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Applications of IoT in the field of healthcare industry


In today’s world, medical organizations are taking the help of innovative healthcare solutions allowing healthcare providers to reduce costs, improve patient treatment, and optimize workflow and thereby, the solutions significantly transform the industry. So, new technologies like mobile applications, smart devices, biosensors, wearables, home virtual assistants, blockchain-based electronic medical record systems, predictive analytics, and web health portals indicate a truly new stage in the healthcare environment. These innovative tech solutions, help the healthcare organizations to take the advantage of automated decisions, continuous patient state monitoring, and successful diagnoses. Research tells us that IoT in the healthcare market is expected to reach nearly USD 409.9 billion by 2022 and by the end of 2018, healthcare providers will have saved $1 billion using robotic process acceleration (RPA) tools. Read more at: 



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Wearable changing the future of life insurance

Wearable changing the future of life insurance

Wearables are more than a fitness tracker. Life Insurance providers are now using this gadget to track their customers' heart rate, sleep patterns and physical activity and reward policy takers with policy discounts and movie tickets. It is also being used to redefine traumatic medical events like heart attacks and claims correspond to that. To know more, please read the article by Ruth Liew (Reporter at ‘ The Sydney Morning Herald’ ) -: http://www.smh.com.au/business/wearable-tech-the-future-of-life-insurance-20160309-gnf60l.html

Image source -:http://www.healthworkscollective.com/veer-gidwaney/163271/how-wearables-will-transform-health-insurance-game



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What are the upcoming smart wears?

The field of smart wears brings up wonderful innovations each day. New horizons are explored and tested. This merging of machine and man has brought many such things which we never thought of. Exoskeletons are one such example. These give superhuman abilities to human beings. Nowadays there have been issues regarding privacy. There is always a third eye around looking and collecting more and more information about you. So to protect this the stealth wear is coming. To make this work you need to find the right reflective material that can block surveillance cameras and mobile tracking devices. Smart textile and smart clothing are already very popular. These have various applications ranging from health monitoring clothes to the environmental monitoring ones.  Read more at: http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-thedownload-wearable-tech-oddities-20160209-story.html

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"Disapperables" - The upcoming Smartwears

The fast growing field of "wearables" has brought in one amazing technology. This is being called as "disappearables". The logic behind this is to make technology modest. The wearables should capture energy from the surroundings, sense and observe the environment around. But the challenge for the wearables manufacturing companies is to produce cost efficient products. These should not be restricting the body movements or shall not have the consistent charging issues. This new technology is called disappearables because the user itself can't tell whether he is wearing the smart wear or not. Read more about this amazing technology in the article written by Ben O'Brien (Contributor) at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/254301

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Six Trends To Become Disruptive

Digital disruption, adopted by several agile institutions has serious impacts on their customers. They have been successful in creating winners and losers.

According to the author, six things to be kept in mind for disruption are:

  1. Thing 1 and Thing 2 - The Internet of Things will get modified in the upcoming years thereby benefiting the customers.
  2. You are what you wear - Nowadays, humans are becoming technological. Wearables benefit customers and brands with better products. 
  3. Don't show me the money - Apple Pay helps the customers, banks and brands with better security and convenience.
  4. Growing importance of phone - With the rising importance of mobile phones, brands are required to embrace a real-time mindset.
  5. We're all publishers now - Social media directs the market forces.
  6. Self -driving cars- Self-driving cars would reorganize roadway security.

Read more at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7830-let-s-get-disruptive-a-cmo-s-view-of-the-future

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