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Reasons Why Smart Money is Focusing on Social Media

An earlier group of advertisers targeted Newspapers and TV, but now they have moved into social media. So, money is flowing to social. Spending on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook marketing continue to accelerate as mobile adoption and time spent on internet increases. In this manner, in the coming years Internet ad will surpass television. The shift to mobile and increased time spent with digital is having a major impact on social platforms. More people are engaging with brands on social. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is social now. Even the news is on social now. You can read fastest news on Twitter than on any other websites. Researches show that the consumers who include social media as part of their shopping process are four times more likely to spend more money on purchases. Most of the audience is on social. So, many marketers who've been using social for at least two years say it helped them improve sales. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/smart-money-moving-social-01863316#LvrcWTpZ5JmxR8qb.97

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Revolutionizing business with social media

Social media has brought revolution in the field of marketing and business. By incorporating social media into business, it helps marketers to keep up with users demand and continuously improving their enhancements and improvement to make their relevance in the marketing world. There are more than 2 billion advertisers who use Facebook as a media platform to market their business. Marketing through social media is much more cost effective as compared to traditional marketing models which requires a size able budget for printing brochures or hiring people. It also gives the brands an exposure to expand its fan base through regular interactions with followers and working on the feedback. Expansion of social networking in business gives opportunity to corporations of all sizes to build a strong network of loyal customers by providing efficient and cost -effective networking and communication. Read more at http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/3-awesome-reasons-why-businesses-need-social-media


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Social media as a part of marketing strategy

Nowadays, social media is a part of marketing strategy. But, before planning for a social media campaign, we need to think whether this type of campaign is needed or not. We must think about six points before going for a social media campaign. They are: 1. What are we trying to accomplish? 2. Who are we trying to Reach? 3. What channels can we use? 4. Is There a realistic potential to establish two-way communication? 5. What channels Can we use? And 6. What is the cost? Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/do-you-need-a-social-media-program-76621


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Role Of Social Media In An Election

Social media is one of the best ways for campaign managers, political analysts, news outlets or even marketers to understand and take action based on public sentiment about each candidate. Political candidates are using social primarily as a means to push mass messaging. They haven't harnessed social expanding potential to proactively join millions of relevant conversations. Candidates are also investing in talented team dedicated to publishing original content on multiple channels like using Snapchat for elections. To know more, please read the article by Monica Jacquez (Reporter) at: target=_blankhttp://www.kionrightnow.com/news/local-news/social-media-plays-vital-role-in-2016-presidential-race/38537622

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4c's of social media success

Social media is becoming the key factor in globalization. To sustain in this environment, corporates should follow the 4 C's of social media which are as follows-:

1. CONTENT: It demands fresh and original thoughts which create uniqueness and attracts people to like and share.

2. CONTEXT-:  Context is the direction to your content which explain where and how to carry your idea in social media

3. CONSISTENCY -: Consistency is key to everything in social media. It’s essential to be consistent.

4. CONNECTION -: Social media is all about building connections which if not done properly rise to fame won’t last long.

To know more, please read the article by Calvin Wayman (Founder of ThePeriscopePro.com and contributor at The Huffington Post) -:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-four-cs-of-social-med_b_9283708.html?section=india


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Benefits of social media for small businesses

Small business doesn’t have huge capital and are not always prepared to employ different marketing techniques. On the other hand, social media usually involve little or no expense. Because of this, small businesses that do not have large amounts of capital can take full advantage of social media. So, social media is the ideal solution for smaller organizations. By using the various social media outlets, small businesses can increase their marketing and advertising efforts with very limited capital. Read more at- http://www.business2community.com/small-business/social-media-great-small-businesses-01384198#Wg4lKRTHvLZM2KAY.97



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How social media is impacting the human resource industry

Nowadays, companies are using different social media channels to post job openings, interact with clients and employees and make major product announcements. Human resource managers are using social media to announce job postings and it is making the recruiting process easier. HR executives can monitor the activities of their employees and communicate with them more effectively through the help of social media channels. To know more on how social media impacts the human resource industry, follow: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/social-medias-impact-on-the-human-resources-industry-01338454


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Social Listening: An Insight

In a recent research by Gartner, it was found that failure to respond to customer complaints via social media channels can lead to a 15% increase in client loss. Customers get agitated if your brand fails to respond to social media complaints and that includes ignored emails or phone calls from customers. Social listening capabilities in your customer relationship management software (CRM) can provide your organization with the ability to tap into these conversations and comments immediately. You can understand sentiment and other measures of how you stack up to your competitors with the help of social listening. So, social listening matters to any organization even more now. Read more at:  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-reasons-your-crm-needs-social-listening-capabilities-69840


