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Mobile Apps - Strengthen Big Data to boost Sales & Marketing

The Big Data analytics remains a highly significant factor when there is a point of mobile marketing. Every business is aware of the role of mobile apps and big data analytics in establishing a brand image and marketing their products. The apps's anywhere-anytime nature helped the businesses acquire more insights on the user data based on input, usage patterns, and the user behavior. This huge reserve of mobile user data is used further for the purpose of optimizing the mobile user experiences, to drive as well as build the mobile traffic, to drive more user interaction and engagement and to push the business conversion. Some critical facets need to keep business in their mind: i) Data driven approach to marketing must be cross disciplinary. ii) focus must be on the right KPIs and importance must be given to insights between lines than just numbers. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/mobile-apps-leverage-big-data-drive-sales-marketing/

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Prisma: Things You Can Learn from Marketing Phenomena of 2016

Prisma can be considered as one of the best examples of viral marketing in 2016. Social media sites are flooded with pictures from this application. As a marketer what you need to see beyond these pictures is why the simple photo filter app is gaining popularity with no efforts to promote it at all. The users promote the app on their own, for reasons like the simplicity of the application and easy integration of the app with the social media. Another smart trick that Prisma teaches us, is to offer a better alternative to products already being used by the customers instead of trying your luck with something totally new. The way Prisma used IOS to tease Android users and build the urge in them for the app, is another very smart technique to popularize your platform. Resist the urge to market more than needed instead let your customers market for you. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/280101


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Pokemon Is Not Just For Children Anymore!

Pokemon Is Not Just For Children Anymore!

Pokemon Go is all set to revolutionize the online game world. Unlike other apps which requires sign-up into the google accounts, Pokemon Go needs no personal information. Once Pokemon Go is signed in through one's Google Account, he can read your emails and send emails from your account; view, edit or delete his google drive documents, browse your search history. Read more at: http://www.news.com.au/technology/pokemon-go-gives-the-developers-full-access-to-your-google-account/news-story/b30294207a44933c698a14f40f357c3c


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Some marketing tools, you should use in this era

The Internet is giving us so much opportunity to improve our writing, presentation on any topic. Some marketing tools are really helpful and time saving, above all we can learn anything on our own by using these marketing tools. Kasia Perzyńska (a reliable and independent SaaS Marketer) writes an article about what marketing tools we must use in our daily lives. She also writes the details about these marketing tools which will help all the readers. Read more at:



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Alternative route to advertise

We all love social media and know how it’s helping companies leveraging their markets share by advertisement everyday but the truth is something else.

 According to 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, the truth has been revealed:

• Only 45% of Facebook marketers feel their efforts are effective

• Only 42% of marketers believe they can accurately measure their social media results


But advertisers can choose an alternative route to promote their product which are as follows 

1. Retail Checkout Lines

2.  Mobile

3. Email advertisement 

To know more, please read the article written by Liesha Petrovich at The Huffington Post -: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/3-places-to-put-your-mark_b_9821980.html?section=india



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Video memes - New way to express your feelings

We share smiley, pictures and even videos, share our emotions, but now video memes can be used to express the same. App developers have created an app which can create video memes. Developers believe that it can replace the images and GIF's. This app has a full library of some 5,000 clips, or you can browse categories like "Excited," "Love," "LOL," "Angry," etc. We can share it to imessage or Messenger, as well as other networks like Facebook, Twitter, Slack, GroupMe and more. Videos are shared in MP4 format. To know more about this app, please read the article by Sarah Perez (writer at TechCrunch) -: http://techcrunch.com/2016/04/06/this-new-app-lets-you-express-your-feelings-with-video-memes-not-gifs/


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Technology for visually challenged

Technology has taken a big leap and has proven its potential to serve mankind. New apps are being developed to help people who have lost their vision. These apps are helping them in day to day activities like checking the bills, voice-assisted technology to send text messages, send and retrieve email, and even shop online. It also comes with a voice automated GPS to guide the direction. To know more, please read the article by Troy Moon (writer at PNJ) -: http://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/escambia-county/2016/04/17/technology-gives-blind-more-independence/82758416/


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Tools for boosting & manage your Instagram Social marketing

Instagram become more than just a regular picture sharing app. With a user base projection of over 500mn in 2016, Advertisers are choosing Instagram over conventional media tools even in events like the super bowl. So here are some tools one can use to manage your Instagram strategies-: # Gramfeed: Social media management and search engine for Instagram. It is useful for advanced searches for trending hashtags, dates, location, users and influencers. One can visualize photos on a map and manage multiple accounts as well as other basic features from Instagram, such as posting comments, managing followers, etc.

# Repost: This app makes it simple to share photos and videos posted by others, directly from your mobile device, while giving credit to the original post (and user). This app is helpful, if user generated content is part of the content strategy. 

To know more about various other tools, please read the article by Frederic Gonzalo (Author at 4hoteliers.com) -: http://www.4hoteliers.com/features/article/9583



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Social Collaboration: The New Trend

With mobile usage growing at a tremendous rate for apps and social media, e-commerce companies have realized the importance of collaborating with the mobile platform rather than using just website interface. Social Collaboration has become the new trend. Retailers are now creating experiences for mobiles that add to the website experience.

Consumers are also getting the benefit of convenience. The concept of digital shopping is now becoming their habit. With m-commerce continuing to grow, retail businesses are now seeing a vision of golden age of e-commerce, where convenience and collaboration will play the key role.

To know more, please read this interesting article by Jack Lowinger, Founder and CEO of Cartonomy, at entrepreneur.com:


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Apps: The Current Business Scenario

Nowadays, people do use apps on their mobile devices and marketers are utilizing this opportunity to make apps a money making business. The Internet of Things has revolutionized the apps industry. Apps set-up in the right way will allow to get the number of downloads, usage, behavior etc. and social media apps have become very important in the current business scenario.  Kevin Harrington (Results Through Digital), writes in his article link about points we should consider before creating an app for a client. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-apps/rise-of-the-apps-how-are-apps-changing-the-world-of-digital-marketing/1628


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Importance of Mobile Applications

Enterprise Mobility is gaining popularity nowadays. Apps for finance, lifestyle, games, news, fitness, social networks, messaging and much more are in demand. Companies are developing or buying apps. Businesses are mobilizing their most important business applications to adjust to the large mobile workforce. By expanding a company’s management system onto a mobile application, businesses will not only improve employee productiveness, but also able to send data from their on-site to the head office. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/grow-software-solutions/why-are-mobile-applications-especially-useful-for-sales-teams-65170



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