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New breath through in patient treatment

According to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center reports, patients who are suffering from heart defects can with the aid of technology predict their treatment. This breakthrough of technology is a very good news for the medical sector. Not only will this technology help the Doctors but the good news is many patients will be saved who die because of complications later for the lack of prediction. However, this discovery is years away from clinical use. Click on the link below to find out more: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160519130118.htm


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Social media tips for babysitters

Consider to be one of the most attentive and tiring job, babysitting also hold some social media boundaries. Here are some of the tips for babysitters -:

1. Check the content before posting in social media 

2. Ethical use of social media 

3. Make it clear that it isn't just about the photos

To know more, please read the article by Lauren Levy (writer at Popsugar)-: http://www.popsugar.com/moms/Social-Media-Boundaries-Babysitters-41364780


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Social media guideline for job seekers

According to a recent study, it is being found that around 60% of employers now use social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter to research potential job candidates.  The survey also showed that 21% of hiring managers admitted that they were looking for information that would lead them to not hire someone.

So here are some tips for you -:

1. Avoid using provocative or inappropriate photographs, information about drinking or using drugs, racial, religious or gender-based comments.

2. Before sending your resume out, take a good look at your online presence

To know more, please read the full article by Kate Hornsby ( writer at AJC.com) -: http://www.ajc.com/news/business/employment/why-employers-are-using-social-media-screen-job-ca/nrQND/




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Simple tweaks to improve battery life

Josh Nicholas from Life Hacker talks about the different ways to keep your phone battery charged and ways to have a long lasting battery. These simple hacks will come in handy when your phone gives you a warning of a low battery. Every smartphone user frequently faces a situation where they are outdoors and their battery is really low. Reading about these simple hacks will improve the battery life of your phone as well as will give you something to worry about less.  Click on the link to read the whole article : http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2016/05/how-to-keep-your-gadgets-charged-and-stay-productive/


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The new invention in gadgets

The future is definitely here and is now in your hands literally. These cool gadgets will not just make your life simpler, but much better. Kerry Creasewood (author) writes about & amazing gadgets starting from bionic ears to underground parks will leave you awestruck and wanting for more. There is an innovation where the clothes never stink again. So, all those who hate doing the laundry every week this invention is just for you. Check out the link below for other such off beat technology: http://knowtechie.com/7-crazy-gadgets-prove-future-now/


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Uses of DIY Technology by kids

This DIY technology is built in such a way that the kids are not afraid of technology. They can overcome their fears. This technology lets them express themselves by creating their own things with this wearable technology. This helps the kids to play as well as invent new things on their own. Check out the full blog to know about the different cool things, which the children can invent: http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/11/11655876/diy-wearable-mover-kit-kickstarter


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Advancement in Space technologies

NASA has revealed that it is going to fund for futuristic space technologies. There are eight projects which are part of the Innovative Advanced Concepts Program. There are various phases and aspects of the project. Out of the many revolutionary things in this project is that, engineers are developing an aircraft which can stay aloft for a long time. If this project is a success, it will be a great leap for mankind. Check out the article to know about the other parts of the project: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3589538/From-Magnetoshells-humans-Mars-growable-habitats-Nasa-reveals-funding-futuristic-space-technology.html


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All about digital driving licence

Technology makes new advances every day. The UK has now developed a digital driving license. With the popularity of usage of wallet, this up-gradation is a logical one as most people use a smartphone and they are all comfortable in keeping their information in it too. It has also been announced that paperless passport is on its way to being used. By 2018 the driver’s license in digital form will be available. Read more at: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36302214


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Stress due to over usage of technology

Is Technology using you or are you using technology? This can be answered by the amount of time you spend with your smartphone. Over usage of technologies does have an impact on the users? There are different withdrawal symptoms for different individuals. Find out ways to overcome this and enjoy life instead of facing a lot of stress due to technology. Read more at: http://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/technology-wrecking-mental-health/


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New technology in healthcare industry

 The New Hanover Regional Medical Center Orthopedic Hospital offers a new experience for the MRI users. The new technology will now let the patients have a more customized approach and will make the experience of taking the MRI a soothing experience. The MRI scan is not a very nice experience for many people as they feel claustrophobic. Find out the ways in which technology is getting advanced in the link below......      



