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Data Management made less perturbing with Data Catalogs.

Big businesses have huge repositories of data.Each company is in the race to draw more value from this data so that they are not competed out.Data is unorganized,metadata initiatives have been falling and unearthing and extraction of data has become more difficult. Data protection regulations have exacerbated the problems.Lack of data management, renders data inefficient. IO Tahoe has published on Data Catalogs-a metadata management tool as a solution to this problem. The speed of AI coupled with human learning will help companies to overcome challenges of data management.There are several kinds of data catalogues and this report is a guide on which will be best for your company.

Read more at: https://insidebigdata.com/2019/06/18/ai-driven-data-catalogs-right-business/


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Data management over cloud

Although cloud storage has benefited the businesses in intelligence enterprises but still it shouldn’t be trusted blindly. Cloud storage techniques have helped digital data storage and the changes are remarkable.

The 2 challenges that are connected with cloud storage, cloud lock-in and management complexity are:

• Cloud lock-in: Failure to transfer data from one cloud storage facility to other.

• Management complexity: The inability to perform proper management of available storage environments.

Following are the solutions to these problems that may be seen as unsolvable.

1. Gateway device: It behaves as an agent between the on-premise storage and the cloud storage.

2. Hybrid cloud: With the help of hybrid cloud, cloud storage acts as an extension to on-premise data storage.

3. Multicolored controller: It permits the data to be seen at the same time.

For more information go to,




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Why BI is crucial in decision making process

Data is an important aspect of decision making and for valuable insights over the data, BI has emerged crucial in organizations. Some useful ways to manage your data and team are : 1.Invest in a robust BI service like Google Analytics or CoolaData so as to get better insights on behavioral analytics and better collaboration. 2.Break down silos - when organizations go through silo effect and information stops flowing, BI can prevent this through transparency. 3.Teams should acquire data analysis skills and grow as they work. 4.One should relate to the context, not depend solely on the numbers but on the why, how. 5.Decide on how to decide for better data implementation. 6.Drive action through insights, study how trends correlate and act accordingly. Read more at :



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Shaping your Analytics Maturity Pathway

Data is the latest weapon in the market and is the deciding leader in almost all the industries, especially consumer packaged goods, or CPG. The key reason being, the fast changing consumer preferences and influx of larger pool of 21st century competition, primarily the retailers – both, brick & mortar and online.

However, in spite of this gigantic pile of data generated every single day, the plight of CPG companies is similar to a soldier who is given a latest automatic machine gun but doesn’t know how to effectively use it. There are companies who just don’t know what to do with the data. Those who know, are, perhaps, not using it efficiently.

  To know more of effective use of data, read on :  http://blog.fractalanalytics.com/big-data-visualization/what-shapes-your-analytics-maturity-pathway/


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IoT & its trend

The Internet of Things (IoT) generates semi-structured or unstructured data in real time. Organizations take advantage of cloud because big data can be best managed in the cloud. By utilizing fog computing, organizations can decrease time to action; reduce costs, infrastructure and bandwidth; and can get greater access to data. The advantages of the decentralized method of fog computing and IoT analytics cover both the organization and the end user. One of the benefits of centralization is to focus and understand the data location and the accessibility. The decentralized method is associated with flexibility and agility. This tends to describe the data management trends and applications. Read more at the article written by Jelani Harper (blogger) : http://data-informed.com/the-internet-of-things-and-the-necessity-of-fog-computing/



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Analytics 3.0 and Data-Driven Transformation

The development of mobile, IoT, and the cloud has increased the need of analytics to solve challenges in the customer, product, operations, and marketing domains. The established companies need to restructure their business and technology to increase their sales. Organizations need to involve cross-functional teams to establish data governance. Analytics 1.0 was data warehousing and business intelligence; Analytics 2.0 was big data, Hadoop, and NoSQL. Now in the era of Analytics 3.0, when tools make decisions and measure the impact. For more read the article written by chandramohan Kannusamy (Technical Architect) : http://data-informed.com/analytics-3-0-and-data-driven-transformation/


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The predictable future of cloud computing explained

The idea of using information and data for various purposes is not new and has been there since the first web connection was developed. Computer scientist John McCarthy had developed the idea of cloud computing. The internet has grown at a very small pace since the 70's but got revived in the early 90's when first move towards cloud computing was taken. Heavy investment and development in cloud computing shows it is predicted that cloud computing is soon to go mainstream with 34.1 percent of IT sector already running applications in the cloud and 66.4 percent are looking into the cloud, planning to implement installations. Server performance tuning has become easier and finding query performance is now rapid through database analyser, all due to the cloud where our future lies. Cloud computing has become a global phenomenon and people are choosing it for solution in a hybrid manner. Soon companies have to fully turn to cloud computing as it becomes mainstream and lots of other companies shall create their own unique framework including internal cloud adoption. Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/rick-delgado/324781/foreseeable-future-cloud-computing-explained



