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Data Visualizaion and Role of The Brain

Nowadays, people are not interested to read huge paragraphs of text. Several researches have shown that Internet users have time to read at most 28% of the word displayed on a web page but most of them read only 20%. On the other hand, visual content has the power to hold the attention longer. If you are just browsing on the Internet as a casual user, not reading all the text wouldn't be a problem. But, when you have a responsibility to process information, things are not that simple. Reasons why the brain needs that kind of visualization: i) You need a visual tier to process large volumes of data. ii) Visual data trigger retentive processing. iii) Visual Data Brings Together All Aspects of Memory.    Visual data presentation relates these three memory functions. When we see the information presented in a visually-attractive way, it triggers our sensory memory and makes it easy for us to process it. Read more at: http://www.datavizualization.com/blog/why-your-brain-needs-data-visualization


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How CRM helps in sales

Information plays a vital role in sales. Sales analytics is the application of analytic techniques such as data mining, which helps in sales. It tells in which direction you are going, and also help in finding prospects, target the sales efforts, nurture leads and eventually close the sale. Analytics requires data, rather data from many different sources, and CRM system should be a repository of all your organization's information on customers. Read more at- http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/grow-your-sales-with-analytics-70578




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The Role Of Social Media On Customer Success

Businesses have started to realize that understanding the social media is of prime importance. However they often make the mistake of not utilizing the social media in the proper way. It is not only necessary to provide the customers with the requisite information and the various goods and services but also it is important to listen and help the customers if the need arises. So learning and understanding everything about the customer is of utmost significance. It is crucial for every business to do something which the customers are eager about so that they would be able to share their incidents through various social media channels. This however helps the organization to earn trust and cooperation of the customers.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/how-social-media-is-the-key-to-customer-success-01258473

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How Technology is Breaking Barriers to Social Change

Some 2 billion people continue to live on less than $2 a day! Millions of women and girls around the world lack basic human rights. A slew of initiatives address these and other intractable social issues, yet often, even the most successful ones only address a fraction of the problem. The good news is that a number of cutting-edge leaders and organizations are shifting their focus to ask: "How can we help to have impact at a scale that actually solves the problem?" And they are finding that technology, particularly information tech, offers answers. According to Ray Kurzweil, Google’s director of engineering and a renowned expert on artificial intelligence, "Once any domain, discipline, technology, or industry becomes information-enabled and powered by information flows, its price/performance begins doubling approximately annually." This phenomenon opens up the potential for exponential growth in reach and impact.

Here are six ways that information technology is breaking through scale barriers:

·      Empowering with information.

·         Teaching and engaging.

·         Making matches.

·         Crowdsourcing hotspots.

·         Reaching the under-served.

·         Raise cash for good.


Abe Grindle, famous author, speaks about the ways technology is breaking the barriers to social change. To read more, visit the following link:



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Analytics: facilitating insurance organisations

Insurance organisations face problems in storing information. With the increase of information, innovations are required to handle information to detect risk properly. With the help of analytics in distribution channel, market products have improved. It also helps in taking decisions and reduces customer retention.

For more information, please go through: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN-KgCgZdTE

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Reaching the pot of gold: how investments in Analytics are paying off?

The box of treasure that analytics promises, contains the ability to fully understand customer behavior, derive actionable insights, and further tailor customer experiences to meet the needs of any segment. It is estimated  that big data will grow from 12 billion dollar industry to 53 billion dollar industry by 2017. However, with various types of investments and expectations that exist across many industries; it will not be easy to achieve the capabilities needed to derive deep insights and decisions making mechanism. Many firms still struggle with capturing basic information, collecting external customer information, social media information, and measuring wallet share. However, based on a recent Forbes survey, 63% of the firms reported a transformation impact on their business, by an integrated approach to analytics, where predictive modelling, customer analytics, and big data are working together using cloud services. The investments are starting to pay off, which indicates there may really be a pot of gold that awaits those who pursue the analytics path.

To read more, visit the following link:


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