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Social media changing the way to deal with disaster

Facebook has launched a safety check that helps people to tell their friends and family that they are safe. This is really helpful in sharing safety information on natural disasters like tsunami, earthquake or any man-made disasters. To know more, please read the article by The Hindu: - http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/ec-to-keep-tabs-on-social-media/article8488260.ece

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How Social Media is helping restaurants

Restaurants wants to get involved with their customers; so they use social media tools to get more patrons walking through their doors. Adding Facebook to marketing mix increase awareness about the restaurant, generate motivated engagement with food etc. Some important Facebook marketing tools are: - # Facebook marketing – It provides an opportunity for dining establishments to connect with their clientele.
# Cover Picture - Include delicious photos of food, or people having a good time enjoying a meal with friends. We could change our cover image whenever we have a menu change, and market the new items or specials.
Page Tabs - Use the tabs on Facebook Page to entice people to visit eatery. The first four tabs are important. They are - : photos of food, locations, food deals and featured menu items. Read more at: target=_blankhttp://www.singleplatform.com/blog/2016/2/26/8-ways-restaurants-should-use-social-media

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Social media in context of business

Social media and networking sites are helping businesses and companies to grow. Social media not only helps as a platform to communicate with the customers and build up a brand reputation, but it also helps the way business is run. It also helps business enterprises to collaborate across departments, offices, countries, and with other business houses as well.  According to a recent studies, social media analytics along with predictive analytics is going to be the most effective technology for business development. Its impact will be greater than internet of things and mobile payments. So, embracing this aspect will be necessary for a business to survive. To know more, read: http://www.cio.com/article/2937401/social-collaboration/how-collaboration-tools-can-turn-your-business-into-a-social-enterprise.html


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The key steps of social media for success

The social media is actually the official platform to communicate and connect with the mass of people. The access in different social media is needed to attract more audience and promote their own organization in a grand way. The skill to master the network and devote time for the same will lead to a successful one. The posts should be at repeated intervals considering the time zone of different countries. The content should be specific so that the audience gets a track of the nature and working of the company. The idea should get circulated in a simple way so that the people get connected. The skill of digital marketing is needed in order to increase productivity and boost an organization. The uploading of pictures in the different sites helps in engaging a large audience as it's an attractive technique to pool the audience. The information circulated and the working procedure should be consistent enough to sustain the status of an organization. Read more at- http://www.business2community.com/social-media/5-social-media-tips-success-01288131

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How Social Media Purchasing Affects Marketing

Initially social media was used for socializing but with the progress of time it has undergone an impactful makeover. It is not only about advertising to a huge section of consumers but it is also the fundamental tool to influence customers. Firms will be able to determine basic information about their customers while marketing over social media and as a result the probability of obtaining clear data rises. This enables quick and easy access to data. The data collected from social media platforms are more or less accurate. However companies should take advantage of the various social media networking sites for trading their products and thereby improving both data and content.

To know more about this study, please follow the link: http://www.business2community.com/social-selling/social-media-purchasing-feature-changing-marketing-01283019


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Six Trends To Become Disruptive

Digital disruption, adopted by several agile institutions has serious impacts on their customers. They have been successful in creating winners and losers.

According to the author, six things to be kept in mind for disruption are:

  1. Thing 1 and Thing 2 - The Internet of Things will get modified in the upcoming years thereby benefiting the customers.
  2. You are what you wear - Nowadays, humans are becoming technological. Wearables benefit customers and brands with better products. 
  3. Don't show me the money - Apple Pay helps the customers, banks and brands with better security and convenience.
  4. Growing importance of phone - With the rising importance of mobile phones, brands are required to embrace a real-time mindset.
  5. We're all publishers now - Social media directs the market forces.
  6. Self -driving cars- Self-driving cars would reorganize roadway security.

