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Innovations Finds Hood Under Predictive Analysis!

What could be better than knowing what future lies ahead us? Predictive Analysis is one such branch of data analytics which can be used to make predictions of future unknown events and is growing with a rapid pace. On the other hand, innovation is an ongoing process which finds its application in almost every field. Without innovation, we would not have reached the platform at which we are now. A number of technological achievements have improved our lives.

These days, Innovation has found a guide in Predictive Analytics that helps to walk towards success.  Many innovations are made but majority of them never succeeds. Predictive Analytics is going to play an important role aiming towards new products ensuring greater economic stability and progress in coming years. 

To know more about how predictive analysis can help in innovation read https://www.smartdatacollective.com/predictive-analytics-methods-make-innovation-successful/


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Is Automation Leading to Extinction?

It is said that with the future of technology another thing that is coming nearer to us is the risk of human extinction. Raymond Kurzweil, Google’s Director of Engineering and Futurist, published a book, The Singularity is Near, in which he welcomes a future in which AI will overcome human intelligence. Though we are still know that as super intelligence, but for now we do encounter AI in almost every aspect of our lives. Though in his book, the author welcomes AI as positive, most people fear job loss and the worst as human extinction. History indicates that any advancement in technology not always turns out to be bad. But, one could not ignore that with current technologies almost 45% of the jobs for which we are paid are now automated. This has become a topic of debate and no one knows what stands for us in advent of future. To know more visit: https://medium.com/@tjajal/automation-and-the-rise-of-meaningful-work-d1c7d596fee6


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Are We Ready for Self-Driving Cars?

Driver-less cars are here. But do we have the key things to get it done right? What about the data, Big Data, do we have enough of it? AI isn’t only about software, it is also the integrated hardware that does the job, the right sensors are very much needed to make a car move on its own without a driver. Can the show still go on? Find out at: 



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Pioneering in the Field of Healthcare

India after having taken steady and fast steps in the field of healthcare has reached a point where it tends to supply over 20% of the world’s generics and about half the vaccines globally. This upsurge is because of the advancements and detailed research made in the field of biology which has enabled the pharmaceutical companies to understand specific health ailments and target them accordingly. Even after all the innovations and developments that have been taking place India’s position in the health related sustainable development seems to be grim. To address this, the government has to come up and take the necessary steps. It is necessary that we embrace innovation. Care should be taken that there is no disruption arising in the health systems and also that there is no financial crunch faced by the pharmaceutical companies.                                                                      TO READ MORE: 



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Golden Age of Innovation

Technology has made innovation easier. Creative dreams can be reality in a short span. Some of the golden innovations are as follows:

1. Digital Camera (1975) allowing us to click pictures without the help of a film.

2. Graphical tablet (1979) which allowed the artists to transfer their drawings to computers.

3. 3D printing (1984) is used in printing houses, castles and prosthetics.

4. Paint (1985) can be used to manipulate 3D objects.

5. `Photoshop (1990) made graphics editing easy.

6. Instagram (2010) made editing and sharing pictures to the world easier.

7. Thermochromic Paint (2016) is an artistic innovation.

Read more at http://mashable.com/2017/06/15/how-innovations-in-technology-inspired-creators/#jd9CE5ptemqu




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How to bring innovation in work

Everyone wants to improve in their life. This is possible when they think and imagine as imagination is a step towards innovation. This can possibly happen when you start asking innovative questions. This will help you to rethink what is the solution to a problem and how to tackle that. Some questions that will help you, your organization towards achieving success. 1. Questions that help our dream, 2. Questions that help us to think differently, 3. Questions that helps us in travelling in our past, present and future. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/what-drives-innovation-01774400#AHBeYOy3QQXA3hHA.97

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7 Testaments To Ensure Success In Innovation

Innovation is a very critical aspect to any business strategy. The ability to think “out-of-the-box”, makes any business stand out among others. While most regard innovation as a necessary stimulus to any business, but they look at innovation milestones as a fortuity in terms of strategy and shy away from further strategic planning or making any formula for success in terms of innovation. This, is however not the ideal way to deal with innovation. Given below are a list of keys to ensure business innovation.

1.       Having a dedicated innovation team: The most important ingredient to induce innovation is to ensure a team of creative, intelligent and dedicated people to be included in the business. To include them will provide the ticket to multitask, collaborate as well as read minds well ahead of time.


2.       Innovation Labs: This is to enhance the ecosystem of our business. With an innovation lab, a group is created that is consistently and exclusively focused on innovation.