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Handling data breaches

Data breaches have always been a broad level concern, but what is more important is the impact data breaches have. Usually after a company suffers a data breach, strict regulations are enforced curtailing employee use of data. Thus the entire workforce loses data flexibility which in turn affects productivity. At times, hasty decisions can demoralize employees. Having a data-led approach to business throughout the company is definitely a welcome change. There are a number of ways to dispel fears surrounding data. Risks surrounding data can be avoided through three elements namely policy, training and education, and technology. Policy should guide through using data and devices. Training and educating employees is relevant in avoiding breaches. Technology will protect the business in case of a data breach. Having an intelligent, flexible and secure approach to information management will ensure effective use of data while guarding against risks. Read more at:https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/don-t-be-scared-of-your-data

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Data Brings Optimization of Employee Productivity

Data provides valuable information to a firm to optimize its performance. Decision makers and strategists analyze data and take optimal decisions. Data analysis shows the firm its ongoing productivity and making predictions will lead to future growth. Employees also get benefit in terms of more productivity when they use data-driven tools providing more enhanced methods which they can use. Customer relations have been improved, as employees are more productive and can give more enhanced solutions to their customers. Analyzing the data collected from social media can determine how successful the conversations have been. This is possible just because of changing consumer behavior and innovations that lead to such change. Ideal business is one that reacts to social change. Analytical tools enhances culture among employees. More data is needed to improve customer service than before. Today there is a lot of pressure on employees as work is increasing with large data size. Here the data-driven technique  plays its role helping them to handle such pressure leading them to be more interactive and informative. Improvement in employee's performance will result in enhancement of sales process, training and innovation. This change will bring some excitement for employees, working with modern tools far better than those boring traditional tools. Building up the transparent system will bring good feedback from upper management for employees leading them to provide more optimal output. Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/daanpepijn/329438/data-changing-way-enterprises-optimize-employee-productivity

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Master Data Management

Big Data is a resource that helps organizations to understand and take control or corrective action to address problem such as customer centric service delivery, by accurately joining big data with Master Data Management (MDM). MDM helps to control the momentum of incoming data and tools that applied in MDM helps to verify facts about customers, vendors and products. Data definitions and rules previously established by the corporation are reflected in the MDM. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), due to its agile nature, plays a key role in the corporation achieving its vision.
There is a symbiotic relationship between MDM and SOA. SOA provides the filtering needed for a steady stream of consistent data, which is an important aspect of data mining as the quality of data derived determines the accuracy of predictions.
Thus MDM is a valuable tool as it has the capacity to store and analyze large volumes of data to discover new patterns which leads to an increase in profitability.

For more information visit:

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Small Medium-sized Enterprises using Big Data.

SME’s have a large number of advantages in using big data technology and it is found to play an important role for them recently. Firstly it is important to understand that what big data is. Big Data is defined as a popular term to describe exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured and is important for businesses. It is a series of combined data lakes used for more accurate analyses. SME’s should move to Big Data storage solutions because storing the new data generated each day is becoming expensive for the companies and its increasing their costs. When SME’s start using such combined datasets, they will have enough data to analyse and improve their decision making. Interest in big data has reached new heights for SME’s as they take their chances of capturing more information from everywhere possible. SME’s can also use big data to attract new customers, tap new markets and reduce costs. Some more ways how big data technology can help SME’s prosper are by using big data tools which increase their ability to use predictive analytics for decision making. It also helps SME’s move unused data into different less expensive places. Hence SME’s should definitely be looking forward to such big data technology for improved performance.

Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/bruce-robbins/329520/big-data-smes



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Why is Efficient Data Management Required?

Data management has become the epicenter of success model for any organization. Human beings are generating huge amount of data everyday but most of the data is in unstructured form. The need to effectively manage data and create new flexible systems for effective integration of data across all databases is the need of the moment. Junk records, duplicate records and outdated records have only added to the costs of the organization and success for any organization will be how effectively its employees are able to create and manage the data on regular basis. The duty of cleaning up the data is often imposed on the IT department but they are just the gatekeepers and it is the employee who needs to take care of his or her data, be it a clerk, manager or even the CEO. To know more:


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Data Lies at the Heart of Good Marketing

With the marketers trying to woo customers with all their grit, it's customer data that has proved to be their friend indeed. Data driven marketing increases the ROI to many fold. This is now a well-documented fact. Larisa Bedgood (author) in an article in the blog Datamentors talks about the following 3 ways to extract more revenue from data driven marketing:

• Break Down the Silos

• A 360-degree customer view

• Personalized experience is what customers want. 

