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Internet of Things - The Next Wave Is Here

Internet of Things - The Next Wave Is Here

If you think that the internet is the best invention of all the time, then watch your words, there is more that will amaze you more than internet ever could be, presenting - Internet of Things.

 Internet of Things (IoT) is an arrangement of interrelated registered devices, i.e. they are more advanced machines, objects, that is equipped with interesting identifiers and have the capacity to exchange information over a system without requiring human-to-human alternately human-to-computer communication.

It is basically the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

The IoT permits things to be sensed furthermore and remotely over existing organizational infrastructure, making chances to a greater amount to regulate the mix of the physical universe under computer-based systems, and bringing about enhanced efficiency, exactness and more investment benefit. When IoT is combined with sensors and actuators then these devices become a system to generate and analyse the life of a human and their interaction with different object that grows up the technology-human relations, which includes innovations for example, advanced mobile grids, advanced mobile homes, smart transportation smart cities. Every relic is particularly recognizable proof through its inserted registering framework anyway can inter-operate inside the existing web foundation.

Some examples of IoT based platforms are:

  1. Google Home: Speaker with Google Assistant

If you loved Google Assistant in your android devices or Chromebooks, then this device is for you. It is a home Speaker system that works with the google assistant embedded in it.

  1. CUJO: Smart Firewall for the Smart Home

         Is Home Security is your concern??? Then Cujo is the answer for you. It analyses the local network traffic data in real time and sends statistics on that data to cloud for further analysis. 

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IoT & its trend

The Internet of Things (IoT) generates semi-structured or unstructured data in real time. Organizations take advantage of cloud because big data can be best managed in the cloud. By utilizing fog computing, organizations can decrease time to action; reduce costs, infrastructure and bandwidth; and can get greater access to data. The advantages of the decentralized method of fog computing and IoT analytics cover both the organization and the end user. One of the benefits of centralization is to focus and understand the data location and the accessibility. The decentralized method is associated with flexibility and agility. This tends to describe the data management trends and applications. Read more at the article written by Jelani Harper (blogger) : http://data-informed.com/the-internet-of-things-and-the-necessity-of-fog-computing/



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Analytics in Retail

Like others, retailers also require advanced analytics to compete in the digitalized marketplace. With the expansion of Internet of Things (IoT), the effect of multichannel retailers will increase as they will start using advanced analytics. Advanced analytics, the analysis of data kinds using sophisticated quantitative methods that produce insights unlike the traditional approaches to business intelligence (BI).  These advanced analytics tools put information in the hands of business analysts and business users offering significant potential to create business value and competitive advantage. The need to improve real-time business decision-making will force retailers to acquire self-service and big data discovery capabilities. Read more at: http://www.analytics-magazine.org/special-articles/1352-retailers-need-advanced-analytics-to-compete-in-the-digitalized-marketplace

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Internet of Extraordinary Things

Some of the unconventional ways in which Internet of Things (IoT) creates economic and social value are by detection of earthquakes in hospitals and alerting the administration for evacuating patients, reporting and assessing severity of car crashes and thus helping the victims to get help faster.
Certain examples that show how IoT is integral to several industries:
• The era of “Agriculture 3.0” was characterized by farmers whose decisions about what crop to plant and when and where to plant them was based on analysis of sensor data, weather data and other factors. This form of farming helps increase the yield in a cost and resource efficient manner.
• European airplane manufacturing company uses scanners In airplane assembly lines in order to send required information to robots who then finish the work accordingly.
• Internet of Things is used in Restaurant business for ensuring data-driven quality control.
With decreasing cost of connected devices, the scope of IoT will keep increasing in the future.
Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/joshua-new/329188/internet-ordinary-things-still-extraordinary

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Internet of Things: instrumental in maintaining patient safety

Interconnected devices enable, round the clock monitoring of vulnerable patients and also forestall further health threats. Three ways, enabling IOT, benefit healthcare management are;
i. Supervision of drugs and prevention of further health issues- is possible by integrating medical devices into a network of monitoring devices, along with the maintenance of data flow into a centralized repository, to minimize human transcription errors. IOT enables fast access to patient data which helps in detecting drug usage anomalies and even predicting imminent health threats.
ii. Maintenance of hand hygiene, in order to reduce infections- is possible by electronic monitoring, provided by IOT, of say, how many times a hospital personnel visits a hand washing station.
iii. Keeping track of at-risk patients, in their home environment- is again, possible by the amalgamation of monitoring devices and seamless network.  
Read more at: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/three-ways-the-internet-of-things-can-improve-patient-safety

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Internet of Things, The New Game Changer

Internet of Things is set to digitize the world, with sensory technology in devices, feeding real time data to the internet. It is projected to have economic impact of $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion by 2025.
Such impact requires favorable groundwork, like interoperability between IoT systems and data generated must be used to its maximum. There is large potential in developing countries; customers will capture most benefits with users in businesses and other organization with remote monitoring in healthcare etc. The digitization of machines is a revolutionary idea, and even shows promise at this infant stage. Capturing full potential will require innovation and investment.To know more: 

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Internet of Things, the Future?

