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Voice Conversation matters!

Internet has opened up new possibilities for communicating, from emailing and blogging to mobile video chatting. Most businesses now communicate with their customers through multiple online channels. As brands prioritize this digital experience, they often overlook communicating by voice is faster, easier, and more effective than typing messages. According to the advertising and marketing advisory firm BIA/Kelsey, calls to businesses are expected to exceed 169 billion per year by 2020. These calls are 10-15 times more likely to generate a successful sale or follow-up activity than digital form submissions, which means they are more efficient in generating revenue. Voice is central to communication, and because it’s not strictly an online channel, it presents a challenge for brands that treat digital transformation as a matter of generating clicks and website views. The challenge is particularly acute for businesses that operate in categories such as insurance, lending, travel, or healthcare. In these “considered purchase” categories, consumers typically reach out to a brand after conducting preliminary research online, and are thus well qualified to buy. Read more at https://hbr.org/2017/07/your-customers-still-want-to-talk-to-a-human-being



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Internet of Things - The Next Wave Is Here

Internet of Things - The Next Wave Is Here

If you think that the internet is the best invention of all the time, then watch your words, there is more that will amaze you more than internet ever could be, presenting - Internet of Things.

 Internet of Things (IoT) is an arrangement of interrelated registered devices, i.e. they are more advanced machines, objects, that is equipped with interesting identifiers and have the capacity to exchange information over a system without requiring human-to-human alternately human-to-computer communication.

It is basically the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

The IoT permits things to be sensed furthermore and remotely over existing organizational infrastructure, making chances to a greater amount to regulate the mix of the physical universe under computer-based systems, and bringing about enhanced efficiency, exactness and more investment benefit. When IoT is combined with sensors and actuators then these devices become a system to generate and analyse the life of a human and their interaction with different object that grows up the technology-human relations, which includes innovations for example, advanced mobile grids, advanced mobile homes, smart transportation smart cities. Every relic is particularly recognizable proof through its inserted registering framework anyway can inter-operate inside the existing web foundation.

Some examples of IoT based platforms are:

  1. Google Home: Speaker with Google Assistant

If you loved Google Assistant in your android devices or Chromebooks, then this device is for you. It is a home Speaker system that works with the google assistant embedded in it.

  1. CUJO: Smart Firewall for the Smart Home

         Is Home Security is your concern??? Then Cujo is the answer for you. It analyses the local network traffic data in real time and sends statistics on that data to cloud for further analysis. 

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Some marketing tools, you should use in this era

The Internet is giving us so much opportunity to improve our writing, presentation on any topic. Some marketing tools are really helpful and time saving, above all we can learn anything on our own by using these marketing tools. Kasia Perzyńska (a reliable and independent SaaS Marketer) writes an article about what marketing tools we must use in our daily lives. She also writes the details about these marketing tools which will help all the readers. Read more at:



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Impact of Social Media On Shopping Behavior

Social media refers to the use of virtual social networks, peer review and other social tools in purchasing process. According to a study, 64% of smartphone users use their phone to shop - and most of them look for reviews and recommendations from a number of sources to help them make their buying decisions. Reviews in social media affect consumers of different ages and races. Shoppers embrace the Internet for a variety of reasons like convenience, price, and selection. Read more at:



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Tips to prevent cybercrimes

We use the internet every day to access social media. We perform many tasks using the internet believing that it is safe, but it is not so. Sometimes, we neglect the security and preventative measures. To prevent cybercrimes, there are some tips that can be followed. They are: • Constantly update passwords and log in details.

• Use encryption for important files

• By activating the built-in security feature we can avoid any access to personal details in our mobile devices.

• Always think before clicking on a link or file of unknown origin .Everyone must check the source of the message.

To read visit on:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2016/02/09/eight-proven-strategies-to-deal-with-cybercrime/#2307b2d1258c


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Does marketing tech fulfill their promise?

The goal of marketing technology is to deliver "the right message to the right customer or audience at the right time," says Jake Sorofman, research vice president at Gartner. Marketing technology has evolved into a combination of complex software and data. Tools which are used today with marketing technology also create new complexities and difficulties. It can't solve the ad- waste dilemma. This means that the marketing team wastes billions of dollars on digital ads that no one sees. Marketing tech can't tell about the impact an advertisement had about the brand to the viewer. Read the complete article here: http://www.cio.com/article/3024934/marketing/how-and-why-marketing-tech-fails-to-deliver-on-its-promise.html

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How ad tech and marketing tech are different from each other?

There is a lot of confusion building around marketing tech and ad tech. Are they same or different? There are minute differences between the two. Let's see what they are. Marketing technology comprises of tools that manage marketing processes, customer analytics, digital content and workflows. It covers all aspects of marketing, SEO, and even ad tech. It is basically the understanding the customer and optimizing data science around them. Programmatic buying and selling of advertisements are referred as ad tech. Both of these technologies also share many similarities. Read the complete article here:  http://www.itworld.com/article/3030325/marketing/what-the-hell-is-the-difference-between-ad-tech-and-marketing-tech.html

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Reach Of Big Data

Big Data, one of the prevailing trend has changed our mind-set about Internet and other Technologies. The five keys to get an idea of the reach of Big Data are: 1) the amount of Data transmitted through an optical fiber doubles every nine months. 2) The number of cellphones in the world is now equal to the number of people thus becoming the fastest adopted technology ever. 3) Facebook has 1.3 billion active users and one hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute 4) The number of IP-enabled sensors are increasing 5) 90% of the world's stock of data was generated in the past two years. Thus, Big Data has many applications in the business world. Read more about this article at:  https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/5-data-about-big-data/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=techreview&utm_campaign=MITcompany&utm_content=5bigdata 