To know more : http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/7-things-must-succeed-innovation-01680313#K5sQRxXK0sCrXcW3.97



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Love to Sing? Just Say It!

Love to Sing? Just Say It!

I2R Speech2Singing is the next step of innovation. It was introduced by Singaporeans in 2013. This software delivers high-quality singing automatically, while still preserving the original character of your natural voice. This technology helps the average people who like singing, but lack the skills to do so. I2R Speech2Singing uses recordings by professional singers as templates to correct the melody of a singing voice or to convert a speaking voice into a singing one. Compared to currently available applications, I2R Speech2Singing generates a much better voice quality.  Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-06-song-singalong-software-sweet-melody.html


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Gadgets better than sleeping pills

A recent study revealed that about 30% of Indian adults who are corporates suffer insomnia and 25% sleep apnea. This is a clear indication towards unhealthy condition among the corporates. But there are gadgets which helps you to monitor your sleep and they are becoming quite popular among all age groups. These gadgets are way better and has no side effects like memory loss caused by sleeping pill. 

To know more, please read the article written by Shobita Dhar (Writer at The Times of India tech)-: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/computing/Why-this-tech-could-put-you-to-sleep/articleshow/51181484.cms




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Wearable you can carry at the back of your Hand

A new wearable is being developed which can be worn at the back of our hand. Developers have named it "E-skin" which is ultra thin, ultra flexible, and constructed of layers of silicon oxynitrite and parylene. This is possibly the step towards ultra-flexible watches and phones. This technology has uplifted a new type of medical applications. To know more, please read the article written by Rachel Dicker (writer at US news)-: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-04-18/new-e-skin-allows-for-unrestricted-movement-and-wearable-technology


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Coolest gadgets of 2016


Gadgets or Gizmos as some refer to it have come a long way. Technology has evolved in so many ways helping man in different fields like medicine, lifestyle and entertainment to name a few. Gadgets are now available where it is possible to experience anything, anywhere through virtual reality. According to TIME Magazine, here are some shortlisted ‘Coolest Gadgets of 2016’ 

# HTC Vive Headset- You don’t just sit and experience while wearing the headset. Instead, through head-tracking technology and a pair of hand-held wireless controllers, you’re encouraged to interact with your environment, climbing ladders, painting the air, and even shooting zombies.

# Loop-Loop connects to online photo services via Wi-Fi, streaming your favorite pictures wherever you are.

# Ili Wearable Translator- The world’s first wearable translator, can connect two people have full conversations in separate languages, without the help of a Smartphone or even an Internet connection.

To know more, please read the article by John Patrick Pullen (Contributor in Time Mag.) -: http://time.com/4169302/ces-2016-coolest/


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Wearable for women safety

Wearable for women safety

With the increase in reports of urban women being abducted and assaulted, wearables are now also being designed for women's safety. The user of the device just has to click the device that is attached to the jewelry whenever she senses a threatening situation. The app will send an alert to the wearer's network. Family and friends will get the alert through the app on their phone. The App also has a GPS function through which you user can enter your location and time of your current destination and your family and friends can track your movement the entire time. To know more, please read the article by DNA WEB TEAM -: http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report-now-a-wearable-technology-for-safety-that-women-will-absolutely-love-2185044


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Wearables : A blend of technology with fashion

Wearables : A blend of technology with fashion

Wearables are now more than a gadget. With the latest designs, it is becoming a fashionable accessory. Wearables with fashionable accessories in a range of sizes, styles and finishes, screens, leather, semi-precious stones and 18k gold is not for men now. Wearable production companies are now catering their product also to women, especially the working class. To know more, please read the article by Sophie Charara (Writer at Wearable) -: http://www.wareable.com/fashion/wearable-tech-fashion-style


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Easy ways to make your workspace more happening

Workspace innovation can be a change in the organization physical or mental which can boost employee's productivity, efficiency and creativity. It's not a new idea, but many companies don't follow it. But startups have been able to successfully implement this. With a proper HR team who have the right mindset and creativity, customization of the workspace can be achieved economically. Three simple changes that firms can try are: Let your employees pick their job titles; Create a play /activity/relaxation room; Switch to adjustable furniture from traditional one. Read the full article here: https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/Human-Capital-Blog/2016/02/3-Easy-Ways-to-Innovate-Your-Workspace

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Easy ways to make your workspace more happening

