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ORS App Paying For Your Scrap


A company named ORS is offering to clear scrap and also paying one for this with just one click on the app. ORS (Old Raddi Sold) app allows customers to book for scrap to be cleared from their doorstep. There are different rates for different things like newspapers, carton, metal scraps, e-wastes, etc. The company earns by selling these things to different industrial leader who are in need of them for recycling and charges some commission from them. Awareness is the biggest challenge when dealing with waste management in such unorganized sectors. Currently the company is dealing with only dry wastes that too only in Bengaluru. But, with the help of BBMP it is trying to provide solutions for wet waste management and planning to move across India. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296723

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Financial Planning Points to Ensure Start-up Survives


Daily, new business starts-up but very few are successful.  The reason is that their focus is based on their idea and not their finances. So, lack of innovation, mismanagement of financial resources, failure to hire the right people, inability to access capital; inability to adapt to changing business environment and immigration policies gets included in the issues of start-up failure. These three strategic financial plans should be included by small businesses to fix failures. 1) Being acquainted with the business cash flow analysis. 2) Hiring a consultant for specific services. 3) Embracing strict financial discipline. 4) Using VPN and private internet connection to prevent any average hacker from attacking the data while using open Wi-Fi source. Read more at: http://newsvader.com/id/17256442225

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Are Our Smartphone Making Us Stupid?


At present, Cell phones are being considered obsolete and being replaced by Smartphones because smartphone is capable beyond the function of regular cell phones. Smartphones keep people occupied all the time. People who are shopping, or in bar or during work constantly keeps on checking their phone for Facebook, twitters or mails and continue replying. This is what the level of people obsessed and consumed with the smartphone. Recent study says that if one is sitting and working at desk, his eye and sub-conscious mind is looking to figure out some time for checking the phone updates and in this way, the work lacks focus. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296562

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Things to Consider Before Starting a Business


After the Government’s Initiative to help start-ups, many youngsters are becoming inclined toward their own start-up. Starting a new Business and taking it to the level of success is tougher job than working with MNCs. Also, the possibility is very less. So, some aspects should be considered before starting a Business: 1) Every Entrepreneur should know at least one web development tool and one programming language. 2) Entrepreneur should never initiate a business which is completely dependent on funder’s money. 3) Every Entrepreneur should play with their own strength first. 4) Every Entrepreneur should learn to say “No”. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296286

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Ways to Understand User Intent


More than 4 billion searches are performed through Google with a need and those businesses that can fulfill these needs are the ones who are gaining success. To attract customers to any brand, one needs to grasp what people are looking for. This is what user intent is. There are three types and stage of User intent: Navigational: user looks for something specific, Informational: User is researching and gathering information about the product, Transactional: In this stage, the user is ready to buy. The brand must be ready for these three stages of user intention. Below are the ways that helps in determining user intent: 1) Going beyond key words. 2) Considering the buying cycle. 3) Identifying the queries. 4) Understanding the customers. 5) Ask your customers directly. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294650

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Ways That may Lead Small Business to Millionaire

Despite the challenges that lie ahead to start the big business at once, there is a way to become a millionaire even when one starts with smaller investment. One should: 1) Focus on Learning, not big gain. This builds foundations for long term gains. 2) Learn loads about any topic online. This will advance one much faster. 3) Focus on the Niche one loves. This will provide huge gains. 4) Prove your expertise by creating free content. In this way, try to earn reputation through the content and this will help one to build relationship with the others who value your work. And from there, everyone gets richer. Read more at : https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296109

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Rumors About Mobile Apps and It’s Role in Business


There is no more secret that every Business or Industry needs App for growth. Mobile app developing companies had revenue figures of $69.7 billion in 2015 and expected to have $189 billon by 2020. Companies are always looking for the app which has easier interface and marketing of the app. There is also some myth about Mobile Apps: 1) Users and Customers are synonyms: This is not so, only 10% of users are customers. 2) Good apps don’t need marketing. This is also not true. 3) Many Company thinks that users have stopped downloading apps but this is just a rumor because people installs and uninstall the app daily. 4) Developing Mobile apps are costly job depending on the type of app. 5) Few mobile apps need the internet. Read more at : https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296230

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Ways In Which Banks are Helping Start-ups


