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Consumers Are Rooting For Artificial Intelligence(AI)

According to authors, innovations in the areas of Artificial Intelligence(AI),Machine Learning and Deep Learning are beginning to dominate the technology landscape but the actual user experience and concerns about privacy and security are obstacles that can prevent AI from reaching its potential. Despite it’s negative implications, a Consumer Intelligence Report by PwC, revealed, that most consumers believe AI will help humankind, by solving complex problems, like fatal diseases, city traffic, cybercrime, infrastructure and fraud, that plague modern societies , thereby helping people to live more fulfilling lives. AI could revolutionize  personalized healthcare by analyzing data thus helping in maximizing life expectancy and enhancing wellbeing.AI will expand access to financial, medical, legal and transportation services to those with lower incomes thus emerging  both as a process and a product that instills trust and transparency in consumers. Read more at https://aitrends.com/security/consumers-welcome-ai-despite-lingering-privacy-concerns/


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Deep Learning-A Massive Buzzword!

Deep Learning(DL) is a subfield of Machine learning concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called Artificial Neural Networks. It  interprets the raw data through multiple processing layers, where each of these layers, uses the output of the previous one as its input, thus  creating more abstract presentation, tackling conceptual problems ,like image classification and natural language processing  and helping to infer logically. Industries that leverage Machine Learning at present , can switch over to DL approaches in future as it’s an approach of AI , which is showing great promise when it comes to developing the autonomous, self-teaching systems which are revolutionising many industries. DL drives sales, increases engagement  and improves user experience, thus it  will be the future of Personalization, which enables a business organization to enjoy amass customer appreciation. Read more at  https://aitrends.com/deep-learning/deep-learning-personalizing-internet/


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What Fraud Looks Like In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence(AI)

According to authors, Artificial Intelligence , can easily and effortlessly make a copy of audio and video content with an  intent to deceive the viewers, in a world which believes in Seeing is Believing. Though analytics, big data, and machine learning have helped  us in unfolding the truth, yet  these technologies cannot be fully relied upon, as it lies, by forging audio and video content, leading us to a fake world. As far as the audio and the video forgery is as concerned, anyone can  generate realistic-sounding speech with  varied intonation, in the voices  of famous personalities  and realistic-looking videos  by changing  both the facial expressions and pitch contour, on You Tube Videos, by using AI-based software. Recently, Adobe is working on similar technology  which aims at producing  “Photoshop  For Audio”. Read more at https://aitrends.com/opinion/ai-will-make-forging-anything-entirely-easy/


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