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Data, Data Everywhere but what Exactly to Measure: The Dilemma with Marketing Metrics

With tons of data available with marketers to measure the impact of their business, one thing that need to be kept in mind is not to get entangled in measuring everything. Measuring something that does not have the capability to influence your corporate strategy isn’t a good idea. Knowing what your business is trying to achieve and then deciding on marketing metrics is foremost.  Steve Robins, principal of Solution Marketing Strategy, in an article in TechTarget provides the following points of advice to detangle your metrics:
• Separating strategic KPI’s from nonstrategic metrics
• What to measure?
• Operationalizing KPI’s
• Metrics predict the future
• Finally, looking at best practices
For more insights into this piece follow the link:  
: http://searchcrm.techtarget.com/feature/Dont-get-tangled-in-marketing-metrics?utm_medium=EM&asrc=EM_NLN_45313060&utm_campaign=20150716_Spend%20management:%20Were%20SAP%27s%20procurement%20acquisitions%20really%20worth%20$15%20billion?_jbiscobing&utm_source=NLN&track=NL-1815&ad=901719&src=901719



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Marketing Metrics That Matter

Metrics are performance indicators for the markets. The rules in choosing the right metrics are:
1. Easy to use and understand
2. Easily replicated
3. Metrics should provide useful, actionable information that impacts the business.
With the availability of a wide variety of advanced analytics, it is easy to get sidetracked. Pressure to measure to many things makes it difficult o determine where to focus. Background data on customer is a useful metric. Effectiveness of targeting is related to marketers identifying customer personas. The right metrics such as calculating the potential lifetime values of various customers can help differentiate who is most likely to be profitable over the long term.
To know more: https://hbr.org/2015/07/identify-the-marketing-metrics-that-actually-matter

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