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Building audiences through social media networks

You Tube has become an important part in our daily life. Over 6 billion hours of video are being watched on You Tube every month. It was found that You Tube reaches more adult viewers in the US than cable TV.  So, companies should think about You Tube as a part of their marketing plan. But, one needs to have the right content and target audience for You Tube. George Mathew (writer), in his article writes about how to find and win over your new audience.  To know about these techniques, follow: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/how-build-audience-youtube



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Social Media- the best way to reach out to young consumers

Social media has become the most important tool for connecting to a broad range of online customers at the same time. But because of its indirect ways it is difficult to measure the immediate results. According to Conduct Marketing Institute only 58 percent of marketers believe that social media is effective in spite of major businesses spending time and money for making their presence on these media. Interviews and studies have shown that five out of six millennial of youngsters between the ages of 18-36 years prefer social networking sites to interact with brands. But youngsters across most countries prefer some kind of incentives while they interact with the brands online. The study also revealed that most youngsters use at least two internet devices a day and pick up their phones 43 times on an average. Facebook has been found to be most popular among young followed by YouTube which has also been found quiet influential. Other sites include Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

Thus social media is definitely worth investing in and getting include in one’s content strategy if young consumers are its target audience.

Read more at:  http://www.castleford.com.au/blog/2014/is-social-media-the-best-way-to-reach-young-consumers

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