
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Regular blogging helps companies to grow

Companies might think writing and maintaining a blog takes up huge chunks of time but these following ways will prove them wrong about this strong marketing tool. Blogging is pretty easy as there are a lot of blog themes available to get you going. Companies can share their expert status to consumers by their blog, also increase their sales leads by more traffic on their blog. Blogging helps in better customer retention as you get their feedback via comments on the blog. Increase the sales as customers might trust you by something they read on your blog and come back to you. Also, with a lot of traffic, you may publish according to your customers interests and let SEO take care of the rest. Read more at :



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New Trends In Content Marketing

Content marketing is an important part of any business and is always changing from time to time. Every business house must follow the content marketing trends which helps you to know about the latest changes to the landscape, as well as what competitors might be doing to reach your audience. Roee Ganot (expert in the fields of SEO, analytics, social media and conversion optimization), writes in his article about the top five content marketing trends of 2017. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/content-marketing/2017-top-5-content-marketing-trends-01758847#4KejdYfiMqB7AECp.97


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Skills needed for IT Industry

Nowadays, the unemployment rate in IT industry is declining and has increased opportunities for innovations and bright future prospects. In a recent research, it has been found that over 3.5 million people in the United States are employed in the IT industry and jobs related to computers make up five of twenty fastest growing occupations in the US. This article explores the different IT skills a prospect must possess in order to be part of the IT industry. The skills are- knowledge of coding, knowledge of search engine optimization, knowledge of social media, understand user experience, ability to work in a team, quick learning capability and a good researcher. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/itmanagement/7-skills-that-can-help-you-break-into-the-it-industry-74352


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Factors Influencing SEO

A successful SEO campaign must take care of branding, user experience, and other such factors. The two key characteristics that outstands one's content is length and topical authority. Sometimes,   writing long-form content covering a single topic in depth becomes important. A backlink is an integral part that helps Google to view a page's authority. One of the most important factors is the number of different links that point a page from unique domains. We also need to replace key words with Schema, to Google about our page. Google expects Schema to become a ranking signal in future. It's no longer needed to mention keywords in your title tag. It's seems obvious that site speed is one of the contributing factors to get you a higher rank. One should also aim at reducing the bounce rate of their page. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2016/29906/six-top-seo-factors-in-2016



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Maximize the SEO with the Collaboration of Web Design Analytics

Search engine optimization (SEO) is process through which web data is collected .Web design directly affects the efforts of SEO. Analytics evaluates whether these efforts are working or not. Some of the efforts by web design analytics that can robust the search engine performance is:

1. Site analytics tools give the insights about most popular content on the web site. Therefore, one can tailor the content according to the theme.

2. One of the crucial analytics related to the web design is how fast (speed) the page loads, Google will take in consideration the speed factor in ranking the page.

3. Accessibility of the site is also important.

4. The content of the site should be relevant, specific location key words must be used in order to attract more customers.

To know more read article by Vinod Jethwanihttp://www.business2community.com/seo/streamlining-seo-efforts-using-web-design-analytics-01534695#kjhQ7oxU11kCZeWv.97



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What is really important: Trust flow, Toolbar PageRank or Good Keywords

Change is the only constant. If we talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there have been a lot of changes as well. PageRank is now dead. Google is not going to update Toolbar PageRank, but the important point is the usage of good keywords and trust flow. Created by Majestic SEO, trust flow determines the quality of the site based on its links with other sites. For Google, it is very important to have great content and quality links. But currently, it is more focused on providing high quality linking and topical rankings. Topical ranking appeals to value- based search system. To summarize, trust flow has following characteristics: Page Rank may be dead, but keywords live on, Quality is more important than quantity, Trust flow needs to be measured. Read more: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/269574


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Instagram: a new term of digital marketing.

Instagram: a new term of digital marketing.

