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Shaping your Analytics Maturity Pathway

Data is the latest weapon in the market and is the deciding leader in almost all the industries, especially consumer packaged goods, or CPG. The key reason being, the fast changing consumer preferences and influx of larger pool of 21st century competition, primarily the retailers – both, brick & mortar and online.

However, in spite of this gigantic pile of data generated every single day, the plight of CPG companies is similar to a soldier who is given a latest automatic machine gun but doesn’t know how to effectively use it. There are companies who just don’t know what to do with the data. Those who know, are, perhaps, not using it efficiently.

  To know more of effective use of data, read on :  http://blog.fractalanalytics.com/big-data-visualization/what-shapes-your-analytics-maturity-pathway/


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CPG Sector: Growth and Expansion Opportunities

The global consumer packaged goods sector is expected to double by 2025. This growth has especially been observed in BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Along with growth, competition has also increased in these countries, which has led to companies looking for expansion avenues elsewhere.

An analysis by McKinsey has revealed three myths surrounding the growth in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) sector. They are:

  • The United States isn’t a growth market
  • It’s too late to enter China or India
  • Emerging-market consumers don’t buy premium products

These myths need to be discarded as they are certainly not true. And for better growth opportunities in this sector, Rogerio Hirose, Renata Maia, Anne Martinez and Alexander Thiel, in their article at McKinsey Insights have listed out few questions that companies need to answer before entering new cities.

To know more about these myths and the above mentioned questions, please visit the following link:


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