Internet of things is projected to take the world by storm. Ben Rossi (author) talks about how IoT will affect simple devices from a wristwatch to a tractor, and process usage data in real time. This will improve marketing efficiency and speedup campaigns. Large volumes of data will imply linkages and collaborations between marketers, data analyst and IoT enablers. Troubleshooting will be a new experience, with solutions coming up in real time. Customer profiling will be more complete, as devices can now integrate user activity full time. This will provide insight into customer behavior and hence provide instant solutions based on preference patterns.
 To know more: 


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Cloud, Networks and Big Data

As the Internet evolves with the usage of Big Data and Cloud, the shift from cloud data to cloud action is eminent. This shift has large implications for consumers. In five years’ time, the number of connected devices will grow to near 25 billion. From regulating the temperature of the house using smart thermostats to using reports and dashboards for a clearer insight to make smarter decisions. There is a need of a system which we can entrust our identity with, where our identity is safe while making transactions in the background. For this, companies of types must begin to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds. Only then can we begin usage of the delicate frameworks in a network based on our truly unique digital identity. Read more at: http://recode.net/2015/06/29/big-data-vs-best-data-the-future-of-you-in-a-networked-world/

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Adopting Wearables to Monitor Workforce

Suppose, if wearable were introduced into the workforce which could monitor about the employee wearing. How would be like?  The fact is that data collected from such wearable were used at an individual level, many might not welcome the idea as it might terminate employment for unhealthy employees. Nowadays, organizations engage employees rewarding their performances. Regular feedback helps directly for employees better perform thus affecting growth of the organization. With changing demands, if employees share their information through smart-watch, organizations should reward them empowering those employees. Though many might not like the concept but none can deny the internet of things (IoT) getting into our daily lives. Meanwhile, many organizations are already on their way to adopt this technology. Read more about this article at:  https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7582-getting-the-best-out-of-wearables-with-your-workforce


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Healthcare – The IoT and Big Data Revolution

When it comes to the healthcare industry and its ongoing revolution, Big Data and Internet of Things have become an integral part of it. As more and more health data is now being digitally stored, the seer amount collected on patients is growing at exponential rates. Big data, already used for the mapping of the human genome, is now showing its value in the analysis of large complex data and thereafter in predictive analytics to find people most at risk of a certain illness. Predictive analytics isn't the only place where Big Data and IoT have helped in the advancement of healthcare services. There is now the possibility of analysis of data generated by IoT devices to help calculate medication tailored for each patient and also calculate their results in advance. Read more at: http://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/patimes/the-iot-and-big-data-are-teaming-up-to-push-healthcare-further-than-ever-0627156/

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Smart Cities Get Smarter with Big Data Analytics

By making use of excess of data available and information and communication technologies (ICT), smart cities can now address the various economic, spatial, social and ecological problems. Although data analytics forms the core of business strategies, yet very little is known about new business models within smart cities and urban living. Recent advances in Data Analytics have shown promise than city data analysis and its use can generate value for municipalities, companies and individuals. From relatively simpler analytics techniques to more sophisticated one, the available tools can adopted to obtain the desired results. For example, when the enormous volume of the data poses serious challenge, clustering technique can make the dataset manageable. Read more:- https://icrunchdatanews.com/smart-data-analytics-smart-cities/

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Reconsidering Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IOT) has been evolving over time and it has moved beyond controlling networks to improve connectivity among devices, systems, people, services and things. The companies which are not manufacturers, retailers, telecoms or logistic providers have also been benefitted by IOT. Shelly Dutton (a valued contributor to business2community.com) in her article in business2community.com has mentioned the four trends about Internet of Things that we need to revise and they are as:

 1. Change is already in progress and widespread.

2. The IOT conversation addresses different things to different organizations.

3. The IOT is no longer just "cool" - it is transformative.

4. Federal governments are getting on board.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/tech-gadgets/these-4-things-will-change-your-outlook-on-the-internet-of-things-01259990


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Metadata management

A metadata fabric that provides efficient data analysis and data driven decisions, is of great value to an enterprise which utilises IOT generated data. The metadata fabric presents data and analytics, together in a business consumable format and interface. The major types of metadata are maps, derivations and complex events. An enterprise’s first concern is the ability to create and store the metadata in a business friendly interface, which will also enable its exploration, its usage in data analysis and will accept updates with changing business trends. The metadata fabric needs to adapt itself to situations, where data values can change over time or appear in a fragmented manner or even encrypted, at times. The information, regarding the analyses performed by previous personnel needs to be a part of the metadata layer, available for successive employees. When users and systems are not able to search through, or update metadata, the metadata fabric is probably broken, and so it is, when data exists in disconnected islands. Read more at:


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Social Media In Context Of Business

Social media and networking sites are helping businesses and companies to grow. The social media not only helps as a platform to communicate with the customers and build up a brand reputation, but it also helps the way business is run. It also helps business enterprises to collaborate across departments, offices, countries, and with other business houses as well.  According to recent studies, social media analytics along with predictive analytics is going to be the most effective technology for business development. Its impact will be greater than internet of things and mobile payments. So embracing this aspect will be necessary for a business to survive.To know more read: http://www.cio.com/article/2937401/social-collaboration/how-collaboration-tools-can-turn-your-business-into-a-social-enterprise.html


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Internet of Things (IoT): Enhancing Supply Chain

Supply chains help in harmonizing and maintaining the balance between the production and delivery of those goods to the customers. The Internet of Things (IoT) helps in optimizing the supply chains for better profits in a faster and more efficient manner. The IoT provides companies with improved market opportunities. With the help of IoT the usage of the products by the customer can be tracked and accordingly the supply chains can be used to deliver the supplies on time rather than when requested. Change in the market can be observed very quickly and thus they can respond much faster and gain benefits.
Read more at: http://www.industryweek.com/supply-chain/internet-things-iot-opportunities-smarter-supply-chains




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Technology Megatrend : A Boon to - Health, Safety & Environmental Monitoring

With fast advancement of consumer-driven technologies, new alternate ways to measure workplace risks are emerging. Technology improvements like growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) help us in assessing the working environment in real time.  The increase use of wireless communications for performance specification in the field of safety, health and industrial hygiene allow them to safely monitor multiple workers in real time and be alerted when exposure levels become significant or excessive. Another recent trend is the emergence of Big Data and the use of data mining as an analysis and management tool that will forever change the safety and health profession. With the increase in samples, the accuracy grows and statistical analysis takes decisions regarding the limit of exposures. This helps identify outliers (individuals, processes and practices that result in greater exposure levels) as well as gives confidence to the management about the accuracy of assessment of the workers. Read more at: https://ohsonline.com/Articles/2015/05/01/Technology-Megatrends.aspx?Page=1



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Internet Of Things And Analytics

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most hot and debated issues in context of Big Data Analytics. It provides huge and enormous volume of data and reduces the cost of obtaining data significantly. It is estimated that within the next five years there will be more than 50 trillion gigabytes of data. The huge volume of data may provide valuable insights into the market and may be useful for development of technology related to business expansion. Sometimes it may be a challenge to handle such large volume of data and extract useful information out of it. But with rapid progression in technology, analyzing such data is becoming less difficult, and it importance in modern business practices is rising exponentially.  Read more about this article at: http://www.content-loop.com/search-true-value-internet-things/

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IoT For Healthcare: Creating The Foundation To Provide Better Care

The Internet of Things has the ability to benefit the healthcare sector vastly in the future. With EHR clinical analytics and sophisticated machine learning combining with big data from wearable, home monitors, medical devices, the Internet of Things has a huge potential for creating a productive environment of predictive analytics and prescriptive insights. Yet the concept is met not without challenges. In order to successfully reap the benefits, Jennifer Bresnick suggests development of certain core competencies, like "Developing the Mindset", "Building the health IT infrastructure" and others. Read More at: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/five-core-competencies-for-the-healthcare-internet-of-things


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Internet of Things to Analytics of Things


Internet of Things (IoT) helps in transfer of data over a network without human interaction and this is one of the major sources of Big Data. Tom Davenport, independent senior advisor to Deloitte Analytics agrees that even though the concept of IoT implies that the most important feature of sensors is their connectedness but in order to analyze the data generated and use it for efficient action, analytics is required. This has been referred as the “Analytics of Thing” by him. Compiling data from devices and comparing them across time for achieving best results is one of the principal advantages. Utilizing data to optimize processes, identifying maintenance problems, diagnose anomalies and identifying reason for variations are other things that can be included in the Analytics of Things. Davenport suggests that companies that have to work with fast paced data and have relatively less experience with sensor analytics should invest in The Analytics of Things. Read more at: http://www.tibco.com/blog/2015/05/20/moving-from-the-internet-of-things-to-the-analytics-of-things/




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Internet of Things : Impact on Social Media & Branding


Nowadays with the wide use of "SMART" objects , the task of the marketing departments is to communicate this information to the consumers so that they not only understand but adopt. The success of marketing and incorporation of the Internet Of Things depends on how the information is disseminated which helps the consumers understand the ins and outs of the technology and its use.  A sudden change is more preferred than a gradual change, especially where technology is concerned. Social Media incorporates some of these technologies like smart vending machines, video media advertising, etc. that paves the way for the future.  In addition to social media messaging, the following methods are used to educate consumers  :  webliners, videos, online presentations, white papers. Read more at   http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/elizabethvictor/2015-05-28/internet-things-and-implications-social-and-branding

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