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Tending In The Online Way!

Tending In The Online Way!

The trend of advertising is changing at an alarming rate. The future of advertising will certainly move online and into the realm of the internet companies. Although content creators ruled and ruled over the marketing and advertising circles for years, the growth of new media platforms is shifting the power. The reason being some media companies is imposing a price increase in customers who are moving to internet media channels. Also, moving from ad spend from print to online channels has subsidized content costs and helped to monetize the content. Read more at: http://forbesindia.com/blog/business-strategy/all-hail-the-new-king-of-marketing/


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The Field of Marketing is Becoming a Life Size Molecular Reactor!

The Field of Marketing is Becoming a Life Size Molecular Reactor!

The field of marketing is always under change. One of the biggest examples is the launch and rising of social media over the years. While change is constant and cannot be constrained, marketers should keep in mind certain facts while dealing with change. They should remove the constraints that prevent them from altering their methods and processes. The marketers should focus on the big picture rather just on advertising and marketers who wants to have success dealing with change needs to be willing to devote time to monitoring the latest industry trends. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/marketing/3-tips-successfully-implementing-change-marketing-01573120#kIyEgm26ljqt3lqD.97


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Some important tips on social media advertising

Advertising is an important factor to bring new customers to your business. It will be a smart decision to get involved in social media advertising for your business because every person is spending a lot of time on social media every day. Sahail Ashraf (An award-winning writer and content marketer) writes an article about how beginners should start their social media advertising. Read more at:


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Necessary groundwork before approaching a Marketing Automation Vendor.

Before you approach a marketing automation vendor, there is always some necessary groundwork to do. This is not only important to prevent making fool out of yourself, but also to get best out of the vendor. A vendor can only provide what you want, if you have 100% clarity of it. It is important to highlight your needs. Add-ons are always good if they make your work better. Keep the strengths and drawbacks of your old system in mind. A clear goal must be decided before starting the automation. Read more about it in the article written by James A. Martin (tech journalist and bloggerz) at: http://www.cio.com/article/3023570/marketing/12-questions-to-ask-marketing-automation-vendors-before-you-buy.html

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Make it easy for Customers with Location Based Marketing.

It's no more difficult to shop at a new place with Location Based Marketing. We often look for the unique and best products, when we visit a new place. A common practice is to inquire about the best deals, with the people around who are aware of the new place. But with everything becoming techy we have Location Based Marketing to rescue. It integrates mobile marketing with location based services. The motive behind this is to make mobile users aware of your presence, while they are in the areas nearby. Most relevant display ads as per user's location are sent. Their interest can be pulled by either providing some discounts or some other perks. This benefit both the user as well as the business. Read more about it in an article written by Jack Simpson (a Writer at Econsultancy) at: https://econsultancy.com/blog/67418-what-is-location-based-advertising-why-is-it-the-next-big-thing/

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Tips for getting into Digital Marketing

The increasing importance of digital marketing is forcing every organization to use digital marketing. Here are some tips for organizations which are planning to use digital marketing:

·         Hire someone who has knowledge about digital marketing or learn how to use digital marketing.

·         There are various ways to analyze digital marketing, but some of them may suit you or some not. It is important to keep on trying new ways.

·         The best type of digital advertising reaches its audience by consent. Maintain a link between consistent efforts and spamming.

·         Try to make your advertising, mobile-friendly because mobile revolution is the next revolution.

·         There are various tools that allow for a do-it-yourself approach and leverage content across platforms.

Read more at: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/051215/dos-donts-digital-marketing.asp

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How to monitor social media accurately: A study

78% of the companies have dedicated social media teams and only 26% of the companies have social media as the part of their marketing strategy. This shows that, they don't recognize the value of social media marketing and they don't trust social media data for decision making. Companies using social media for marketing or promotion mainly use two strategies for monitoring:

Restrict to hash tag mentions: A strategy that leads to high precision at the cost of many missed mentions.
Unrestricted keyword search: An approach that could generate numerous false positives.

