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Bringing Artificial Intelligence in Business

Now a days, companies are investing a huge amount of money in Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Robotics etc in order to be up to date with technology. However, still there are few limitations that each of them faces. Even after adopting various technologies, the reports stated that the company still struggles in defining goals. Below are the five steps that companies must follow in order to improve and to meet their expectation for automation technology:

  1. Recognize that the use of intelligent automation is transformative, and built on the use of new machines and data sources
  2. Formulate a comprehensive approach to automating the service delivery model
  3. Measure value vs. risk
  4. Consider the “operating model” in all forms
  5. Disrupt from within

Bringing innovation in always good but it is also suggested to look for other alternatives for investment as not all technologies proves to be powerful for a company.

Read more about it at https://www.techrepublic.com/article/5-steps-to-help-your-company-benefit-from-ai/


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The World of Artificial Intelligence

The world of artificial intelligence is so much exciting. So basically Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. In the year 1956, John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” and defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines." Precisely AI is a machine with the ability to solve problems that is usually done by us humans with our natural intelligence. AI is a broad branch of computer science. The goal of AI is to create systems that can perform intelligently and independently. Read more at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/artificial_intelligence.htm


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Cloud Computing and Robots

Cloud computing has helped in evolving the robot technology to greater heights. More information and data are being delivered in real time. Robots have started to learn much quicker. Robot movies have started to become reality. They have started helping us with healthcare. Read more at: 




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Technology is Intruding The World of  Natural Resources 

Technology in the natural resources business is changing the environment for producers of major commodities like oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, and copper by giving them better opportunities for increasing the production and lowering the cost. Combining robotics, internet-of-things technology, and data analytics with macroeconomic trends and changing consumer behavior will enable the producers to efficiently use the energy. Technology is also helping the consumers to utilize the energy in their homes, offices, and firms more efficient. Development of technology is also helping in reducing the transportation and electricity cost, increasing the safety of the miners, providing advanced forms of grinding and grinding of many metals and accessing the mines and wells which were once unexplored. By using the existing and new technology, the productivity, efficiency can be increased. The extensive use of technology in mining is not an easy process and will take a lot of time but its reward will be very attractive. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/06/how-the-natural-resources-business-is-turning-into-a-technology-industry


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Internet of Things - The Next Wave Is Here

Internet of Things - The Next Wave Is Here

If you think that the internet is the best invention of all the time, then watch your words, there is more that will amaze you more than internet ever could be, presenting - Internet of Things.

 Internet of Things (IoT) is an arrangement of interrelated registered devices, i.e. they are more advanced machines, objects, that is equipped with interesting identifiers and have the capacity to exchange information over a system without requiring human-to-human alternately human-to-computer communication.

It is basically the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

The IoT permits things to be sensed furthermore and remotely over existing organizational infrastructure, making chances to a greater amount to regulate the mix of the physical universe under computer-based systems, and bringing about enhanced efficiency, exactness and more investment benefit. When IoT is combined with sensors and actuators then these devices become a system to generate and analyse the life of a human and their interaction with different object that grows up the technology-human relations, which includes innovations for example, advanced mobile grids, advanced mobile homes, smart transportation smart cities. Every relic is particularly recognizable proof through its inserted registering framework anyway can inter-operate inside the existing web foundation.

Some examples of IoT based platforms are:

  1. Google Home: Speaker with Google Assistant

If you loved Google Assistant in your android devices or Chromebooks, then this device is for you. It is a home Speaker system that works with the google assistant embedded in it.

  1. CUJO: Smart Firewall for the Smart Home

         Is Home Security is your concern??? Then Cujo is the answer for you. It analyses the local network traffic data in real time and sends statistics on that data to cloud for further analysis. 

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Re-framing The Current Job Scenario

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs study, it is predicted that 5 million jobs will be lost before 2020 as artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and other socioeconomic factors replace the need for human workers. However, the good news is that these new technological advances will also create 2.1 million new jobs in the areas of computing, mathematics, architecture and engineering. So, the employees have to be re-skilled in order to meet the demands. Read more at: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/09/jobs-of-future-and-skills-you-need?utm_content=bufferedf7b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer



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Technology Changing Journalism

We are moving towards a future in which technology will change journalism. Over the last couple decades, media sales and marketing have been on a journal to find effective ways to monetize digital media. Technology engaged journalists in the preparation of visual or audio material intended for dissemination through public media. It includes genres such as news, reports, analysis about a variety of topics including communication technologies, social media, internet, scientific research, robotics and policy regarding the digital world.
To know more, please read the article by Tom Regan(Blogger foe NPR): http://niemanreports.org/articles/technology-is-changing-journalism/

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Robots- exhibiting feelings & emotions

How about a system which can learn from its mistakes? How about a system which can evolve over time automatically? We refer to these features as Artificial Intelligence, exhibited by a software or by a machine. 

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