Read more at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7830-let-s-get-disruptive-a-cmo-s-view-of-the-future

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The Progress Of The Digital Supply Chain

Organizations along with their partners needs to participate in the supply chain - from suppliers to customers in order to fully exploit their business relationships. The route for management of supply chains is high speed communication and cooperation. The digital supply chain helps to build trust and improves transparency and efficiency. The Internet of Things (IOT) is crucial for facilitating supply chains in future. It uses sensor-embedded equipment in order to convey data about the parameters and this boosts performance and safety. Predictive analytics is also a blessing for the supply chains. However the most significant aspect of a digital supply chain is social media. Some businesses integrate social technology with business transactions thereby leading to an increase in transparency.

For further details on this study, please follow the link: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/the-development-of-the-digital-supply-chain

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Consequences Of Social Media On Sports Industry

Social media has grown in recent decades and has seriously affected the social culture as well as the industries. It acts as a stimulus for success by qualifying people and encouraging new ideas. Social media has also great impacts on the sports industry. Nowadays every team, league and sports association has a profile on Twitter. The fans gather on Twitter before, during and after the games and hence a team or an athlete's behavior on social media directly affects fan's insight. Currently, a hashtag is associated with all sports show and event and this helps to build relationship with the audience. It acts as a platform for obtaining news, engaging in discussions and enfranchising brands.

To know more about this study, please follow the link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonydimoro/2015/07/02/the-growing-impact-of-social-media-on-todays-sports-culture/

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The Role Of Social Media On Customer Success

Businesses have started to realize that understanding the social media is of prime importance. However they often make the mistake of not utilizing the social media in the proper way. It is not only necessary to provide the customers with the requisite information and the various goods and services but also it is important to listen and help the customers if the need arises. So learning and understanding everything about the customer is of utmost significance. It is crucial for every business to do something which the customers are eager about so that they would be able to share their incidents through various social media channels. This however helps the organization to earn trust and cooperation of the customers.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/how-social-media-is-the-key-to-customer-success-01258473

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How to use Internet Memes In Marketing

Nowadays, images overlaid with text— called Internet memes—are a popular way for brands to reach their audiences. A study has shown that our brains are more efficient at processing images than words. It was also found that 75% of Americans have used emotive to communicate to others. Elizabeth Victor (brand adviser for iSentia, a media monitoring, analysis, and Intelligence Company), writes in her article about how to take advantage in marketing in the age of images. Read more at:  http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2014/26678/how-to-use-internet-memes-to-market-your-content-your-products-and-your-brand



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Emerging Trends for Social Media

Online presence is a must for every business nowadays. So, social media has become very important. According to Statista, there are about 1.79 billion users in social media in 2014 and it is projected to reach about 2.44 billion by 2018. William Johnson (Web Designer) writes in this article about the emerging trends in social media. These trends are: Social Media Marketing to Go Mobile, Use of Images, Marketing through Short Videos to Become Popular, Viral Marketing to Become Attractive, Companies to Use Real-time Marketing to Serve Customers, and LinkedIn and Instagram to Become the Most Important Platforms. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/top-7-anticipated-social-media-trends-2015




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Tips for Holiday Social Media Marketing

Brands and retailers have the ability to connect directly with their customers and create a more personal shopping experience. Companies can leverage geo-targeting tools to know from where your customer is and user-generated content. Companies can also create a social center with aggregated content from multiple social channels to capture audiences online. Amir Zonozi (Contributor) writes in his article about some tips on holiday social-media marketing. Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/240217



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Measuring Social Media ROI

Every company needs to stand out from other companies. So, measuring ROI in social media becomes a necessity. Measuring social media ROI depends on what your company goals are. A smaller company may want to track their measurements monthly, whereas a larger organization will want to track measurements on a daily basis. To know how to measure social ROI, follow Dawn Ellis (Content Outreach Executive, alldayPA), article link: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/ultimate-guide-determining-roi-your-social-media-campaigns



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Building audiences through social media networks

You Tube has become an important part in our daily life. Over 6 billion hours of video are being watched on You Tube every month. It was found that You Tube reaches more adult viewers in the US than cable TV.  So, companies should think about You Tube as a part of their marketing plan. But, one needs to have the right content and target audience for You Tube. George Mathew (writer), in his article writes about how to find and win over your new audience.  To know about these techniques, follow: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/how-build-audience-youtube



