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Data management over cloud

Although cloud storage has benefited the businesses in intelligence enterprises but still it shouldn’t be trusted blindly. Cloud storage techniques have helped digital data storage and the changes are remarkable.

The 2 challenges that are connected with cloud storage, cloud lock-in and management complexity are:

• Cloud lock-in: Failure to transfer data from one cloud storage facility to other.

• Management complexity: The inability to perform proper management of available storage environments.

Following are the solutions to these problems that may be seen as unsolvable.

1. Gateway device: It behaves as an agent between the on-premise storage and the cloud storage.

2. Hybrid cloud: With the help of hybrid cloud, cloud storage acts as an extension to on-premise data storage.

3. Multicolored controller: It permits the data to be seen at the same time.

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Hybrid Cloud: What and Why?

Cloud technology has developed a lot in the past few years. After years of improvement in this space, hybrid cloud is the latest innovation in this field. Businesses are now being recommended to use hybrid cloud computing models.

But before implementing them, businesses need answers to few questions like what is hybrid computing? How is it beneficial for them?

Vivek Vahie, Senior Director, Navisite India, has answered these questions in the simplest form in his article at betanews.com. According to him:

“Hybrid cloud is any combination of public and private computing combined with existing on-premise infrastructure which is tailored to fit each individual business’ needs.”

He has shared following points in answer to the why question:

  • More flexibility and control
  • Helps find the balance between their in-house IT infrastructure and public cloud services.
  • Potential cost savings
  • Scalability and agility

Though there are problems in implementing hybrid cloud models like compatibility and security issues, still, it offers a bundle of vast opportunities.

To know more, please visit the following link:


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The Hybrid Cloud: Shifting Emphasis from Cost to Benefit

A hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment in which an organization provides and manages some resources in-house and has others provided externally. For example, an organization might use a public cloud service, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for archived data but continue to maintain in-house storage for operational customer data. The hybrid approach allows a business to take advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness that a public cloud computing environment offers without exposing mission-critical applications and data to third-party vulnerabilities. This type of hybrid cloud is also referred to as hybrid IT. The hybrid cloud has the potential to transform enterprise IT completely and shift the cost/benefit emphasis from cost to benefit.

Matt Watts, Netapp, speaks about how hybrid cloud can bring this transformation. To know more, please visit:



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Tips for building Hybrid Cloud

Organizations who have sensitive data and are required to put their sensitive data in the cloud opt for hybrid cloud. Companies looking to expand their presence into the cloud also opt for hybrid cloud. According to a report, the growth rates of both hybrid and private clouds come in the range of 40% to 45%. This article by Sharon Gaudin (Computerworld UK) describes some basics that every IT manager should consider if enterprises are looking to use a hybrid of public and private cloud set-ups. To know more, follow: http://www.computerworlduk.com/in-depth/cloud-computing/3581099/five-tips-for-building-a-successful-hybrid-cloud/


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Difference between public,private and hybrid clouds

In an infographic by cloudtweaks.com (a web based cloud magazine), we come to know about the basic differences between public, private and hybrid cloud computing systems. This infographic allows users to know more about the basic cloud computing system in a more engaging visual displays. Few benefits of three different types of cloud computing systems are public cloud (Shared,open,pay per use), Private cloud(Dedicated, secure, fixed costs) and Hybrid cloud(the best of both worlds).

For more information please visit:-

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What’s a Private Cloud

Cloud computing enables companies to get agile, leverage infrastructure on demand, and run it like a utility. The cloud environment provides flexibility, scalability and continuous availability with expert services. Rapid prototyping and to solve business process through analysis can be easily done by having access to a cloud environment. While the benefits are many but, the public cloud does not fulfill the needs of individual organizations which need better privacy and data security. In public cloud, many clients can access virtualized services from the same pool of servers and resources, but in private cloud clients mainly access services from a distinct pool of physical computers. Nowadays many organizations opt for a middle way i.e. hybrid cloud solution to avoid disadvantages of private cloud. Please go through the link for more details: http://www.daywatcher.com/what-is-a-private-cloud/

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Hybrid Cloud: its importance and why it can be your good choice

It is of no doubt that switching to cloud platform will benefit you; but, have you ever thought which cloud platform will you use? Now, you may be wondering what the various cloud platforms are. Let's know it.

Cloud platforms can be private, public, managed or hybrid. The first two types are self-explanatory. While private cloud refers to an infrastructure operated and run for the benefit of your company only, in public cloud, this infrastructure is available for public use and can be accessible over the internet. On the other hand, managed cloud platform gives you services that are offered to manage and maintain the underlying technology to run cloud services.

So, what is hybrid cloud? You may have guessed it right – it’s the combination of two or more cloud services. Hybrid cloud has an edge over types of cloud services. If you opt for private, then it may prove costly to you, on the other hand, if you choose public, then although you will get the cost advantage, but a security concern will lie over you. However, if you go for hybrid, then they remain unique and in addition to that, you can access extra resources on an as – needed basis. So, for example, when you use hybrid cloud, you may use your private cloud application to store confidential data and for billing and ERP, you may use your public cloud application which is cost effective. The other main advantage of hybrid cloud is that, you have the option to switch to public cloud resources temporarily, if at any time your own capacity is exceeded.

Thinking of switching to hybrid cloud? Read more at http://cloudtweaks.com/2014/04/importance-hybrid-matters/ to get an idea about what is the importance of hybrid cloud and why it will matter to you. 

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