Financial Institution i.e.; Banks have started specialized services for start-ups. 1) Branches have been opened for them to meet their ever growing financial needs. 2) API has been opened for start-ups which will provide access to start-up to the real-time data of a bank, giving the banks power to innovate and solve a real-time issue. 3) Online Advisory Platforms by many banks offers entrepreneurs assistance in registering and even incubation services. 4) Along with investor network, Banks are also funding start-up. 5) Banks offer them a hassle-free process to open accounts that let them have zero balance for the first six months. 6) With the rise of digital money, there is increased involvement of fintech aspect in each start-up, banks come in handy for most start-ups by offering payment gateway services. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296057

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Minimizing The Risk In Value Investing


Even if investment is carefully performed, it still has chances of losing money. Some risks & it’s mitigation are: i) Basing Calculations on the Wrong Numbers, i.e. the trades should be carefully placed. ii) Overlooking Extraordinary Gains or Losses: Close judgment and critical thinking is required. iii) Ignoring the Error in Financial Ratio analysis: defining the terms carefully is important. iv) Overpaying:  Overpaying for Investments should be avoided. v)  Not Diversifying: Diversifying risk in stocks is necessary. vi) Basing Investment Decisions on Fraudulent Accounting Statements. vii)  Selling at the wrong time:  The ideal time to sell the stock is when shares are overpriced relative to the company's intrinsic value. Read more at: http://value-picks.blogspot.in/2017/05/managing-risks-in-value-investing.html



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Economics On the side of Manufacturing a Good product


Economics is encountered in everyday by us. Product team can get benefited in attempt to build a good product if they keep in mind some principles and economics theories. i) Trade-off by product team for retaining a potential product feature may end up because of negative reviews by users. ii) Release changes have opportunity costs attached to them. iii) Since users respond to incentives, product team should contain gamification in checklist, iv) Behavioral economics can be useful to figure out the areas where users are struggling with respect to product. v) There should be minimum information asymmetry to drive positive user experience vi) Game theory can be helpful in decision making to improve market strategies. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295741


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How and Why You Should Provide Feedback to Employees?


Research show that providing feedback is always important as it increases the engagement three times than leaders. Positive feedback has biggest positive impact on engagement when feedback relates to positive strengths, weaknesses. But, negative feedback disengages employees. There should be two types of considerations while giving feedback: 1) Caring personally about the person one is giving feedback to. 2) Being clear and direct about the feedback. Giving wrong feedback to employees should be avoided. While reading and mentorship are valuable, best lessons come from experience i.e.; giving and receiving feedback is an art and skill that can be developed. Receiving feedback is equally important as giving it. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/leadership/need-give-employees-feedback-01864336#xkvGRIOh7vuw2eQB.97


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How Advertising Bother Consumers


When Consumers look at brand, they expect to see true features and promises. According to research from CMO council, 23% respondent say false and misleading brand advertisement bothers most, 22% respondent gets bothered by pop-up ads, 17% gets bothered by auto-playing video ads (digital advertising). In this way, the negative advertising experience makes them feel differently about a brand or choose not to do business with the brand. Also, alongside interesting content, irrelevant ads put impact positively irrespective of the brand but poorly conceived and insulting ads put negative impact. Read more at: https://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2017/32275/what-bothers-consumers-most-about-brand-marketing

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Start-ups in Credit Market: Not as complex as Credit Card Providers


Demand for credit is increasing in the cashless economy where there is rise of digital money. Various startups are emerging that allows the user to buy now and pay later. They are targeting those consumer segments of India that does not have access to a Credit Card. Banks take loads of paperwork and much more time while giving loan, whereas these startups determine credit worthiness through social media. Slicepay is targeting college students aged 18-26 who usually don’t have credit cards and this segment of people need small ticket loans which other banks don’t provide. Also, for the loans given, they believe that it won’t lead to debt crisis because i) Credit taken are in small amount. ii) Analysis is secured. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295918

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Reasons Why Smart Money is Focusing on Social Media

An earlier group of advertisers targeted Newspapers and TV, but now they have moved into social media. So, money is flowing to social. Spending on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook marketing continue to accelerate as mobile adoption and time spent on internet increases. In this manner, in the coming years Internet ad will surpass television. The shift to mobile and increased time spent with digital is having a major impact on social platforms. More people are engaging with brands on social. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is social now. Even the news is on social now. You can read fastest news on Twitter than on any other websites. Researches show that the consumers who include social media as part of their shopping process are four times more likely to spend more money on purchases. Most of the audience is on social. So, many marketers who've been using social for at least two years say it helped them improve sales. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/smart-money-moving-social-01863316#LvrcWTpZ5JmxR8qb.97