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Social CRM: Another Insight

According to a research, 60% of people interact with brands through social media. Social media is important nowadays as it is an effective sales tool. It is also an important channel for post-sales support. Hence, social CRM facilitates lead engagement across social channels. It also allows the sales team to track prior communication and follow up with additional information. It also helps in customer communication and also improves customer visibility. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-to-use-social-crm-for-sales-68572


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Mastering Social Media

To master social media, learning Social Media Management Software, we can schedule posts at different social media channels to know if someone is complaining or mentioning about me. Adding new features masters us in learning the software better. Automation is everything in social media marketing as we get more time to manage other aspects. But it is a pitfall as we need to respond to changing needs of the clients. Using analytical tools, we can track our followers within each network. Making it interactive and fun with free stuff, no one can stop from being famous with more followers. Do good, feel good – make that a moto. Taking healthy risks be creative enough and check that through SWOT analysis. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/sarah-snow/2015-07-10/how-master-social-marketing-quickly-and-effectively

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Reach Of Big Data

Big Data, one of the prevailing trend has changed our mind-set about Internet and other Technologies. The five keys to get an idea of the reach of Big Data are: 1) the amount of Data transmitted through an optical fiber doubles every nine months. 2) The number of cellphones in the world is now equal to the number of people thus becoming the fastest adopted technology ever. 3) Facebook has 1.3 billion active users and one hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute 4) The number of IP-enabled sensors are increasing 5) 90% of the world's stock of data was generated in the past two years. Thus, Big Data has many applications in the business world. Read more about this article at:  https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/5-data-about-big-data/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=techreview&utm_campaign=MITcompany&utm_content=5bigdata 

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Increasing Demand For Social Media

According to a recent study in 2014-15, it was found that today's high school students are heavy internet users using social media channels to stay well-informed with current affairs and to be connected with family and friends. 52% of them are part of at least one community on Facebook and 65% of them have Google+ accounts; 6 out of 10 use Whats App. According to the study, it was also found that 75% of these students spend an hour online every day. Two-third who survey, shop online. 63% use Wikipedia, 51% use PDF and 44% use videos as learning resources. Read more about this article at:  http://www.dqindia.com/over-75-of-indian-school-students-spend-an-average-of-1-hour-on-social-media-every-day-tcs-study/

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Promotion Of An Event On Social Media

Organizing an event? How to spread the word about the event? This is where marketing comes into the picture. Nowadays, while promoting an event, you have to include social media. It has become unavoidable in today’s world. But social media is used in different ways for different events and one must follow a unique process of marketing while promoting one’s event on social media. William Johnson (Web designer), writes in his article link about some tips on how to promote an event on social media. Read more at: : http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/2015-04-01/top-7-ways-use-social-media-make-your-event-successful




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Social Customer Care Team: Trends in 2015

Social media has become one of the most important tools for consumers who wants to file complaints or questions. But, the question is how a brand handles their customer care team.  Sofie De Beule (Community Manager at Engagor) writes in her article link about some of the top 2015 trends for organizing your social customer care team. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/2015-03-24/top-trends-organize-your-social-customer-care-team



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E-Commerce Promotions: A New Angle

 E-Commerce is important for any business and customers are their greatest asset. In a recent report, it was found that some consumers follow retailers on social media channels to get their latest deals and offers, 34% said they would like to find products on retailer websites, and 76% say they want to know about retailer offers and promotions via email. Marko Luhtala (CEO of RapidCampaign), writes in his article link about the promotions that a company can undertake which customers will love and in turn will increase sales. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/e-commerce-digital-marketing/five-steps-to-creating-promotions-your-customers-will-love/1701


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Nitin Sinha
Thanks For Your valuable posting, it was very informative. Am working inErp In India
Friday, 04 September 2015 06:54
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Customer Retention: A Study

Nowadays, people shop mostly on online and therefore it is easier for companies to connect with customers through websites, social media channels, and blogs so that they keep the attention of their target groups. Oliver Jaeger (Vice President of Global Marketing & Communications at e-Spirit Inc), writes in his article link about some steps to make 2015 the year of exceptional customer experience: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/how-to-attract-and-keep-customers/1594


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