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Marketing tips for startups

The success of the startup is not dependent on the idea, but it depends on getting the customers. As a startup, getting customers is one of the biggest challenges. 
Jeff Foster (Co-Founder and CEO of Tomoson), discussed about few tips to get your first 1000 customers. Some of them are:
• Setup a waiting list
• Use personal network
• Target online publications
• Get bloggers on your side
• Build suspense
• Work with early adopters
• Create high quality content
• Offer a free product option
• Incentivize customers to sell your product
• Online advertising
Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/247049

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Reinvention: A key to survive in this dynamic world

Reinvention is a popular way to reinvent an existing product. This can be done by extending the product line, creating a new product that is designed, executing and messaging to appeal to the new user segment. Reinvention helps in surviving in this dynamic world and helps in tracking new market segment.

Kumar Srivastava (Senior Director of Product Management) in his article at entrepreneur.com, talked about questions asked before starting a replacement cycle because entrepreneurs need to understand in detail what has changed in the user’s world. Questions are:
• Has the user base changed or evolved?
• Has the purchase and onboarding decision process changed?
• Has the interaction mechanism or value chain changed?
• Have the experience expectations changed or evolved?
• Have the support and training expectations changed?
Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246539

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Some Tips To Make Demand Forecasting More Accurate

For any business, demand forecasting is an important function. Demand Forecasting is the activity of estimating the quantity of a product or service that consumers will purchase in near future. It helps you to order inventory and arrange staff for fulfilling customers need.

According to Peter Daisyme (Co-founder of Hostt), some ways to make demand forecasting more accurate are:

• Use the right set of data for making decisions.
• Consider the variables like the seasonal trend, random trend, economic conditions, etc.
• Know your customers and business.
• Each year, you should refine your demand forecasting technique.
Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/244823

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