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Tech-Powered Cancer Screening Made Possible by AI

Let’s all think of a time when skin cancers can be detected to the earliest possible thus increasing the chances of surviving this catastrophic disease by 99 percent. Will this not mean a world of difference for patients diagnosed with skin cancer? Yes it will surely do when the early detection is accompanied with reaping off the various resource and time constraints that keep people from heading to the doctors early. This is exactly why two developers, Peter Ma, an independent developer and part of the Intel Software Innovator Program, along with co-founder Mike Borozdin had screened their own hands to create a free, artificial intelligence-powered screening program completely online. They developed an AI solution which has the same level of intelligence as that of a dermatologist and the power to determine and classify skin cancer types. The technology used is known as Doctor Hazel and uses deep-learning neural networks, pulling 8000 variables simultaneously to screen and classify skin cancer with 80 percent accuracy. It is now possible for anyone to go online and upload a picture of a concerning mole and obtain results within seconds. Thanks to the use of Intel’s Movidius Neural Compute Stick, an edge device that is able to classify cancer images in real time and offline, the AI solution has a wider applicability in places where internet access is scarce. This will in future empower the healthcare capabilities to improve quality of care for the patients as well as reduce time for physicians.

Read more at: https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2018/07/ai-makes-free-tech-powered-cancer-screening-possible


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