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Finding potential customers through social media networks

Nowadays, Twitter has become an important channel to sell products and services and is very effective for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) companies. A report by eConsultancy revealed that, Twitter has a conversion rate of 2.17% while other social networks such as Facebook have 0.80% and LinkedIn has 0.74% when used by B2C businesses. According to Ray Wang (Marketing Coordinator at SmarttBut), there are three important tactics which are to be kept in mind while using Twitter. To know more about the Twitter tactics, follow: http://www.smallbusinessbc.ca/growing-a-business/how-discover-potential-customers-using-twitter



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Social Media Tips for Business Owners

Social media is an effectual instrument for managing networking with other business owners, boosting a brand, targeting a specific demographic, and keeping in contact with existing clients. Paisley Hanson (writer and blogger on health and fitness), writes about some social media tips which will be helpful for the growth of any business. They are: Advertise on Social Media, Increase Your Market Share by building audience in social media,Using Social Media for promotions,Finding Joint Venture opportunities, Integrating Social Media with Other Marketing Channels. To know more, follow: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/5-social-media-tips-business-owners



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A proposal to supervise social networking sites

Unless cyber bullying is resolved and removal of objectionable content is done, major social media websites and apps are going to get a check from an Australian government official. They might also be named and shamed if they do not act properly. An e-safety commissioner is to be appointed by Paul Fletcher, the parliamentary secretary to the Minister for Communications, who will be the central point of contact for children, parents and law enforcement agencies. He would also fly regularly overseas to establish informal relationships with people. He would be given the responsibility to travel when any new site is made and make them understand that they might be told to take out objectionable posts if they do not fulfil their expectation.

The sites must have complaining schemes for objectionable content and terms of use defining cyber bullying. Education should be given against cyber bullying. Several sites have objected to the appointment of an e-commissioner because that might threaten free speech and claimed that industry oversight might serve the purpose better. Read more at: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/digital-life-news/were-watching-you-social-media-sites-face-being-named-

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Social Media addiction- a study

Social media addiction is quiet similar to any other addition. Disclosing information through social media generates similar sensation as eating or drinking and it can be as addicting as drug. Social media helps you contact with people without any risk. You can control what you show, you look, voice, emotions are not exposed. Little kids should be controlled on the time and extent of usage of internet and parents should have all the information about what they are doing on the web. Kids should not have any secrets. Adults along with children also get addicted to social media. When someone posts in the middle of a crisis or ignores the person next to him for posting on social media he is believed to be addicted. read m http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2014/07/26/study-social-media-my-be-just-as-addicting-as-other-vices-drugs-and-drinking/ore

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Impact of social media on customer service

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There are many parts to a customer service strategy. The benefits of social media is overlooked. In today's world, an existence on social media is as important as having a toll-free phone number. Here are just a few of the reasons why. The benefits of two-way brand engagement. Customers like it when commerce shares information, instructions, thoughts, and humor across social media.  Social media an addition of contact data: clients remain for  reply to their comments or distress fast. Pinch complaints in the sprout with ease: ignoring  social media won't discontinue clients from talking on Twitter or Facebook.  Spot trends as -- or before -- they occur: Responsive brands pay close notice to what consumers are discussing about in order to mark movement before it's too late. have additional admission to customers: Social media conduit shouldn't be measured an publicity prospect. . Read more at:


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Use of social analytics to improve performance

Big data is very much in rage these days and social media networks are some of the largest sources of big data. There are billions of posts, connections and shares which can be analyzed. Buried in this social data are insights that can help to progress advertising and give the aggressive edge. It can be expensive and take a lot of time to analyze social data.What are the benefits we are looking to achieve- Improving audience, positive feedback and praise, more engagement in conversations, better understanding of our target audience,converting people to customers and doing better than our competitors. Read more at: 



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