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Know the types of customer segmentation that will help you in your business

In today’s business world, personalization is one of the most operational ways you can attract new customers and retain your present customers. It is found that 59% of consumers who have experienced it, say that personalization has a great impact on their purchase decisions. Besides, 88% of marketers have noticed vital improvements in their business with personalization and 53% of them have reported that they gained a lift of over 10%. So, customer segmentation is important. This article discusses four types of customer segmentation that can help you achieve your marketing goals. Read more about these four types of segmentation at: 



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Personalization and CRM

In today’s sales world, personalization is an important aspect, especially sales campaigns and CRM make it easy to collect information about customers and to apply it. Personalization involves a balance between using information about the customer to build a relationship and an invasion of privacy. It is also one of the most powerful tools in the CRM toolbox and a way to build trust and inspire customer loyalty. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-personalization-not-intrusion-71092


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Seize your future with Data Mining

E-Commerce firms very well understand that data is a wealth. The data can provide very crucial and meaningful insights, if used properly. Data Mining is one such way. It is a field of computer science that discovers the patterns in large data sets. This is done using the methods of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Statistics and Database Systems. Algorithms are made to act on the data set. This often reveals "game changing" results for the industry. Data Mining can be either done manually or can be automated. E-Commerce Firms use this to get to know more about customer's emotions, preferences, and other factors that impact their purchasing style. So they excel in offering a personalized experience through this. It doesn't stay limited to customers. Data Mining is done to keep an eye on the competitors. Read more about it in the article written by Arie Shpanya (contributor to Econsultancy)  at: https://econsultancy.com/blog/67360-why-data-mining-is-the-future-of-online-retailing/

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Changing Life with Machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Why to go far? If we see in our recent past artificial intelligence and machine learning were very exciting and dream topics among engineers and developers. But now machine learning has emerged as the ideal branch of big data and working as oxygen to concepts like artificial intelligence. Year 2015, was a year of massive market shifts. Machine learning (ML) and its super set artificial intelligence (AI) where computer receives new information and learn without supervision have played very important and revolutionary role for the shift. Still Machine Learning has much more in the store. Year 2016 is going be a big year for machine learning. Usually, computers have been used to enhance the ability to carry out tasks. Users see this with features like auto completion and spell check. In the upcoming year these leaps are likely to be made on three fronts: natural language processing, personalization, and security.  To know more about machine learning follow the article written by Motti Nisani(author) at: - http://www.geektime.com/2015/12/27/2015s-big-leap-into-machine-learning/

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How to stay ahead in E-commerce competition

Unprecedented growth of e-commerce industry, has given marketers a hard time to acquire and retain shoppers. The retailers need to have the right insight in collecting analyzing data as well determining the actions that will resonate with consumers and deliver best experience. 1) Marketers need to have a long sighted approach towards consumer lifecycle and tactics within their acquisition. It helps in identifying the consumer goal from specific interaction and what this long term engagement will offer to shoppers. 2) The shoppers needs to develop the capability to anticipate shoppers actions and to do marketers must learns individuals likes and dislikes, their interests and most of all be able to discern individuals intent from collected rationalized data. 3) E-Commerce brand should use ensure that their data must be collected from each interaction and across every touch point to create one cohesive customer experience. Lack of persistent communication within various interaction units hurts the data aggregation and analysis. Read more at: http://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/keep-one-step-ahead-of-your-e-commerce-competition/

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Customers given a choice using personalization.

Customers have so many options these days online - to shop, read articles, watch videos and more. A brand or publisher will quickly attract attention of its customers by serving only the most relevant information. There lies the difficulty to figure out what exactly should be the useful information published. Few ways to discover and build better customer profiles are:
Down with static profiles: the building process of better customer profiles never ends. Companies should keep in mind that customers are dynamic and once a macro view of the customer is available, the problem gets sorted.
Why, where and when: context is equally important and information on whether the consumer is on mobile or a tablet or which time of the day it is and other important questions can help companies recognize a clear picture of preferences of the customers.
The customer knows best: consumer choice brought into personalization equation is a positive step for a variety of reasons. This element of choice enhances communication between brand and consumers and provides value to both parties.
Companies which can implement choice, better customer profiles, and context consideration will be able to successfully personalize a user’s experience online.
Read more at: http://www.cmswire.com/customer-experience/personalization-give-your-customers-a-choice/?pageNum=2



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Data Lies at the Heart of Good Marketing

With the marketers trying to woo customers with all their grit, it's customer data that has proved to be their friend indeed. Data driven marketing increases the ROI to many fold. This is now a well-documented fact. Larisa Bedgood (author) in an article in the blog Datamentors talks about the following 3 ways to extract more revenue from data driven marketing:

• Break Down the Silos

• A 360-degree customer view

• Personalized experience is what customers want. 

For an extensive account of these 3 keys to higher ROI hit the link http://www.datamentors.com/blog/3-ways-data-driven-marketing-drives-higher-roi

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Personalization: A Research

This era is the era of personalization. But, consumers have become impatient nowadays.  Recent research from Janrain revealed that 58% of consumers unsubscribe after three mistargeted emails and 17% unsubscribe after one mistargeted email. 95% of consumers react negatively to mistargeting – with 55% deleting emails and 53% unsubscribing; while 40% categorize the emails as junk/spam. Brands now need to win consumer trust. Personalization should be a standard component of the marketing toolset. To know more, follow: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-lead-generation/personalisation-welcome-to-the-last-chance-saloon/1420



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Personalization Driven by Data

One of the most promising trends in IT is the use of data to deliver to individuals- the decade old promise of personalization, which includes delivering the individuals the exact product and services as and when they need them. Nowadays we have a rapidly growing number of choices. Companies and other providers can help us sort these choices by analyzing data on our personal tastes and circumstances combined with analysis of mass data. Personalization increases the prospect of customer loyalty. The time lag between product innovation and commoditization has become shorter.  It establishes a more personal and binding relationship with customers. There are of course dangers. Companies and other data manipulators can use information to harm and some of the information they are gathering is highly private. Although individuals are concerned about their privacy, they are willing to share the most intimate data, if they think that doing so will improve their lives. Many problems need to be sorted out before data driven personalization becomes the norm, but the long term impact of this trend will be better products and services for individuals. Read more at:


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