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Mobile marketing: some key points

Mobile marketing: some key points

Digital marketing needs continuous update. To sustain in this market, you need to channelize your business in complete digitalization. The main thing is to create an impression by launching an audio visual in the social networking site. Follow buzz marketing techniques to make it viral. Live streaming is the best way to gain market importance. With the rise of relationship marketing, there will be a rise in the cost of digital marketing. Marketing automation and virtual reality are the key process to enhance digital marketing. Moreover location search is gaining popularity than online presence.

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/miketempleman/2016/03/08/your-guide-to-mobile-digital-marketing/#1de28212523c


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Make it easy for Customers with Location Based Marketing.

It's no more difficult to shop at a new place with Location Based Marketing. We often look for the unique and best products, when we visit a new place. A common practice is to inquire about the best deals, with the people around who are aware of the new place. But with everything becoming techy we have Location Based Marketing to rescue. It integrates mobile marketing with location based services. The motive behind this is to make mobile users aware of your presence, while they are in the areas nearby. Most relevant display ads as per user's location are sent. Their interest can be pulled by either providing some discounts or some other perks. This benefit both the user as well as the business. Read more about it in an article written by Jack Simpson (a Writer at Econsultancy) at: https://econsultancy.com/blog/67418-what-is-location-based-advertising-why-is-it-the-next-big-thing/

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How Internet of Things can pay-off in Mobile Marketing?

Mobile Marketing is the use of the mobile medium as a means of marketing. According to a report, the IoT device market will double the size of smartphone, PC, tablet, connected car, and wearable devices combined by 2019. The Internet of Things provides a network of physical objects or things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, thus enabling collection and exchange of data. To know more about how it can hit the target mobile marketing, follow the article written by Arun Bhattacharya (author) at: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/mobile/how-to-add-wearable-devices-to-your-mobile-marketing-strategy/


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New Trends in Mobile Marketing

According to a research, it was found that the number of mobile-only internet users surpassed that of desktop-only and people spending at least 54% of their digital media time interacting with mobile apps. Emma Sarran Webster (contributor to Business 2 Community), writes in her article about the developments in the mobile marketing space which will help to make the process of discovery and outreach far more relevant and personalized, and provide customers with branded experiences. She also writes about some trends of mobile marketing for the year 2016 at - http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/6-mobile-marketing-trends-to-expect-in-2016-01376750#jJGsIEdEV8KmD7eF.97



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Mobile & marketing strategies in 2015

Mobile as a technology and mobile marketing is evolving very fast. Consumers, businesses and marketers are doing everything to adapt to the changes in this technology. Brands should pay attention to the growing mobile space in 2015. Read more at:  http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/mobile-technology-marketing-strategies-that-matter-in-2015-01336265



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Rules to survive in mobile storm

Mobile is a much more personal, interactive, engaged platform than desktop, and should be used as such. - By Ari Brandt (CEO and co-founder of MediaBrix). In this competitive era, if a company won’t recognize the opportunity first, a chance of losing the games increases. And mobile phone is one of the biggest opportunities to maintain a close relationship with your customers. But most of the ad companies are failing to recognize the demands, challenges and opportunities of mobile phones. Rule to crack the opportunity of mobile phones:
• Leave old ad methods behind.
• Take advantage of unique mobile capabilities.
• Put the customers first.
• Leverage new measures of campaign success.
Read more at: http://mashable.com/2015/06/11/mobile-marketing-innovation/

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Mobile Marketing: A new trend in marketing

With increasing use of smart phones in today's life, most of the viewers are using smart phones for research and buying online. This is the biggest opportunity to the companies. Mobile is not just an e-commerce channel, but it can be used for building relationship with your customers. Brian Rigney (CEO at Zmags) in his article “Maximize Marketing Reach: A Glance at the Customer Is All You Get” at marketingland.com, discussed about four simple steps to deliver rich and creative campaigns at the right place and says, “52 percent of Web traffic to retail websites globally currently comes via smartphones and tablet devices.”  Steps are:
• Think for omni-channel and use holistic approach.
• Develop sites, offers and experiences in different ways to serve different channels.
• Create, adjust and preview the sites.
• Tap the knowledge base to understand what works for your organization.
To know more about these steps, follow this link: http://marketingland.com/reach-glance-get-often-small-window-130011

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Tips to plan a successful Marketing Strategy for Millennials

Millennials are the young adult between the age group of 18-34 years and according to reports total buying power will fetch $1.3trillion annually.  Millennials are diverse in terms of attitude, behavior and language, due to which marketers are facing problem in targeting them. According to Sujan Patel (Entrepreneur and Marketer, VP of Marketing at When I Work), there are some common characteristics shared by all of them. He discussed some tips on targeting millennials, they are:
• You should have an attractive mobile marketing
• Target social groups, instead of life stages
• Be relevant and engaging
To know more about these tips, please follow this link: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246199

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M-Commerce Boom: A Study

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is a type of e-commerce conducted through mobile devices such as mobile phones and other mobile devices with a wireless connection - including smart phones (iPhones, Google Android), tablets (iPad, Amazon Kindle) and notebooks. M-Commerce also brings new opportunities for selling online, and mobile marketing can be used to extend online reach. Four things a company must consider while developing m-commerce marketing strategy are:

·         Reach: Tap into the uniqueness of mobile-first consumers.

