
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Regular blogging helps companies to grow

Companies might think writing and maintaining a blog takes up huge chunks of time but these following ways will prove them wrong about this strong marketing tool. Blogging is pretty easy as there are a lot of blog themes available to get you going. Companies can share their expert status to consumers by their blog, also increase their sales leads by more traffic on their blog. Blogging helps in better customer retention as you get their feedback via comments on the blog. Increase the sales as customers might trust you by something they read on your blog and come back to you. Also, with a lot of traffic, you may publish according to your customers interests and let SEO take care of the rest. Read more at :



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Some marketing tools, you should use in this era

The Internet is giving us so much opportunity to improve our writing, presentation on any topic. Some marketing tools are really helpful and time saving, above all we can learn anything on our own by using these marketing tools. Kasia Perzyńska (a reliable and independent SaaS Marketer) writes an article about what marketing tools we must use in our daily lives. She also writes the details about these marketing tools which will help all the readers. Read more at:



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How Social Media is helping restaurants

Restaurants wants to get involved with their customers; so they use social media tools to get more patrons walking through their doors. Adding Facebook to marketing mix increase awareness about the restaurant, generate motivated engagement with food etc. Some important Facebook marketing tools are: - # Facebook marketing – It provides an opportunity for dining establishments to connect with their clientele.
# Cover Picture - Include delicious photos of food, or people having a good time enjoying a meal with friends. We could change our cover image whenever we have a menu change, and market the new items or specials.
Page Tabs - Use the tabs on Facebook Page to entice people to visit eatery. The first four tabs are important. They are - : photos of food, locations, food deals and featured menu items. Read more at: target=_blankhttp://www.singleplatform.com/blog/2016/2/26/8-ways-restaurants-should-use-social-media

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Communicating in today's business world

Nowadays, it is possible for businesses to operate in different countries around the world and there are ample opportunities all around the world for business. One of the most important things in business is communication. When a business operates globally, they have to learn different ways to communicate. Sheza Gary (Sales VP/Director), writes in her article about the tools that many businesses are turning to. They are - Conference calling, Document sharing, Project Management, and Marketing Tools. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/tech-advances-business/how-collaboration-tools-help-to-sync-cultures-70559



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Big Data in Digital Marketing

Nowadays, like other fields, big data insights affects strategies of digital marketers helping them to create effective campaigns. The discovery of various marketing technologies makes it clear that, companies are keen to invest in this. Sentiment Analysis tool is unethical but not illegal and is really helpful to find opinion –rich information to be acted upon. This “opinion mining” with the help of other tools can actually manage conversations about a brand when used with some other tools. But the drawback of it is we never know if the analysis becomes misleading and leads to the loss of a brand. There are many more such tools used. This proves the relationship between big data and digital marking has transformed into a more sophisticated one. Read more at:  https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/where-big-data-marketing-meet

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Increasing role of Marketing Ops

It was found that, 59% of CMO's who use technology strategy, depends on marketing ops for tools, analytics, process and metrics. According to Scott Vaughan (CMO of Integrate), marketing operation (marketing Ops) focuses on customer acquisition. The marketing operations function has emerged due to the need for a more transparent, efficient, and accountable view of marketing. Its growth was driven by the proliferation of marketing technology and increased pressure from the C-suite to prove the value of marketing and contribute to the bottom-line. The Marketing Ops role is increasing in today’s world, so, some tips for Marketing Ops leaders. They are as under:
Tip 1# Lead process change by organizing around the customers: Look at your current marketing plan, technology, process and resources.
Tip 2# Drive decisions based on governed data: Apply data governance to improve quality.
Tip 3# Shape the marketing technology infrastructure: Identifying and applying right technology.
Read more at: http://marketingland.com/marketings-new-customer-nerve-center-marketing-operations-127292

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