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Coolest gadgets of 2016


Gadgets or Gizmos as some refer to it have come a long way. Technology has evolved in so many ways helping man in different fields like medicine, lifestyle and entertainment to name a few. Gadgets are now available where it is possible to experience anything, anywhere through virtual reality. According to TIME Magazine, here are some shortlisted ‘Coolest Gadgets of 2016’ 

# HTC Vive Headset- You don’t just sit and experience while wearing the headset. Instead, through head-tracking technology and a pair of hand-held wireless controllers, you’re encouraged to interact with your environment, climbing ladders, painting the air, and even shooting zombies.

# Loop-Loop connects to online photo services via Wi-Fi, streaming your favorite pictures wherever you are.

# Ili Wearable Translator- The world’s first wearable translator, can connect two people have full conversations in separate languages, without the help of a Smartphone or even an Internet connection.

To know more, please read the article by John Patrick Pullen (Contributor in Time Mag.) -: http://time.com/4169302/ces-2016-coolest/


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