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Mobile Apps - Strengthen Big Data to boost Sales & Marketing

The Big Data analytics remains a highly significant factor when there is a point of mobile marketing. Every business is aware of the role of mobile apps and big data analytics in establishing a brand image and marketing their products. The apps's anywhere-anytime nature helped the businesses acquire more insights on the user data based on input, usage patterns, and the user behavior. This huge reserve of mobile user data is used further for the purpose of optimizing the mobile user experiences, to drive as well as build the mobile traffic, to drive more user interaction and engagement and to push the business conversion. Some critical facets need to keep business in their mind: i) Data driven approach to marketing must be cross disciplinary. ii) focus must be on the right KPIs and importance must be given to insights between lines than just numbers. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/mobile-apps-leverage-big-data-drive-sales-marketing/

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Sales and marketing: in relation to big data

Advanced data resources like big data analytics is required by every business. Major areas of sales and marketing getting help from big analytics are customer analytics, operational analytics, product innovation, etc. Relation between big data and mobility allows mutual growth. Mobile apps promotes growth of big data. Apps have all the materials to steer marketing initiatives. Reserve of mobile user data is used to optimize a variety of things. Data driven insights play a major role in mobile marketing. Specific user data along with location data allows more personalization in marketing. High volumes of data is giving more control to analytics and real-time analytics can provide more advantages. Most businesses use data driven marketing approach. Big data pushes the benefits of mobility with advanced approaches. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/mobile-apps-leverage-big-data-drive-sales-marketing/


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Changing Trends in ERP technology

ERP has evolved from Inventory Management and Control systems in 1960s, Material Requirement Planning (MRP) in 1970s, MRP II in 1980s, ERP in 1990s, and in 2000 Extended ERP. Technology is improving and few aspects of ERP are also changing. In this article, the author writes about the huge leaps in ERP capabilities. They are – Mobility, the Internet of Things, and On-site Servers vs. Software as a Service. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/changing-trends-that-can-have-a-major-role-in-shaping-the-future-of-erp-70639



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Latest IT trends of Small Business

Stephanie Khoury (Marketing Manager) writes in her article about small business IT trends of 2015. The number one trend, according to a survey of 500 small businesses, was the increased spending on technology. The second trend is integrated cloud-based systems and the last trend is mobility. In short, small businesses should implement the right systems which will in turn make a huge difference in overall business efficiency. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/grow-software-solutions/small-business-it-trends-of-2015-70323



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Improving Employee Mobility

Millennial working population is the largest group working today. Research shows that these young workers are ready to put in long hours—but they also expect mobility. According to a recent survey, it was found that for Millennials, the greatest perk for them is to work remotely. Mobility is an important consideration for them and not just a perk. In another survey, it was found that productivity increased when employees worked from home. Read more about how employees benefit from mobility: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/five-ways-unified-communications-can-improve-employee-mobility-69827



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