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Etiquette of Private Equity


The entrepreneur's objective is to use the capital and expertise of the PE firm to grow the company in the ways that benefit every involved person. So, for a successful PE partnership here is some etiquette that helps ensure maximum alignment. To do: i) make sure that one fits the firm's funding and investment strategy. ii) Target those firms that have interest and experience in the industry. iii) Understand the PE firm's decision-making process. For this, interview the CEOs of past and present portfolio companies. iv) Find out how the partner is responsible for one's investment gets paid. Not to Do Things are: i) don't go "exclusive" too soon. Always understand the paperwork before signing. ii) Don't be frightened of "thorough" money and beware fast money. iii) Don't Hire an Inexperienced transaction lawyer to avoid cost. iv) Don't be defensive when the PE firm offers operating Expertise. Because it's not interfering, it's a valuable advisory resource. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295506

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Tips to Market new business for almost Free


For new Business, it's a challenge to get customers. So, one should incorporate new ideas for marketing. The Internet has widened the option to more affordable and easier option of marketing strategies. Social media like Facebook and Instagram can be used to make the brand viral. Meeting new customers at events or starting a blog may help. Facebook ads can be used to reach out to the customers. Building email funnels, renting a festival booth and attracting customers by giving freebies, volunteering under the brand name, giving samples to product critics can be useful. It can become an effective way to refine or reinvent the product. Offering workshops, posting a video review of the product, running viral contests, building a product page website, sending out press releases are some useful ways to attract customers. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294265

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Money Habits and it’s implication on Your Business

New startups come regularly. But less than 50% businesses are not closed in the next 5 years. This shows that how well the businesses will do in the future have to do with how one is spending on it today i.e.; money habits. Poor money habits to look after are: First, not having regards for "little money", spending, smaller denomination in huge amount causes less access to actual working capital. The second is not diversifying the income stream of the business. Diversifying is the most potent way to get a large market share and raise income. The third is not saving. Fourth is not taking steps to reduce credit card balances and debt. Fifth is not maximizing tax deductions and write-offs. Sixth is not keeping oneself on a salary. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294877

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Steps to Keep in Mind While Building App for Business Boost-up

Apps are expected to produce $77 billion in revenue for business this year. Out of available 2.8 million apps, only a fraction is ever used. It means that the only cool idea is not enough for an app to be wanted by people, the app should add worth to users and be regular with the usefulness that the brand provides. Three steps can be taken to ensure that the subscription adds value and align with your business goals. First is to link up with values by defining the core values one provides as a company. Second is to exploit the tools like tap into features and functionality that mobile delivers to help push core value out into the world. And lastly by using mobile to supplement the brand's value, i.e. design the app around addressing a specific customer pain point that the speed and ease of mobile can help remove. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295511

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Data Driven Marketing: Use of data to boost new Revenue Streams

Right data insights now have the potential to be a valuable resource to a marketer. It helps brand observe consumers, provide seamless brand experiences, etc. Goals of data driven marketing are: Real time personalization, App-based marketing, Location-based Marketing, Virtual assistants, Using Big Data to predict trends. So, ultimately its goal is to understand and target the suitable audiences. Most marketers have realized the need to be data driven. But to be successful they must choose their own internal data sets and apart from that utilize third party data to gain an in-depth view of consumers across the customer journey. Social Media Data, mobile data and DMPs provides deeper insights into customer's preferences. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/state-data-driven-marketing-use-data-fuel-new-revenue-streams-01856921#RcsPHSImrRGOfL8c.972

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Make Instagram Followers your Customers

The product, service or program one offers is to help or reach out to the people who needs. So, choosing the platform wisely to reach out to the audience is important. One should be different in advertising or delivering promises. If one's marketing isn't different he will simply compete on price and compromise on quality thus starting a downfall. Instagram offers value in one's Instagram bio telling others why they should like the page and how will they be benefited. Using the power of hashtag, making sure that the posts and ads is about target audience, interacting with followers and convincing audience how one’s product can be beneficial is important. Following all of these will help one be the leader of the marketplace. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/293713


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