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101 of Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is a new way of collecting data which are then stored in the cloud, interpreted that users will interact with through their phones, and then shared socially. It will allow businesses to know more about their customers that will help them to market products in new ways through completely new channels. The Internet of Things is changing the internet from a thing that people use sometimes into a thing that exists. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/internet-of-things-101-2/1597




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Credit card balance: An Insight

One may think how anyone can make a profit by issuing credit cards. Lending money to people up front, so they can buy what they want to with it, then 30 days to pay it back without interest. But the contradiction is with a market valuation of about $133 billion and profit margins at 42%, Visa has proven that extending credit to consumers and assuming they'll be irresponsible is as gainful an industry as any. The process involved in the Visa model is: Bank X distributes its Bank X Visa cards to accountholders, who now have the convenience of not having to carry wads of bills for every commercial transaction. Now the banks start charging 14% or 19% or 24% interest which keeps adding to its total revenue. Visa, in the form which it is today would not have existed if people bought only what they could afford and saved for their large purchases. If you pay your Visa bill entirety every month, it costs your financial institution to accommodate you. They'll lose money on the deal. On the other side if you incur a balance and add to it with each pay period, you'll be contributing to a scenario whereby Visa's stock price has not only tripled over the past three years, but remains well shy of an ambitious one-year target estimate. Read more at: : http://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/080714/how-visa-counts-your-credit-card-balance.asp

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Marketing strategies of small businesses.

The Internet is the great equalizer as it gives small businesses marketing opportunities on par with their larger competitors. The good news is that a number of inexpensive small business marketing methods can help a business achieve its goal-and some are even free. The following are the small business Marketing Tips one can afford: 1. Post videos online

2. Post case studies on one’s website

3. Use company’s blog to reach out to prospects and customers

4. List the company on Google Maps/Local

5. Search forums for customers

6. Share information all over the Web

7. Use content curation to drive interest in the products

8. Use online services to re-target lost sales and to list products

9. Use Facebook's sponsored stories

10. Use online services to get the media's attention.

Not every marketing tactics listed above will work well for every company, but a combination of several of them—or adaptations to any of them—should be helpful to just about any company.


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Emerging trends of Data Analytics

The year 2014 tends to be an important year where technology discovery will further build a future in which companies make data-driven decisions. The Top 5 data analytics trends that companies believe are going to rule the industry are:

• Data Visualization Goes Mainstream-Visual analytics allows business users to ask interactive questions regarding their prepared data sets which makes the whole process engaging.

• Mobile Data Marches to the Top- The top priorities for companies will be defining mobile metrics that matter, understanding mobile technology and collecting and analyzing mobile data.

• Analytics in the Cloud Grows Up- Innovations like cloud data warehouse platform from Amazon will gain importance  enabling fast and secure solution at very cheap prices.

• Predictive Analytics Takes Center Stage- the increasing demand for business users to examine data for decision making, provide the base for predictive analytics to gain significant ground in 2014.

• Internet of Things -- It’s everywhere! - Companies that are doing a great effort in product design and development will emerge as the first winners as they adopt through innovative marketing.

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What Actually is Big Data?

Big Data is a buzzing concept nowadays. When all people around the world are reviewing, commenting, tweeting, blogging, clicking pictures all about the same movie over the Internet, it makes a data worth billions of bytes. This data spread across the Internet is called the Big Data. According to McKinsey a business using Big Data to the full could increase its operating margin by more than 60 percent. Internet has provided businesses with new and profound ways to improve productivity. Companies will benefit from Big Data if they are able to extract unknown patterns from the data and use them in remodeling business activities. According to Weatherhead  University Professor Gray King, there is a Big Data revolution which is the fact that now we can do something with the data. As Gary King said “The importance of Big Data lies in improved statistical and computational methods, not in the exponential growth of storage or even computational capacity”. Read more at:


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The benefits of CRM

Customer relationship management deals with all types of interaction between a company and a customer, whether it is sales or service-related. Customer relationship management is generally used to explain the relationship between business houses and customers. CRM systems are also used to manage business contacts, clients, contract wins and sales leads. Technology Advancement have changed consumer buying behavior, and today there are many alternatives in which a company can get in touch with its customers and collect data about them. Technology and the Internet have changed the way companies approach customer relationship strategies. There are various benefits of CRM strategy like it helps  understanding the customer, retaining customers through delivery of better customer experience, attracting new customers, win new clients and contracts, increased profitability, decrease customer management and helps the companies to know what the customers and the general market want. To know more about CRM go to:http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/CRM.html

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Is OpenSSL secure in its dominance?

OpenSSL is a software library which is used in everyday for proper functioning of internet. It is not only used for SSL by websites, but also for all sort of software with cryptographic need use it. OpenSSL is dependent more on API more than its OpenSSL library. Including both of this in the system may cause a risk for the major developers like Red Hat. For more information, go through the article written by Larry Seltzer, an expert in technology.


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Job opportunities in BFSI sector

With the advancement of new technologies, big data and internet, young professionals are getting opportunities for new career options. With the growth of facebook and twitter, different organisations of BFSI sector require more professionals for their work like collecting data, prediction and forecasting revenue. So doors for new jobs are being opened in front of the young pool of talents.

For more information, please go through: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/jobs/rise-in-demand-for-social-media-experts-in-fmcg-bfsi-pharma-companies/articleshow/29500508.cms

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