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Talking Technology

This is an era where all of us are tech savvy and are connected to each other through social platforms linked through smart devices. The new generation expects real time response to their queries with personalized feelings and suggestions from the diverse brands they trust and engage with. Business enterprises are now resorting to chatbots or virtual agents that can manage consumers’ queries without any delay. A Chatbot or the “Chatter Robot” is a platform that imitates human conversations including text or spoken language by using artificial intelligence techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), image, audio and video processing. It’s ability to network using a simple interface and engage with customers in a more natural and friendly manner has given itself a cutting edge across dimensions. Although chatbots and apps are intermingled with each other, they are different in the sense that the interactions with the bot take place sequentially (as a conversation), and the bot is used inside a chat app. Moreover chatbots have an identity of its own which is separate from its interaction with the user. 

Read more at : https://www.happiestminds.com/Insights/chatbots/


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