For an extensive account of these 3 keys to higher ROI hit the link http://www.datamentors.com/blog/3-ways-data-driven-marketing-drives-higher-roi

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3 V’s of Big Data

Need a big data solution for your project? The 3 V's of big data will bail you out. In an article by Paul Holland (Consultant), he talks about the 3 V dimensions of big data initially discussed in 2001 by META group (now Gartner) analyst Laney Douglas in a research report. Fourteen years hence, big data challenges and opportunities have acquired 8 V dimensions. The author exclusively focuses on the 3 V's:

  • Volume
  • Velocity
  • Variety 

Volume talks about zettabytes of data generated every second. For example, if we look at airplanes they generate 2.5 billion terabytes of data every year. Velocity is about the speed with which data moves around. Unlike earlier times, data is created in real time or near real time. Variety is basically the different types of data. Gone are the days when data used to fit neatly in tables. Today 80% of world data is unstructured (text, images, videos, voice etc.). Read more at:http://makingdatameaningful.com/2015/05/26/characteristics-of-big-data-part-one/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=characteristics-of-big-data-part-one

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big data influencing ski resorts

Ski resorts now-a-days are using certain frequency recognition systems, whose data is used to upgrade skier's experience, in multiple ways. For example, the system has led to the replacement of the old paper system, which unnecessarily consumed a lot of excess time. Stats collected from individual skiers are used by programs, to get an idea about the number of lift rides taken, number of days spent in the slopes, height scaled etc. Skiers can also get rewards based on their performance as directed by the data, thus leading to a gaming experience, which is attracting more and more skiers to the slopes. Big data also ensures that the ski resorts can efficiently transfer proper information to the consumers using data management. Big data not only helps the resorts in predicting weather, with the right stats, but also helps in strategizing suitable marketing techniques. Read more at:


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Cloud Analytics: A Study

Cloud Analytics is one application that is growing very fast and will accelerate in the coming decade. According to Ashutosh Kulkarni (Sr. Vice President and General Manager, Informatica Cloud), scalability, affordable price, simplicity to offer domain specific and user-specific capabilities make cloud analytics unbeatable. The scalability of Hadoop, and the emergence of highly elastic cloud analytic services like AWS, EMR and Redshift, Microsoft Azure, and Salesforce Wave Analytics, has helped in moving IT infrastructure to the cloud and cloud integration Platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) is designed to support the scalability, reliability and security of cloud analytics. Read more at: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2924846/data-analytics/the-future-of-cloud-analytics-is-now.html

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Email: An Effective Tool

Email is the most cost effective business tool especially in small business. Simon Horton (founder of ShopIntegrator), writes in his article about how one can use email to deliver a diverse range of communications. They are: Promotional Offers, Welcome emails, Highlighting content, Customer loyalty emails, Customer greetings, Data management and list building and many more. To know more, follow: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-lead-generation/10-ways-small-etailers-can-maximise-email-opportunities/1540




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Big Data: The Right Path

According to PwC's Sixth Annual Digital IQ Survey, it was found that collecting, analyzing, and leveraging customer data is a concern for 72% of business organizations, just 44% have taken action to address it. Customer data comes from many sources, like websites, email, social media, mobile, customer service, data warehouses, and more. Collecting, analyzing and using these customer data is a challenge. Marketers should leverage data effectively. Data management and analytics enable marketers to use data effectively.  Businesses need to gain competitive advantage by taking strategic decisions with customer insights. Further, self-learning marketing automation technologies combined with CRM tools allow marketers to set up relevant promotions or information to customers. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-data/the-right-path-to-big-data/1327




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Customer Service in the Digital Age

Gartner has predicted that by 2020, customers will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise, without interacting with a human. 43% of respondents in a recent AYTM survey (rising to 62% when aged 18-24) feel they can solve service issues on their own if companies put better self-service tools in place. Companies have tools like automated customer service interactions, email response systems and intelligent agents. In the future, self-service technology promises greater capabilities such as retailer-specific mobile alert applications; entirely new personalized experiences; and data management. To know more, follow Rod Brown (co-founder and CEO of MCADO)’s article link:  http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/who-s-serving-you-providing-enhanced-service-in-a-digital-age/1211




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Tag Management: Its Benefits And Challenges

Pure tag management software/solution has become omnipresent. Every company wants to own one. But it is a feature and not a product segment. So, the future of "tags" is shifting to data management. Most TMS providers are now engaging in unification platforms, by which all the data collected from various channels and devices can connect and interact. These can be utilized by marketers so as to reduce spending, and increase marketing efficiencies. The future of tag management is digital marketing. It gives marketer agility and ownership of their data. To know more about tag management and its benefits and the future challenges it faces, read the article by Contributor Hollis Thomases (veteran of the interactive marketing world) at: http://marketingland.com/future-tag-management-102355



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