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New Digital Marketing Trends

Digital marketing has become a possibility and now they are being measured in terms of magnitude. There is a constant change in the digital marketing trends. Mobile phones have become a key part of our daily lives, so businesses have to take care of the mobile element of their business. Chatbots are also taking place in the world of technology. A new emerging trend is of Everything Videos. These are videos which contain description of everything that the customer would want to know. Companies take to social media platforms to engage in one to one chat with customers. Marketing is also done via influencers who have considerable level of influence over people. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/305549


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Card less ATMs

The first major U.S. bank to offer card free ATM is Wells Fargo. In this the customers can simply use their mobile phones to access the bank's ATM's. The process is very simple. They need to download the app, login to their accounts and request for a unique verification code which they must type in and thereafter they should put their PIN number. This is a very secure process as the PIN expires in 30 minutes. The customer also requires to login to their account either using a thumb scanner or online banking password. Read more at: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170402/business/170409979/


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Rules to survive in mobile storm

Mobile is a much more personal, interactive, engaged platform than desktop, and should be used as such. - By Ari Brandt (CEO and co-founder of MediaBrix). In this competitive era, if a company won’t recognize the opportunity first, a chance of losing the games increases. And mobile phone is one of the biggest opportunities to maintain a close relationship with your customers. But most of the ad companies are failing to recognize the demands, challenges and opportunities of mobile phones. Rule to crack the opportunity of mobile phones:
• Leave old ad methods behind.
• Take advantage of unique mobile capabilities.
• Put the customers first.
• Leverage new measures of campaign success.
Read more at: http://mashable.com/2015/06/11/mobile-marketing-innovation/

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Mobile Marketing: A new trend in marketing

With increasing use of smart phones in today's life, most of the viewers are using smart phones for research and buying online. This is the biggest opportunity to the companies. Mobile is not just an e-commerce channel, but it can be used for building relationship with your customers. Brian Rigney (CEO at Zmags) in his article “Maximize Marketing Reach: A Glance at the Customer Is All You Get” at marketingland.com, discussed about four simple steps to deliver rich and creative campaigns at the right place and says, “52 percent of Web traffic to retail websites globally currently comes via smartphones and tablet devices.”  Steps are:
• Think for omni-channel and use holistic approach.
• Develop sites, offers and experiences in different ways to serve different channels.
• Create, adjust and preview the sites.
• Tap the knowledge base to understand what works for your organization.
To know more about these steps, follow this link: http://marketingland.com/reach-glance-get-often-small-window-130011

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Do mobile phones enhance productivity?

Survey data tells that consumers regard their mobile phones as catalysts for productivity. Mobile tracking metrics reveals that consumers rarely ever conduct productivity-related tasks on their devices. A survey shows that consumers engage less frequently in productive behaviors than expected. Upon deeper reflection, consumers suggest that being productive on a mobile phone no longer means "getting things done" or, in the economic sense, measuring output in relation to input. Instead, being productive on a mobile phone really means being available or accessible. Having internet connectivity is equivalent with being productive, as consumers have the capacity to carry out an activity. It is found that although individuals might not be engaging in financial or retail transactional tasks frequently, consumers still expect their mobile phones to facilitate tasks that make their life easier. So, marketers should lend a keen eye to understanding consumers at a micro-level by which marketers can avoid common misconceptions about consumer behavior and motivations and instead build effective mobile engagement in the most relevant way. Read more about this at: 

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