Workspace innovation can be a change in the organization physical or mental which can boost employee's productivity, efficiency and creativity. It's not a new idea, but many companies don't follow it. But startups have been able to successfully implement this. With a proper HR team who have the right mindset and creativity, customization of the workspace can be achieved economically. Three simple changes that firms can try are: Let your employees pick their job titles; Create a play /activity/relaxation room; Switch to adjustable furniture from traditional one. Read the full article here: https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/Human-Capital-Blog/2016/02/3-Easy-Ways-to-Innovate-Your-Workspace

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The six steps to rapid and innovative mobile testing

The mobile enterprises compete on the basis of the speed of innovation. The developers and the QA team get involved in an organization just to differentiate one from the others in terms of technological advancement. The manual testing of mobile is too backdated and costly and so we need to incorporate the automated testing which saves cost and gives a speedy check for improved efficiency. A need to stop using own device lab and recruiting experts for helping in the process with their upgraded equipments. The devices should be put in cloud as it reduces cost and can be accessed from any remote areas with the same customer experience. The automated test environment should be properly analyzed throughout the process to avoid loss of time and money. The organizational structure should have that proper synchronization between them so that they get adapted to the technological progress so that they can maintain the continuous quality of products. The evidence is the key to formulate a perfect flow in the working mechanism and so the developer team and QA team should coordinate and move accordingly to the development of the organization as a whole.

Read more at: http://www.theserverside.com/feature/Six-Steps-to-Accelerating-Mobile-App-Testing?utm_medium=EM&asrc=EM_NLN_45439497&utm_campaign=20150720_NoSQL%20cloud%20database%20service%20targets%20developers_msargent&utm_source=NLN&track=NL-1839&ad=901868&src=901868


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The 3 ways for a joyful and enthusiastic set of employees

The global scene of business changes quite often with the different factors in the market. The business dashboard helps in keeping us updated and analyzing the business scenario for an improved market. The process helps us in keeping a track of what to do and what not to for running a smooth and sustainable business. For a healthy business, there is a need for individual business process to keep the flow of the business. The immediate feedback of the business helps us in evaluating the pros and cons of the business and also helps us in getting the answers for the business questions. The continuous evaluation leads to increased profits when we compare the cost and the return of investment. The productivity gets boosted with the help of dashboards and so it helps in creating business opportunities. It helps us in collaborating and consolidating the work process of the business structure and thus the business objectives get fulfilled.  There are different types of dashboard which helps you in keeping track with the trend of business and gives an added advantage of competing with your competitors.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/how-business-dashboards-can-boost-your-small-business-01275428


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The thick and thins of the Result only work environment

ROWE stands for “Results Only Work Environment and it was created by Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson for the purpose to focus more on the qualitative approach than the quantitative one. The method is commonly used in USA and the white house has also witnessed the action of ROWE. The process claims for a flexible work environment and gives an added benefit for increasing the profit of a business and by reducing the cost as well. The pros for the process include the freedom to work and the self dependency of one individual. The cost saving process starts off when one works back at home giving the same efficiency as that of an employee working in office. The performance level is same or even more if compared for this process. The cons include the slackers and the inability of the management to continuously evaluate the employees. The direct communication is considered one of the best to improve business. ROWE is a solution for the existing workforce and for the ones in the mere future which will get more advanced through innovation.

Read more at: 




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Analytics Help CMOs To Innovate

Employment of analytics professionals into the marketing world goes far behind the usage of visualization techniques and data processing. Marketing enterprises are keen on hiring data and analytics professionals. It's a well-recognized fact that analytics not only help companies to take profitable decisions but also provides them with opportunities to build strong relationship with customers, increase sales volume etc.  Daniel Kehrar (VP Marketing, MarketShare) in his article on Forbes listed out the five ways in which brand marketers can innovate with analytics and they are as follows:

1. Use insights to enrich what you offer.

2. Perfect your programme.

3. Eliminate digital and channel silos.

4. Be predictive.

5. Merge brand measures with direct response.

Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesinsights/2015/06/29/5-ways-brand-marketers-can-innovate-with-analytics/


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Drones joining the big data

Fascinating, the first word that comes to the mind. Drones and big data are bonding pretty well these days and can be a successful recipe for innovations. 

Jonathan Buckley, senior vice president of marketing at Qubole, gives us a glimpse of this promising combo but not without the challenges. 

Agriculture, disaster relief and anti-poaching are some area where the combination has worked wonders. Needless to say more such wonders are in pipeline. But, yes there is a ‘butt’ of challenges attached here. The data gathered by drones is immense, it will require real time big data analytics and ad-hoc analysis to improve. But, one can feel optimistic about the future.

Have a look at  http://smartdatacollective.com/jonathanbuckley/316611/growing-relationship-between-drones-and-big-data

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