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Startups In India At Present

In June 2017, the Government of India, launched Startup India Hub to provide a platform for sharing knowledge and skills about startups in India. It has invested 10,000 crores in this regard to help new companies combat the lack of capital. With the definition of a startup being changed (a market existence of 7 or lesser number of years); startups are a major employer at present. The implementation and entrepreneurship has to be improved and a conducive atmosphere has to be created alongside for posting a positive message to the thriving and aspiring startups in India. Read more at: http://www.forbesindia.com/article/leaderboard/startup-india-on-track-gradually/47395/1  


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Ways That may Lead Small Business to Millionaire

Despite the challenges that lie ahead to start the big business at once, there is a way to become a millionaire even when one starts with smaller investment. One should: 1) Focus on Learning, not big gain. This builds foundations for long term gains. 2) Learn loads about any topic online. This will advance one much faster. 3) Focus on the Niche one loves. This will provide huge gains. 4) Prove your expertise by creating free content. In this way, try to earn reputation through the content and this will help one to build relationship with the others who value your work. And from there, everyone gets richer. Read more at : https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296109

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Incongruity experienced by Entrepreneurs

Many entrepreneurs who are about to launch a startup, at the very introductory stage think about what is going to happen at the end. The thought process includes how they will encash the funding in lavish parties or the big checks brought in when the company is bought under some stalwarts of the industry. While keeping up “high hopes” proves to be motivational for them, the experts have expressed this habit to be a mistake.

David Skok is a Boston area entrepreneur who has founded four start-ups and is a regular blogger touching on relevant topics reaching out to people just like him. Skok is one of the experts who is skeptical about using external factors such as accumulated wealth as a driving force for beginning entrepreneurs. He says - “The big lesson I learned was that, in the start-up world, if your primary focus is on making money, you usually won’t make money.”

Know more :  http://www.business2community.com/leadership/the-entrepreneurial-paradox-01689339#Mb6MJc1MVAxSYSjV.99


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Habits Imbibed by a Millionaire of the Millennia

It has always been apprehended by famous persona, celebrities, creators and innovators, that “Morning shows the day”. The routines or habits followed right after waking up, always end up as a stigma for our success.

In the current millennium, people who have continuously been putting an effort for the betterment of the world have set certain ways of turning this dream into reality. This methodology of integrity and goals have been successful, due to various factors like positive line of thought, motivation and a conglomeration of hard work and consistency.

To learn more, Read: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/282495

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Six Sigma Process: A great help for entrepreneurs.

The Six Sigma approach makes the work both flexible and focused. Six Sigma training helps entrepreneurs to assess process cycle of operations. The essential factor in entrepreneurship is that they are not afraid of taking risks. Six Sigma practices also help them in business planning. Entrepreneurs also realize that there is a need to move slowly and work on the service models for better consistency. Read more at: http://www.business.com/entrepreneurship/a-new-look-at-entrepreneurship-where-six-sigma-aligns-personality-with-process/

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What a business plan should consist of?

Business Plan is a systematic evaluation of the business goals, the reasons behind attaining them and tailoring a plan to reach up to them. The reason for the failure of many businesses is that they don't start with a business plan. It is essential as it helps in realizing the vision of next 2 to 5 years. So the start- up can always keep a check whether they are proceeding in the right direction. Must haves of a business plan are: Business Overview, Market Analysis, Marketing Strategy, and Financial Information. Before you start writing your business plan, you should honestly evaluate yourself and decide if your business idea has a good chance of success. Write down about how you intend to make money, what will be your business model. Start with your company description. A thorough description of the business environment and analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats supports its marketing strategy. Financial information, gives the details of how the company will run the finances in the upcoming years. Read more at:  :  http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/four-major-types-information-presented-business-plan-9328.html

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Reinvention: A key to survive in this dynamic world

Reinvention is a popular way to reinvent an existing product. This can be done by extending the product line, creating a new product that is designed, executing and messaging to appeal to the new user segment. Reinvention helps in surviving in this dynamic world and helps in tracking new market segment.

Kumar Srivastava (Senior Director of Product Management) in his article at entrepreneur.com, talked about questions asked before starting a replacement cycle because entrepreneurs need to understand in detail what has changed in the user’s world. Questions are:
• Has the user base changed or evolved?
• Has the purchase and onboarding decision process changed?
• Has the interaction mechanism or value chain changed?
• Have the experience expectations changed or evolved?
• Have the support and training expectations changed?
Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246539

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Entrepreneurship: A Study

According to the bi-annual Entrepreneurs Index, entrepreneurship is booming in UK. The future growth of these relatively new businesses will enhance UK's Small Medium Enterprises (SME) landscape further. These businesses contribute to around half of the GDP and two-third of all private sector jobs in UK. Since entrepreneurs are fast becoming the center of the modern day business world, wealth managers must found the best way to meet their demand. To know more, please read the article by Richard Phelps, Head of Corporate and Employer Solution of Barclays at:  https://barclayswealthblog.com/index.php/the-age-of-the-entrepreneur/

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