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Consumers Are Rooting For Artificial Intelligence(AI)

According to authors, innovations in the areas of Artificial Intelligence(AI),Machine Learning and Deep Learning are beginning to dominate the technology landscape but the actual user experience and concerns about privacy and security are obstacles that can prevent AI from reaching its potential. Despite it’s negative implications, a Consumer Intelligence Report by PwC, revealed, that most consumers believe AI will help humankind, by solving complex problems, like fatal diseases, city traffic, cybercrime, infrastructure and fraud, that plague modern societies , thereby helping people to live more fulfilling lives. AI could revolutionize  personalized healthcare by analyzing data thus helping in maximizing life expectancy and enhancing wellbeing.AI will expand access to financial, medical, legal and transportation services to those with lower incomes thus emerging  both as a process and a product that instills trust and transparency in consumers. Read more at https://aitrends.com/security/consumers-welcome-ai-despite-lingering-privacy-concerns/


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Artificial Intelligence for the good of consumers!

The intelligence exhibited by machines is called artificial intelligence (AI). To a layman this field is full of mystery. But AI is embedded is many things that often go unnoticed. Organizations are using AI to make the consumer experience better. So, you are no longer cluttered with irrelevant ads. The recommendations on the social media platforms are the result of machine learning and artificial intelligence models. There are smart entertainment apps that learn from your behavior and choose what is best suited for you. To read more follow:   http://insidebigdata.com/2016/02/12/why-consumers-need-to-stop-fearing-artificial-intelligence/

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Do mobile phones enhance productivity?

Survey data tells that consumers regard their mobile phones as catalysts for productivity. Mobile tracking metrics reveals that consumers rarely ever conduct productivity-related tasks on their devices. A survey shows that consumers engage less frequently in productive behaviors than expected. Upon deeper reflection, consumers suggest that being productive on a mobile phone no longer means "getting things done" or, in the economic sense, measuring output in relation to input. Instead, being productive on a mobile phone really means being available or accessible. Having internet connectivity is equivalent with being productive, as consumers have the capacity to carry out an activity. It is found that although individuals might not be engaging in financial or retail transactional tasks frequently, consumers still expect their mobile phones to facilitate tasks that make their life easier. So, marketers should lend a keen eye to understanding consumers at a micro-level by which marketers can avoid common misconceptions about consumer behavior and motivations and instead build effective mobile engagement in the most relevant way. Read more about this at: 

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Market Intelligence tells a lot about consumer behavior

Consumer choice process has two steps. Firstly, he assigns a value to each product according to his willingness to pay. Secondly, the consumer compares and ranks these values. People evaluate the stimuli that they see even if they do not have to choose. Marketing may not necessarily need a billboard or commercial in order to materialize. It may extol the positive values of a product.  A consumer may subconsciously value a product anyway.  There are certain aspects that a company's advertisers have to worry about besides what its competitors say or how they advertise because if consumers automatically assign values to products, then marketing may not save a product that has many deficiencies. This may lay out cost effective opportunity to the present advertisers. Companies can highlight some positive virtues of a product on the product itself. Read more at: 

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Consumer dissatisfaction with contact centres

According to a survey, which polled more than 13000 customers across 33 countries and 10 industries, showed that contact centers undermine the importance of customer service and hence dissatisfy them. 91 percent of customers complain that they have to contact the company several times for the same problem. 90 percent do not like to be put on hold. 89 percent report being frustrated about having to repeat their problems several times. Companies should start providing best class customer service so that they do not have to face same pitfalls with customer retention every time. To avoid call waiting, a cloud router should be used for automatically transferring  call to the next agent. Companies should invest in real time reporting software so that they have full interaction history of a customer when they call. Read more at: at:http://www.callcentertimes.com/Articles/tabid/59/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/407/CategoryID/1/NewsID/783/Default.aspx 

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