·         Curate: Trigger impulse purchases through well-crafted offers.

·         Entertain: Make shopping fun and easy, not just cheap.

·         Lock in: Capture the loyalty of mobile shoppers early.

Read more at: http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/consumer_and_retail/learning_from_south_koreas_mobile-retailing_boom

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Future Of Mobile Marketing

Nowadays, people turn to mobile for most of their web browsing and online communications. Content marketers are now creating more blogs, videos, digital editions, content hubs and apps which will lead to more traffic, leads and customers. Companies are creating branded business apps to showcase their content. To know more about future of mobile marketing, follow: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/mobile-marketing-the-future-is-bright/1695




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Recent Trends in Mobile CRM

Nowadays, mobile CRM is in much demand. Another emerging trend is the convergence of mobile devices, CRM, and big data. In the retail sector, convergence of mobile devices, CRM, and big data enable mobile marketing and mobile apps to gain more insights of customer to drive more sales. To know more about mobile CRM, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-mobile-crm-trends-to-watch-65634




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IoT & Mobile Marketing: Future trends

Smart technology is part of the Internet of Things (IoT), and it is referred as the high-tech products equipped with an Internet connection which enables to communicate data to the owner. Now kitchen appliances, thermostats etc. are being created with sensors that can communicate information via an app or through email. These are meant to improve the quality of life for consumers, but it also opens up new marketing opportunities. These technologies are giving marketers an opportunity to know what people are buying, how satisfied they are with their purchases, and what they may be interested in buying in the future. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/understanding-internet-things-and-mobile-marketing




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Upcoming Mobile Marketing Trends in 2015

Mobile commerce has outpaced desktop e-commerce in 2014. According to a report by Mobile Marketing Magazine, it was found that mobile advertising grew at a rate six times faster than that of global desktop marketing. Business Insider also forecasted that mobile payment volume in the United States will increase to $818 billion by the year 2019. So, according to Brett Relander (Founder, Launch & Hustle)’s article link now it has become important to look at the mobile marketing trends for 2015:  http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/mobile-marketing-trends-2015-0



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Mobile Marketing in 2015

In 2015, mobile device will be the key driver for commercial and marketing activity. According to a recent study it was found that only 13% of the world population will be connected with a smartphone or tablet and mobile messaging will play a vital role. Ramsey Masri (CEO of OtherLevels), writes in his article link about tactics and strategies that mobile marketers should consider in 2015: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/moving-the-mobile-marketing-needle-in-2015/1421




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Investments in Mobile Marketing

In a recent research it was revealed that more than half of senior decision makers feel that their investment in digital marketing is not sufficient, with 87% of respondents planning to increase their investments in mobile marketing. Marketers are also looking to adopt new technologies in order to fight for market space. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-news/greater-investment-in-mobile-marketing-a-top-priority-for-retailers-and-brands-in-2015/1426]



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Strategies of Mobile Marketing

Nowadays mobile is important. So, companies are giving importance to mobile marketing. But we need to know what mobile marketing is. Mobile marketing is optimizing your marketing strategies for people using a mobile device i.e. to create an optimized experience for every single device. Companies should give importance to responsive design and mobile ROI. Read more at: : http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/generating-leads-mobile-marketing



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Increasing Consumer Loyalty through Mobile Marketing

Today’s consumers are always connected by mobiles. According to a report by Forbes it was found that 90 percent of mobile searches lead to action, more than half lead to sale, and 74 percent of people use their mobile phones for shopping. Mobiles are used for connecting with consumers to stay ahead in competition and is also used to enhance consumer loyalty. Companies can tailor their mobile marketing by using subscriber data – known as “mobile context” – to offer messaging that drives customer behavior. Mobile context means mobile usage patterns, shopping behaviors and brand affiliations to build a model that predicts what offers will motivate a user. To know more, follow article link by Todd Thayer (Syniverse Vice President of Product Management, Enterprise and Intelligence Solutions): http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/for-better-customer-engagement-it-s-time-to-go-mobile/1202



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Mobile Push Messages: Best-Practices

Mobile plays an important role in today’s marketing world. So, we need to answer some questions like timings to push mobile messages, how long the notifications be and what should be the messages. In a recent survey it was found that the average click rate—defined as the percentage of users who actually clicked a push notification upon receiving it from an app—was 5.5% across all messages and the click rate for individual notifications varied widely based on the content of the messages and when they were sent. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26511/best-practices-for-sending-mobile-push-messages


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Mobile Marketing Strategy

In a recent survey it was found that 64% of respondents believe mobile is a critical channel for engaging customers and 39% of respondents say they have either not tried to integrate their mobile strategy or do not have a mobile strategy to begin with. To know more, follow: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26504/the-state-of-mobile-marketing-strategy




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Mobile Marketing: An Insight

According to a recent survey conducted by Insights West and iamota found that people are using their smartphones than before. They also found that people were taking pictures (96%), accessing social media (77%), reading online news (74%), and checking or comparing prices of products while in store (57%). It was also found that 73% people use their smartphones to research products or services and 42% do it weekly. So, now it has become essential for brands to connect with their clients via mobile technologies. To know more, follow: : http://www.smallbusinessbc.ca/growing-a-business/mobile-marketing-you-can%E2%80%99t-afford-not



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