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Uses of DIY Technology by kids

This DIY technology is built in such a way that the kids are not afraid of technology. They can overcome their fears. This technology lets them express themselves by creating their own things with this wearable technology. This helps the kids to play as well as invent new things on their own. Check out the full blog to know about the different cool things, which the children can invent: http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/11/11655876/diy-wearable-mover-kit-kickstarter


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Wearable for women safety

Wearable for women safety

With the increase in reports of urban women being abducted and assaulted, wearables are now also being designed for women's safety. The user of the device just has to click the device that is attached to the jewelry whenever she senses a threatening situation. The app will send an alert to the wearer's network. Family and friends will get the alert through the app on their phone. The App also has a GPS function through which you user can enter your location and time of your current destination and your family and friends can track your movement the entire time. To know more, please read the article by DNA WEB TEAM -: http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report-now-a-wearable-technology-for-safety-that-women-will-absolutely-love-2185044


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Wearables : A blend of technology with fashion

Wearables : A blend of technology with fashion

Wearables are now more than a gadget. With the latest designs, it is becoming a fashionable accessory. Wearables with fashionable accessories in a range of sizes, styles and finishes, screens, leather, semi-precious stones and 18k gold is not for men now. Wearable production companies are now catering their product also to women, especially the working class. To know more, please read the article by Sophie Charara (Writer at Wearable) -: http://www.wareable.com/fashion/wearable-tech-fashion-style


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How wearables became a game changer in corporate world

Every company wants happy and healthy employees and for better operations, it is way more than just productivity. As fit employees are happy and healthier, many companies have corporate wellness programs. But involving employees to participate in such activities is a real challenge for HR officials. Thanks to technology, corporates have fitness wearable devices for employees and Fitbit is the market leader in this category. It has revolutionaries the wellness programs by adding a social and competitive component. Not only fitness, but it is improving the work environment in companies also. It is economical for corporate as there are company-specific online storefronts where companies can get subsidized Fitbit as per their needs. Read more about this in the article written by Sarah K. white (Senior Writer) at -: http://www.cio.com/article/2980242/wearable-technology/how-hr-uses-fitness-trackers-to-increase-company-wellness.html 


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New trend in CRM

Modern customer relationship management (CRM) solutions are fast, sharp, and are driven by cross-platform big data. These changes represent a move towards an economy driven by the Internet of Things (IoT). In this article, the author analyzes the predictions of recognized CRM experts about the future of CRM. They are -  Wearable Technology, Wearable Tech for IoT Insights, Bigger Data Analytics, Mobile Data Collection, Increased Predictive Analytics. Read more at:  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/whats-in-store-for-crm-wearable-technology-bigger-analytics-and-more-70292



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Wearable technology & security problem

Wearable technology, the big trend in mobile devices has arrived. This is a positive development, but, businesses are looking at the surge in wearable as a potential problem. People are buying wearable products and taking them to offices which is creating security problems in offices. Organizations are faced with some tough decisions, such as banning personal devices completely, or regulating which devices could be used, or simply embracing BYOD by setting up a security policy. Read more at:  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/byod-cloud/byod-helping-companies-prepare-for-wearable-security-69753



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Improved Social Healthcare

Just like the earlier days, even now we view healthcare solutions in two-dimensional ways – patient-doctor relationship or technology revolutionizing patient’s health and wellness. The problem gets more acute with invention of new technology solutions. But if we don’t intervene to gather the data and use them, there’s no use of new technologies such as wearable devices. Thus real collaboration is required where every member connected to the patient acting as a crew member can steer the patient towards possible better health. Everyone working collaboratively can harness the power of technology and big data, to deliver a 360 degree-solution built around the patient. Implementing the approach of multi-stakeholder interaction of social media, can make true social healthcare realize its potential. Read more at:  http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/paul-tunnah/2015-07-09/effective-healthcare-requires-social-approach

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Digital Transformation Through Analytics

As the number of smart wearable technology is growing, companies who have the potential to rapidly optimize their value chain are growing into a digital business through competitive advantage. Customer’s loyalty is also increasing with the changing rules of their digital lives. Their experience can be transformed by improving their understanding with analytics, enhancing top-line growth and through social media. To transform operational processes, process digitalization is must along with enabling proper staff and their performance management. Thus to transform business, every business is now digitally modified to make digital globalization. In this way, companies worldwide are adapting digital transformation with social media, mobility, big data analytics and cloud to make a better business plan than others. Read more about this article at:  https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/digital-transformation-a-need-of-now


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Adopting Wearables to Monitor Workforce

Suppose, if wearable were introduced into the workforce which could monitor about the employee wearing. How would be like?  The fact is that data collected from such wearable were used at an individual level, many might not welcome the idea as it might terminate employment for unhealthy employees. Nowadays, organizations engage employees rewarding their performances. Regular feedback helps directly for employees better perform thus affecting growth of the organization. With changing demands, if employees share their information through smart-watch, organizations should reward them empowering those employees. Though many might not like the concept but none can deny the internet of things (IoT) getting into our daily lives. Meanwhile, many organizations are already on their way to adopt this technology. Read more about this article at:  https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7582-getting-the-best-out-of-wearables-with-your-workforce


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Big data merging all industries

The pursuit of data and analytics is helping companies to venture into new fields, transcending the fine lines between different industries. For example, a well-known sports company has ventured into the market of wearable technology, with the release of its fitness tracker, containing sensors, which automatically collects data regarding one's sleep patterns and the number of steps taken in a day.  Consumers must first download the fitness tracker app in their laptops or mobile devices. So, indirectly the company is also involved in the software business. Since the objective involves collection and analysis of data, to get customer feedback, the company is also involved in the analytics business. Cable and satellite suppliers are also using analytic tools to get deeper insights into viewing trends and ideas about more profitable programming opportunities. Read more at:


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Key Trends In Online Marketing

The following are some key online marketing trends for 2015: User-Generated Content; Advancements in Social Advertising; Native Advertising; Mobile Optimization; Content Marketing; Micro-Targeting; Wearable Technology etc. To know more, follow  Sarah Maloy (Content Marketing Manager at Shutterstock)’s article link: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-features/10-online-marketing-trends-to-watch-for-in-2015/1644


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