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Know how smart the market is!

Market intelligence is the process of gathering data from the company’s external environment to stay ahead in the competition. Outcomes of market intelligence are market opportunity, market penetration strategy, and market development. Building a solid market intelligent system is vital to having the information necessary to compete and win in the business battle ground. Market intelligence deals with a lot of insights. The main sources of raw data collection for market intelligence are sales log, surveys and social media. To know more, visit:  http://www.dobney.com/market_intelligence.htm


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Ever wondered what Business Intelligence is?

In today’s business world, companies generate a lot of data. Now, we now have things like social media and cloud based business services and they all generate tones of data, which is the biggest challenge for BI. Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the tools, technologies, applications and practices used to collect, integrate, analyze, and present an organization’s raw data in order to create insightful and actionable business information. The purpose of Business Intelligence in a business is to tackle with the questions as to what are its main benefits. Read more at: https://financesonline.com/purpose-business-intelligence-business/


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Importance of processes for successful business

In an organization it may seem that the processes are ordered and it runs smoothly, but the affects are not always in line with the expectations. Companies expect and get results from process improvement, Business process improvement (BPI), also known as functional process improvement is a strategic planning methodology which aims at identifying the operations or employee skills which would eventually lead to smoother procedures and more efficient workflow for the overall growth of the business. Its main purpose is to meet customer demands and business goals more effectively. Read more at: https://financesonline.com/purpose-business-intelligence-business/


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The World of Artificial Intelligence

The world of artificial intelligence is so much exciting. So basically Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. In the year 1956, John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” and defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines." Precisely AI is a machine with the ability to solve problems that is usually done by us humans with our natural intelligence. AI is a broad branch of computer science. The goal of AI is to create systems that can perform intelligently and independently. Read more at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/artificial_intelligence.htm


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