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Pros for doing Data Driven Marketing Accurately

Some of the pros for executing data driven marketing efficiently are:-

1. Joint collaboration with IT department and marketing team is the key to achieve efficiency.

2. Hiring an industry analyst, professor or data scientist to review the data before publishing is necessary to check accuracy.

3. Planning the data collect and analysis before starting the project will help immensely.

4. It is important to focus on what the data means and what are its implications.

5. In order to increase exposures create strong relations with media and analyst (to find out what kind of data suits best for them) before publishing the data.

6. Company should decide whether they want to invest in product growth or data marketing.

7. If the company doesn't have data they don’t need to invest in costly data gathering procedures. Inexpensive tools are easily available.

To know more, read article by James A. Martin on the link : http://www.cio.com/article/3052442/marketing/how-to-do-data-driven-marketing-right.html?page=2


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Data Driven Marketing with Machine Learning.

Ever wondered if machine learning can be used for Data Driven Marketing. The Intelligent Agent (IA) developed on the concept of machine learning takes a big leap in data driven marketing.  IA technology can learn about the user behavior and suggest most suitable actions. It can identify the most relevant data from the whole lot and can even find out the reasons for the importance or relevance of that data. Artificial Intelligence is revolutionalising the field of marketing. Intelligent Agent would reduce the manual processing and will produce better results. Read more about it in the article written by John Bates(Senior Product Manager for Data Science & Predictive Marketing Solutions) at: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/analytics/data-driven-marketing-ready-for-machine-learning/

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Take Customer Experience ahead of the field, using Data Driven Marketing.

It's all about customer experience - make it better using Data Driven Marketing! It's important to treat them like true customers by taking them through personalized life cycles. Normally, customers are expected to feed the website with lots of data regarding their preferences and personal details. So there is a lot of data in the hand of an owner. But the value lies in effectively scaling data and analytics to enrich their journey. Thus, planning the marketing strategies by keeping in focus the results of this data analytics. The article written by Kevin Lindsay digs deeper into the power of Data Driven Marketing at: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/personalization/strength-in-numbers-best-practices-for-data-driven-marketing/


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Data, Data Everywhere but what Exactly to Measure: The Dilemma with Marketing Metrics

With tons of data available with marketers to measure the impact of their business, one thing that need to be kept in mind is not to get entangled in measuring everything. Measuring something that does not have the capability to influence your corporate strategy isn’t a good idea. Knowing what your business is trying to achieve and then deciding on marketing metrics is foremost.  Steve Robins, principal of Solution Marketing Strategy, in an article in TechTarget provides the following points of advice to detangle your metrics:
• Separating strategic KPI’s from nonstrategic metrics
• What to measure?
• Operationalizing KPI’s
• Metrics predict the future
• Finally, looking at best practices
For more insights into this piece follow the link:  
: http://searchcrm.techtarget.com/feature/Dont-get-tangled-in-marketing-metrics?utm_medium=EM&asrc=EM_NLN_45313060&utm_campaign=20150716_Spend%20management:%20Were%20SAP%27s%20procurement%20acquisitions%20really%20worth%20$15%20billion?_jbiscobing&utm_source=NLN&track=NL-1815&ad=901719&src=901719



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Data Lies at the Heart of Good Marketing

With the marketers trying to woo customers with all their grit, it's customer data that has proved to be their friend indeed. Data driven marketing increases the ROI to many fold. This is now a well-documented fact. Larisa Bedgood (author) in an article in the blog Datamentors talks about the following 3 ways to extract more revenue from data driven marketing:

• Break Down the Silos

• A 360-degree customer view

• Personalized experience is what customers want. 

For an extensive account of these 3 keys to higher ROI hit the link http://www.datamentors.com/blog/3-ways-data-driven-marketing-drives-higher-roi

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Tips for Analysing Small Data

According to Collen Jones (CEO of Content Science and co-founder of ContentWRX), big data help to identify new market opportunities and customers. But, most companies are facing problem with analyzing big data. Therefore, before analyzing big data, an organization also needs to analyze small data. • Understand your situation by collecting and analyzing the data.
• Interpreting the data you collected in a clear and compelling way
• Searching what to do next?
Collected Data should be focused on content and customers and should be accurate and reliable. And while searching what to do next try to find opportunities and threats.
To know more read at: http://www.cmo.com.au/article/573077/thinking-big-data-marketing-get-small-data-right-first/

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