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Big Data in ensuring Gmail security

Gmail has become a huge platform with almost 1.2 billion monthly users and holds a 20% share of the global email market. However, Gmail is not really secure as they require personal information such as name, interests, who is one talking to, and many more things. Hence, for trusting Gmail, several tips should be implemented for ensuring maximum security. • Big Data plays a big role in cybersecurity and malware protection. Machine Learning tools are capable of understanding newest thus it is advisable to invest in email specific antivirus software. • Enabling two-step verification, again made reliable by the Big Data. Along with this is the easy-to-use update which adds to the security. • Upgrading the browser whenever possible reduces changes of cybercrimes. • Using a sophisticated password. Read more at: https://www.smartdatacollective.com/4-brilliant-ways-to-use-big-data-to-boost-gmail-security/

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Email Marketing - a loyal friend to businesses.

Email Marketing is good for business. It is a tool continuously being used for connecting with the customers. Emails are sent comprising of newsletters, best deals, new products, etc. A few ways to enrich your email marketing are written here. Though not everyone opens the newsletter, but still it is important to give a detailed view to the customer of what you deal with. Order follow - ups gives a sense of satisfaction to the customers. Thus making long lasting bonds. It is important to approach the potential customers who aren't aware of your products. They might be in need, but due to lack of information they are inactive. A good conversion rate is observed in this category. The essence of businesses lies in their approach towards their customers. So it becomes a responsibility to bring the customers lost. Moreover, lucrative deals, coupons, discounts work quickly. Read more about it on: https://econsultancy.com/blog/67403-ecommerce-email-marketing-benchmarks-for-2016/

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E-Commerce Promotions: A New Angle

 E-Commerce is important for any business and customers are their greatest asset. In a recent report, it was found that some consumers follow retailers on social media channels to get their latest deals and offers, 34% said they would like to find products on retailer websites, and 76% say they want to know about retailer offers and promotions via email. Marko Luhtala (CEO of RapidCampaign), writes in his article link about the promotions that a company can undertake which customers will love and in turn will increase sales. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/e-commerce-digital-marketing/five-steps-to-creating-promotions-your-customers-will-love/1701


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Nitin Sinha
Thanks For Your valuable posting, it was very informative. Am working inErp In India
Friday, 04 September 2015 06:54
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Digital Marketing Tactics for 2015

According to a study it was found that 91% of consumers check their email daily, and 66% of consumers have made a purchase online after reading an email marketing message. To find out more about the benefits of including email, social media, and online reputation management in your marketing plans, follow: http://www.marketingprofs.com/chirp/2015/27013/three-digital-marketing-tactics-you-should-adopt-in-2015-infographic


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IoT & Mobile Marketing: Future trends

Smart technology is part of the Internet of Things (IoT), and it is referred as the high-tech products equipped with an Internet connection which enables to communicate data to the owner. Now kitchen appliances, thermostats etc. are being created with sensors that can communicate information via an app or through email. These are meant to improve the quality of life for consumers, but it also opens up new marketing opportunities. These technologies are giving marketers an opportunity to know what people are buying, how satisfied they are with their purchases, and what they may be interested in buying in the future. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/understanding-internet-things-and-mobile-marketing




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Effective Marketing Strategies

According to a recent report from Infusionsoft, it was found that 62% of small businesses surveyed cite word-of-mouth/customer referrals as a top 3 tactic in marketing strategy, 34% of people considered email as a top 3 tactic, 25% considered networking, 23% considered social media, 14% considered search engine and 13% considered content marketing. Read more at: : http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2015/26859/the-most-effective-marketing-strategies-for-small-businesses


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Important Tech Tools for Workers

According to a recent report from the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, it was found that 61% of workers who have online access say email is very important for doing their job, and 54% say the Internet is very important. 35% of the workers describe land line or cell phones as important 4% say social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn are very important. Know more at:  : http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2015/26796/the-most-important-tech-tools-for-workers




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Data Management Platforms: An Insight

Advertisers rely on data when buying inventory in order to find out more about audiences and also they try to analyze their campaign messages. So, programmatic ad trading has become important. It is defined as automating the process of buying and selling digital media and advertising by using software. Programmatic trading has ensured that Data Management Platforms (DMP) software help marketers and publishers to employ the information they hold about users more effectively and enables publishers to learn about their audience – their likes and dislikes. The advantages of DPM goes beyond advertising, into content personalization, email, CRM. Read more at:  http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-data/data-management-platforms-beyond-advertising/1276



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Marketing Messages: How Consumers prefer

According to a recent report from Message Systems, it was found that consumers prefer to receive marketing messages, special offers, and coupons via email. It was also found that for non-emergency customer service issues, email is the most preferred. Phone conversations are the next most popular means for non-emergency customer service issues which is preferred by 29% followed by online chat (9%) and social media (7%). Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26627/how-consumers-prefer-to-receive-marketing-messages




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Myths regarding Email Marketing

Email is one of the oldest tools which is still relied upon by the marketers. There is lot of information on optimizing email marketing but not all are true. To make email marketing as effective as possible it is first necessary to separate out the information which one can believe from ones to discard. Myth 1: Consumers are drowning in emails from trusted brands. Myth 1: Consumers are drowning in emails from trusted brands. 60% receive less than 6 mails per day. Myth2: Best time to mail is at 3 pm on Thursday. Only 21% of purchases happen within 2 days of sending mail. Myth 3: You should stop sending to inactive users after 6 months. They are still alive. Myth 4: Consumers mark email as spam. One out of 2000 does this. Myth 5: More the emails sent by brands, ignorance from customer’s side increases. Number of consumers checking the mail increases, increasing revenue. Myth 6: Short subject lines give better results. Over 70 characters increase clicks. Myth 7: Because of subject lines, email lands up in spam folder. According to 540bn emails sent till date, ‘spam’ keywords have little effects on ending up in spam folder. Read more at: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/email-marketing-myths-infographic

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e-mail v/s telephonic support for consumer service

There are three modes of services available for customers, namely e-mail, live chat, and phone. Each of them has their own positives and negatives. E-mails are cheapest,\ and extremely useful for connecting globally. If solutions are not required immediately this can be the best platform with clear and written solutions, which are transferable. Customers do not have to deal with foreign accents or “on hold” waiting. Customers feel their importance and in this way a number of customers can be handled simultaneously. On the other side phone calls are better for people who want immediate support and are less technological forward. They get the solutions immediately and feel that their business is being appreciated. A helpful voice can calm and assure customers. Internet connection is not required. The type of medium selected depends on the type of client one faces. Usually sue to the fact that there can be multiple types of customers providing different forms of consumer support mediums is usually the best solution. Read more at:http://ezinearticles.com/?Email,-Phone-Or-Live-Chat-Support---How-to-Best-Serve-Your-Customers&id=3518663

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