Instagram is a social platform that offers a great opportunity for content marketers to increase their impact. Instagram has an engagement ratio that is eight times the average of the other four social platforms. Instagram continues to expand its ad platform. Recently, it was found that the growth in the number of brands posting video content on Instagram has outpaced growth in the number of brands posting photos (139% versus 91%). The average number of Instagram pictures posted per brand increased by 11%, while the average number of Instagram videos posted per brand grew 29%.

To read more, follow: http://www.business2community.com/instagram/4-instagram-tips-conquer-recent-shifts-digital-marketing-01459035#MFZ8abxaaPP5AZlf.97


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Digital marketing checklists

Digital marketing checklists

In today's world, digital marketing is important for any business. But there are some measure that can be taken to maximize your business. Some precautionary measures that can be taken are as follows. Identify target audience and segment your marketing techniques accordingly.

1.       Digital marketing relies on “tactics” and “techniques” rather than on strategies and goals.

2.       Mobile search optimization and web app development is the most important parameter.

3.       SEO is the key method of success but not everything

4.       Figure out what your audience wants, identify where they are, and adopt a strategy to reach them.

5.       Use all available social media platform to reach your customer.

6.       Keep a close look on your followers and pay attention to their demands and satisfaction.

7.       Content marketing should form the core of any digital marketing strategy and link building.

8.       Manage a proper funding for digital marketing and should evaluate the real time results.

To know more, read: http://www.forbes.com/sites/neilpatel/2016/03/10/12-things-not-to-do-when-using-digital-marketing-in-2016/#68f176633ac2

Cover image courtesy: www.brickwin.com

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Mobile marketing: some key points

Mobile marketing: some key points

Digital marketing needs continuous update. To sustain in this market, you need to channelize your business in complete digitalization. The main thing is to create an impression by launching an audio visual in the social networking site. Follow buzz marketing techniques to make it viral. Live streaming is the best way to gain market importance. With the rise of relationship marketing, there will be a rise in the cost of digital marketing. Marketing automation and virtual reality are the key process to enhance digital marketing. Moreover location search is gaining popularity than online presence.

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/miketempleman/2016/03/08/your-guide-to-mobile-digital-marketing/#1de28212523c


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How ad tech and marketing tech are different from each other?

There is a lot of confusion building around marketing tech and ad tech. Are they same or different? There are minute differences between the two. Let's see what they are. Marketing technology comprises of tools that manage marketing processes, customer analytics, digital content and workflows. It covers all aspects of marketing, SEO, and even ad tech. It is basically the understanding the customer and optimizing data science around them. Programmatic buying and selling of advertisements are referred as ad tech. Both of these technologies also share many similarities. Read the complete article here:  http://www.itworld.com/article/3030325/marketing/what-the-hell-is-the-difference-between-ad-tech-and-marketing-tech.html

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The links of SEO that matters to an organization

SEO is important for any business. Lucas Miller (the Founder of Echelon Copy), writes in his article about one remain relevant heading into 2016 as a master of SEO. According to him, as far as link dominance is concerned, the following are going to be extremely important - Editorial Prowess, Domain Authority, The Quality of Surrounding Links, and User Engagement. To know more, follow: http://www.business2community.com/seo/4-factors-heavily-affect-links-value-01388070#PrTqEZVezMQYtmeF.97



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All about SEO's

Search engine optimization or SEO is important for any business. But, you must know what is SEO and how do search engines decide what is relevant. SEO is what you do to make it easy for search engines to understand what your site is about, and serve the relevant page to the person who’s searching. Search engines decide what is relevant by content, performance, user experience, and  authority. To know more details about SEO, follow:http://www.business2community.com/seo/seo-for-beginners-01337761



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Impressive Content for Interesting Brands

How to make my content impressive and engaging- This is one question that haunts every brand now and then. With standard formatted blogpost becoming too common and dry to consume, the appetite for more creative and engaging content is increasing. Sylvia Jensen, marketing director at Oracle Marketing Cloud, shares 12 awesome ways to keep your brand message relevant and at the same time makes it stand out from the noise. Some of our picks are:

