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Talking Technology

This is an era where all of us are tech savvy and are connected to each other through social platforms linked through smart devices. The new generation expects real time response to their queries with personalized feelings and suggestions from the diverse brands they trust and engage with. Business enterprises are now resorting to chatbots or virtual agents that can manage consumers’ queries without any delay. A Chatbot or the “Chatter Robot” is a platform that imitates human conversations including text or spoken language by using artificial intelligence techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), image, audio and video processing. It’s ability to network using a simple interface and engage with customers in a more natural and friendly manner has given itself a cutting edge across dimensions. Although chatbots and apps are intermingled with each other, they are different in the sense that the interactions with the bot take place sequentially (as a conversation), and the bot is used inside a chat app. Moreover chatbots have an identity of its own which is separate from its interaction with the user. 

Read more at : https://www.happiestminds.com/Insights/chatbots/


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Turing Test: Prime Evaluation Technique of Artificial intelligence

The Turing Test, proposed by Alan Turing in 1950, is considered as a basic definition of Artificial Intelligence. It was used to see if something is a person or a machine. A computer passes the test if an interrogator cannot tell whether the answers come from a person or a computer. To pass a rigorously applied test, computer need to have certain capabilities like Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation, Automated Reasoning and Machine Learning.

But a recent study shows that the Turing Test has some limitations. Co-author Kevin Warwick, a computer scientist at Coventry University in England said that the Turing Test will not work in the case where the person or machine whoever is being interrogated chooses to stay silent. Read more about it at: http://www.livescience.com/55356-flaw-detected-in-turing-test.html


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Medicare gets easier with Artificial Intelligence

Every human being is interested to know their chances of getting sick in the future. This is where artificial intelligence scientists steps in. With the combination of machine learning, natural language processing and text analytics scientists are working to find out some latest concepts and technologies in biomedicine. Each term is then given a score, which, based on the technology's analysis, identified its predicted rate of incline. So based on that, few predictions have been made for 2016.  To know more, follow: http://www.science20.com/news_articles/ai_may_tell_us_whats_going_to_be_big_in_science_this_year-165373

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Changing Life with Machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Why to go far? If we see in our recent past artificial intelligence and machine learning were very exciting and dream topics among engineers and developers. But now machine learning has emerged as the ideal branch of big data and working as oxygen to concepts like artificial intelligence. Year 2015, was a year of massive market shifts. Machine learning (ML) and its super set artificial intelligence (AI) where computer receives new information and learn without supervision have played very important and revolutionary role for the shift. Still Machine Learning has much more in the store. Year 2016 is going be a big year for machine learning. Usually, computers have been used to enhance the ability to carry out tasks. Users see this with features like auto completion and spell check. In the upcoming year these leaps are likely to be made on three fronts: natural language processing, personalization, and security.  To know more about machine learning follow the article written by Motti Nisani(author) at: - http://www.geektime.com/2015/12/27/2015s-big-leap-into-machine-learning/

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An Insight To Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human languages. NLP executes various tasks by understanding the language. It converts it into a machine representable format to tell the computer what needs to be done. An important aspect of NLP is Natural Language Generation (NLG). It takes the input, processes it and thereby helps to generate natural language back to the user. NLP uses machine learning in order to determine language from bunch of data. It is crucial to demonstrate milieu and subject of each word. NLP has its applications in various fields. It is also used to categorize text into different sections and also to translate the language.

For further details on Natural Language Processing, please follow the link: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/a-beginners-guide-to-nlp

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Will AI replace Humans?

Since 19th century, Artificial Intelligence always made everyone very curious but only recently we started to see its applications. Even now its applications are very narrowly limited to natural language processing and image processing. Some people are scared that AI may one day replace humans in many industries and cause unemployment. Let's see what two pioneers in the industry of AI think. Read more at: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/537941/emtech-digital-where-is-ai-taking-us/

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Analytics identifying Patients at Risk!

A pilot project using predictive analytics and applied natural language processing identified 8,500 patients of Carilion Clinic who are at risk of congestive heart failure. Discrete data points, such as weight and medications, can be found in structured EMR (electronic medical record) fields. Unstructured data includes physicians' notes that are typed or read into a patient's EMR or discharge papers.  The natural language processing technology searched for key words or phrases within the unstructured data as well as in structured data. In all, 20 million documents were analyzed. Because approximately half of all patients who develop heart failure die within five years, according to the “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention”, early identification is essential. About 3,500 of the 8,500 patients Carilion identified as at-risk would not have been found if the project had analyzed only the structured data, according to Steve Morgan, MD and chief medical information officer at Carilion Clinic.

To know more, please visit famous author & reporter Maggie O'Neill’s article by clicking on the following link:


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