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Reasons Why Smart Money is Focusing on Social Media

An earlier group of advertisers targeted Newspapers and TV, but now they have moved into social media. So, money is flowing to social. Spending on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook marketing continue to accelerate as mobile adoption and time spent on internet increases. In this manner, in the coming years Internet ad will surpass television. The shift to mobile and increased time spent with digital is having a major impact on social platforms. More people are engaging with brands on social. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is social now. Even the news is on social now. You can read fastest news on Twitter than on any other websites. Researches show that the consumers who include social media as part of their shopping process are four times more likely to spend more money on purchases. Most of the audience is on social. So, many marketers who've been using social for at least two years say it helped them improve sales. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/smart-money-moving-social-01863316#LvrcWTpZ5JmxR8qb.97

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