• Framing a quiz, it will be more engaging

• Examine a case study

• Explore different charts

• Put things in a comic strip

• Write a guide or glossary

For more, have a look at http://www.business2community.com/content-marketing/12-awesome-content-marketing-ideas-arent-blog-posts-01258747

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Metrics for tracking Social Media Marketing

According to Aaron Agius (Contributor), social media is an effective marketing medium. There are many marketers who use Facebook followers, retweets, etc. to monitor their performance, but there are some other metrics like brand search volume, lead growth, brand sentiment, inbound links, and klout score. Social share provides very little information about the overall effectiveness of your campaign because: Many social shares come from bots.
• Social shares many not come from your target customers.
• Social shares can be from people that are speaking negatively about your brand.
Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/244669

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Difference Between SEM and SEO

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) consists of different techniques to connect a search engine's technology. SEM include SEO and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads. SEO and SEM are often used interchangeably. But, SEO is a subset of SEM. The question here arises that what is the difference between SEO and SEM. SEO's aim is to provide organic search results for free while with SEM, search are not always be free as it uses paid ads for the certain keywords on search engine results page. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/what-main-difference-between-seo-and-sem



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E-Commerce Business: An Insight

The scenario in E-Commerce is changing at a fast pace. Patrick Salyer (CEO, Gigya), writes about some key points to be kept in mind while doing an e-commerce business. They are as follows: 1.  32% of online purchases are made over mobile. 2.   89% of consumers began doing business with a competitor following a poor customer experience. 3.  91% of eCommerce retailers saw a lift in their SEO rank thanks to social referrals. 4.     73% of consumers prefer to do business with brands that use personal information to make their shopping experiences more relevant. 5.     eMarketer predicts that worldwide B2C eCommerce sales will increase by 20.1% this year, reaching a grand total of $1.5 trillion. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/5-stats-every-ecommerce-business-should-know-0




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SEO firms and Social Media marketers come close with Google search

Google search algorithms affect around 90% of online searches. These strip out bad searches, sites with keywords, duplicated content and manipulated hyperlinks based on quality, originality and relevance of online content. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) needs to change, we cannot build links like we use to and are more focused on content making. Business still has the need of a SEO professional in a more changed and creative way and aware about how to implement basic optimization. Content written by a reputable journalist or blogger is ranked higher by Google. Google gives importance to the engagement of the user with the content than paid for content. SEO agencies focused on link manipulation through “black hat” techniques and keyword-focused methods of SEO are going out of business while those focused on content marketing are thriving. There is now less differences between the roles of PR, social media, SEO and digital marketing. It is important to create brand value and have good, creative content and be technical sounding. Thus to offer so much for content writing increased collaboration is required creating their own digital newsrooms for real-time marketing strategies. This would maximize on the benefits.

Expansion of SEO is never a threat to PR professionals. PR might now become a part of the SEO agency team as the skill of the former is more vital than before. Google changes are now more human-friendly and people now search online using questions and complex phrases than just stand-alone keywords and content makers solve this with SEO in mind.

 Read more at: http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/jul/28/google-seo-social-media-search-marketing-panda-penguin- 

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Viewpoint of tracking analytics using a client-side script

The two important ways to redirect a user agent client-side are meta refresh and JavaScript redirect. Either method of client-side redirection has potential for causing significant issues with both analytics and SEO in spite of having flexibility in choosing whether or not to redirect after the page is rendered and portability in having code. Essentially there are two issues of client-side redirection with Analytics: 1) page view bloat 2) unclean referrer. The first issue occurs when the client-side redirect fires after the analytics code has already discovered the page view. The second issue, unclean referrer, refers that the final result has an unclear referrer. Regarding SEO, the problems are more extreme. There are at least two key issues: 1) page rank devaluation 2) content mismatch. The use of a meta in short explains that most crawlers support a meta refresh of 0 and treat it as a redirection of server-side, and a JavaScript redirect is simply ignored as crawlers don't read JavaScript.Read more at: 


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