But these strategies lead to false results. Now the question arises how to monitor social media accurately?

Rohini Srihari (Chief Scientist at SmartFocus and a contributor to Econsultancy) in her article “how reliable are social analytics?” talked about several ways for monitoring social media accurately. Some of them are:

• For comparison across brands and different content sources, you should consider the various features like share of voice, sentiments, sudden spikes etc.
Sentimental analysis is best for analyzing trends like change in public perception.
• For location based analytics, a researcher should ensure that a sufficient number of samples have been obtained.

To know more follow this link: https://econsultancy.com/blog/66466-how-reliable-are-social-analytics/

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Social Media Marketing for Advertising

According to Mike Proulx (Executive VP-director of Digital Strategy), social media marketing is also known as advertising. Social media marketing is also called paid marketing, as brands have to pay for showing the messages to target audience. Dick Costolo (Twitter), say that out of 20 tweets 1 is an advertisement. Brands are using social media for marketing as it more automated, targeted, instant, shareable and optimized. There are several ways to use social media marketing for advertising which are as follows:

• Open your wallet
• Play Blackjack
• Show Restraints
• Measure what matters
• Connect the dots
Read more at: http://adage.com/article/digitalnext/social-media-advertising/297841/

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Native Advertising: A look into the future

Native advertising is the digital advertising solution that solves many of the problems by traditional forms of advertising and delivers brand messages, while providing value in the form of highly engaging content. In a recent IAB research, it was found that UK spend on native advertising has reached £216 million and accounts for over 20% of digital display ad budgets. Adam Rock (Managing Director at TAN Media) writes in his article link about the things marketers should consider when looking to integrate native into their mobile strategy. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/the-future-of-mobile-is-native/1637




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Data Management Platforms: An Insight

Advertisers rely on data when buying inventory in order to find out more about audiences and also they try to analyze their campaign messages. So, programmatic ad trading has become important. It is defined as automating the process of buying and selling digital media and advertising by using software. Programmatic trading has ensured that Data Management Platforms (DMP) software help marketers and publishers to employ the information they hold about users more effectively and enables publishers to learn about their audience – their likes and dislikes. The advantages of DPM goes beyond advertising, into content personalization, email, CRM. Read more at:  http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-data/data-management-platforms-beyond-advertising/1276



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The big argument: Does social media control purchasing decisions?

Social media marketers have invested a huge contract of time, force and attempt in creating completely crafted tweets to followers -to spread knowledge and share substance related to their brand. Recently, however, a Gallup Poll revealed that a majority of Americans believe social media have no effect at all on their purchasing decisions. According to a survey, 62% of public in the U.S. e.g.Facebook and Twitter, do not have any influence on their choice to buy goods and services. Only 30% said social media have some influence and a much smaller 5% said they have a great deal of influence. According to psychology theory, predicts that people tend to see that group communicated messages have a greater result on other than on themselves.  Nielsen data showed that 92% of people trust recommendations from their networks, posts shared after associations with a brand in the form of social word of mouth. This doesn't mean that these people are easily manipulated and falling victim to marketer's "set-ups." Rather, it means marketers are reaching their target influencers. - See more at: http://www.gosigmaway.com/easyblog/entry/the-big-argument-does-social-media-control-purchasing-decisions#sthash.FISv9ViS.dpuf

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

 Social media marketers have invested a huge contract of time, force and attempt in creating completely crafted tweets to followers -to spread knowledge and share substance related to their brand. Recently, however, a Gallup Poll revealed that a majority of Americans believe social media have no effect at all on their purchasing decisions. According to a survey, 62% of public in the U.S. e.g.Facebook and Twitter, do not have any influence on their choice to buy goods and services. Only 30% said social media have some influence and a much smaller 5% said they have a great deal of influence. Nielsen data showed that 92% of people trust recommendations from their networks, posts shared after associations with a brand in the form of social word of mouth. This doesn't mean that these people are easily control and falling victim to marketer's "set-ups.Read more at:

https://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/grea Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 t-debate-how-does-social-word-mouth-influence-purchasing-decisions

