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Make Instagram Followers your Customers

The product, service or program one offers is to help or reach out to the people who needs. So, choosing the platform wisely to reach out to the audience is important. One should be different in advertising or delivering promises. If one's marketing isn't different he will simply compete on price and compromise on quality thus starting a downfall. Instagram offers value in one's Instagram bio telling others why they should like the page and how will they be benefited. Using the power of hashtag, making sure that the posts and ads is about target audience, interacting with followers and convincing audience how one’s product can be beneficial is important. Following all of these will help one be the leader of the marketplace. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/293713


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Social media marketing: use of hashtags

An article by Pam Dyer, Marketing manager at SolutionsIQ, conveys that hashtags can be powerful tools that drive brand recognition, increase reach, build community, create buzz, and positively impact customer loyalty. They are ways to track topics on Twitter and other social media platforms. Anyone sharing content can add one to their messages and posts, thus helping people to quickly find information on that same topic. It's easy to join in a hashtag conversation by clicking on one of your own tweets or those of others. You can track hashtags to see which ones resonate most with your audience. Hashtags on Instagram can help to maximize your reach and create a network of influential brand followers.  When users click on a hashtag in Google+, the search results page (SERP) includes the original hashtag as well as posts with similar tags and keywords.


For more information visit http://socialmediatoday.com/pamdyer/2381691/using-hashtags-social-media-marketing



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