-organizations


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Android holding the reins of modern life!

Seems like android has been around for an extremely long time. The fun fact about android is that android was originally made for digital cameras. Android has transformed and evolved a lot over time. There are a lot of different versions, and every version of Android is a code name, which many people use instead of the version numbers like Android8.0-8.1, Oreo,Android7.0-7.1.2,Nougat:Android6.0-6.0.1,Marshmallow,Android5.0-5.1.1, Lollipop. Each one is named after a dessert or some other form of confection, which is more for fun than anything else. To know more visit at:  https://www.howtogeek.com/345250/whats-the-latest-version-of-android/


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Business Intelligence tools for small and big businesses

The implementation of Business Intelligence Tools have gained enormous importance, as there are terabytes of data incoming from many sources from all over the world. With such quantities of data at their disposal, these companies want to analyze and track sales dynamics, trends, and analyze the efficiency of their business decisions. It is vital to perform these operations in a timely manner, so that the analysts can work with these data. Big complex data can now be easily managed through the help of business intelligence tools by any small or big organizations. The collection of data are analyzed and are converted into simple reports, which helps the organization with valuable insights, which indeed helps them in earning necessary profits. To know more visit at:  https://financesonline.com/15-best-business-intelligence-tools-small-big-business/


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