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Home sweet smart home

Smart home technology is available and it will definitely be of great help to the people because the refrigerator will communicate when the milk and eggs are running low. This i a great boon to all the working families who have no time. But the smart homes will be of no use unless the consumers use it. But there is still a gap between a smart home and a consumer. The bridge has to be made. Find out how, by clicking on to this link below -:



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Plugin into life by unplugging the social media

Social media puts on a lot of pressure to the people who use it. Using Social media comes with a price, the users have to be on their toes and come up with innovative pictures and statuses. The famous vlogers, bloggers on social media advises everybody to be out in the open and to live their lives rather than contemplating about their next social media update.  Updates in social media can be a headache at times as the users have to live up to societal pressures and their reputation. Check out the whole blog by clicking on the link :  http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/05/07/social-media-superstar-moms-say-get-offline-and-live-your-life/83891810/


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How social media is bonding people

The church leaders are noticing how social media helps in engaging and building relationships with its members. When the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury joined twitter they immediately had a huge number of followers. Among the many advantages of the social media, the church seems to have found the social media of great help. It is said that faith towards Christianity is a 24*7 job and social media is a part of the everyday lives of many. So it is logical that both will overlap at some point. Find out what else the church is saying about social media at: http://scroll.in/article/807663/how-social-media-is-changing-the-church


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Social Media Accounts and what happen to them when you die

There are more than seven billion people in the world and imagine the number of people who use social media. Now imagine what will happen to the social media accounts of people who die every year. Your social media account is your identity to the world in today's time. So what happens to all the data which are carefully password protected? What do you do with it? Check out the link below to know what happens to the social media account when a user dies at: http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/social-media-accounts-after-death/


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Teenagers and social media

While social media is a boon to us, it also is making teens lose their sleep. One in three teens, according to a study says that teens lose sleep over gadgets, social media. Sleeplessness can cause a person to be irritable, depressed and reduce concentration. Read more at: http://www.hindustantimes.com/health-and-fitness/one-in-three-teens-lose-sleep-over-gadgets-social-media-study/story-FzNGol7SmMnTJaOx0Lv6ZO.html


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New apps for pet lovers

We have all heard about helicopter parents, but did you know that you can actually be a helicopter pet owner? Yes, you can actually keep a track of your pets and monitor them from work. When you miss your pet and you are worried about him, there are gadgets to make this possible and easier for you to talk with your pet. Pet lovers will totally love this bit of news as they cannot just play remotely with their pets but also monitor their health. Check out the whole article below: http://www.wsj.com/articles/gadgets-for-playing-with-your-pet-remotely-1455223286


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Alternative route to advertise

We all love social media and know how it’s helping companies leveraging their markets share by advertisement everyday but the truth is something else.

 According to 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, the truth has been revealed:

• Only 45% of Facebook marketers feel their efforts are effective

• Only 42% of marketers believe they can accurately measure their social media results


But advertisers can choose an alternative route to promote their product which are as follows 

1. Retail Checkout Lines

2.  Mobile

3. Email advertisement 

To know more, please read the article written by Liesha Petrovich at The Huffington Post -: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/3-places-to-put-your-mark_b_9821980.html?section=india



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Social media helping TV soaps

Game of thrones have fan worldwide and social media is leveraging the madness among fans. With the Sunday premier show, GoT shows how social media can help a tv soap to trend worldwide. Here are some figures which are worth mentioning -:

• Social media buzz 

# 829,000 Twitter mentions of HBO, Game of Thrones (#GOT), HBO Go and HBO Now


# Fans used #GOT 602,000 times


# HBO earned 248,000 mentions


• Attracting advertisers 


During the hour of the show, nearly 200,000 interactions happened on social, generating the highest demand for TV-Ads to feature in that hour.


To know more, please read the article written by Justin Lafferty ( Adweek contributor)-: http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/6-stats-show-how-game-thrones-slayed-social-media-us-and-beyond-171043


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Star trek technology in real life

In 60’s, Star trek was a very popular movie and has shown futuristic gadgets which can perform magical task like teleportation, molecular level destruction and what not. Though lots of technology like Kirk’s communicator as mobile, data transferring using Bluetooth is already among us, but the cool techs are still out of our reach. Well scientist are going to make it happen in real life. Military researchers are developing gadgets using the laws of quantum physics by which teleportation can actually be done.

To know more, please read the article by DYLAN KICKHAM (Writer at Entertainment Weekly) -: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/25/william-shatner-star-trek-technology


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Insurance for gadgets

In this digital age, people are extensively buying gadgets like laptops, computers, mobile phones etc., and Manufacturers provide a one year warranty though limited to manufacturing defects. But what about a gadget being stolen or damaged. Insurance companies are introducing insurance cover for gadgets and they cover the following aspects-:

# Theft and Burglary

# Physical and Liquid Damage- 

# Accidents 

To know more, please read the article written by Kapil Mehta (Executive Director, SecureNow Insurance Broker) at The Economic times ( Technology ) -: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/security-tech/technology/can-your-electronic-gadgets-be-effectively-insured/articleshow/50133249.cms




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