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Market Intelligence tells a lot about consumer behavior

Consumer choice process has two steps. Firstly, he assigns a value to each product according to his willingness to pay. Secondly, the consumer compares and ranks these values. People evaluate the stimuli that they see even if they do not have to choose. Marketing may not necessarily need a billboard or commercial in order to materialize. It may extol the positive values of a product.  A consumer may subconsciously value a product anyway.  There are certain aspects that a company's advertisers have to worry about besides what its competitors say or how they advertise because if consumers automatically assign values to products, then marketing may not save a product that has many deficiencies. This may lay out cost effective opportunity to the present advertisers. Companies can highlight some positive virtues of a product on the product itself. Read more at: 

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Do paid ads have any impact?

A new study shows that the people doesn’t think social media advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are building  impact. By 2017, brands are probable to spend $11 billion on social media ads across several platforms. 92% of businesses use Facebook advertising and more than 23% publicize on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. 90%  believe that social media marketing helps their businesses, with 58% saying it really affects sales and 88 percent saying it advances brand knowledge. Twitter and Facebook advertising allow businesses to attain people who will respond. People may claim that advertisements on social networking sites don’t impact their buying behaviors, but case studies and research contradicts it . Brands should appraise the effectiveness of paid social advertising .Marketers achieve goals through paid ads on social networking sites, it requires experience in audience targeting. Read more at: 


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Make your advertising expenditure decisions wisely

In the present world, advertising is shifting towards digital media, and experts say that small business owners should keep up with that trend in spite of prevalence of billboards and newspapers ads. Whatever the product is, marketing the product to target customer is critical. With the limited budget advertising decisions should be taken wisely. According to Eric Schiffer (head of marketing firms' digitalmarketing.com and socialmediamarketing.com) "You can easily throw a lot of money down the drain if you don't think about the right strategy and right platforms". Owners can build a local business profile on either Facebook or Twitter, and they will be presented with buttons to "promote" or "advertise" their page. Using this process will enable the owners to identify and convert customers at far less cost compared to search based advertising. According to Sidney Smith "E-mail is still king, and building out your e-mail list is so important". Services such as ConstantContact, Vertical Response and iContact can be used to manage an e-mail marketing list. Companies uses GPS data to push coupons and deals via text messages to individuals near a store. To know more about usage of social media, e-mails, text messages and loyalty cards for advertising visit: 

http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/on-small-business/small-business-guide-how-to-invest-your-digital-advertising-dollars/2014/04/20/67f5ad6c-c4a7-11e3-bcec-b71ee10e9bc3_story.html  .

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How to increase brand loyalty?

The defining feature of the millennial generation is technology. The millennial generation is very crucial while building a loyal customer base. The key question is how to increase millennial brand loyalty. An article by Anqi Cong, student at Carnegie Mellon University, talks about some do's regarding increasing brand loyalty.



To know in details visithttp://socialmediatoday.com/anqicong/2421456/how-increase-millennials-brand-loyalty  

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Social media marketing: use of hashtags

An article by Pam Dyer, Marketing manager at SolutionsIQ, conveys that hashtags can be powerful tools that drive brand recognition, increase reach, build community, create buzz, and positively impact customer loyalty. They are ways to track topics on Twitter and other social media platforms. Anyone sharing content can add one to their messages and posts, thus helping people to quickly find information on that same topic. It's easy to join in a hashtag conversation by clicking on one of your own tweets or those of others. You can track hashtags to see which ones resonate most with your audience. Hashtags on Instagram can help to maximize your reach and create a network of influential brand followers.  When users click on a hashtag in Google+, the search results page (SERP) includes the original hashtag as well as posts with similar tags and keywords.


For more information visit http://socialmediatoday.com/pamdyer/2381691/using-hashtags-social-media-marketing



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