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Internet of Things (IoT) with fitness wearables

Today’s generation is health conscious and use wearable devices to track their fitness levels. This constantly generates data and we should be able to draw a comparison on different datasets or data collected from various devices. Lumo BodyTech, a fitness related tech company, created a platform (Lumo Motion) to analyse such data. People can monitor, regulate their health and get accurate advice. Lumo Back and Lumo Lift tracks the posture and combined data can be used to learn about the best posture. Even though the progress is limited but with growing number of products joining the platform, data is comparable from a wider range. Read more at: https://readwrite.com/2017/06/28/iot-will-let-you-understand-your-workout-data-better-hl1/


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Home sweet smart home

Smart home technology is available and it will definitely be of great help to the people because the refrigerator will communicate when the milk and eggs are running low. This i a great boon to all the working families who have no time. But the smart homes will be of no use unless the consumers use it. But there is still a gap between a smart home and a consumer. The bridge has to be made. Find out how, by clicking on to this link below -:



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Gadgets better than sleeping pills

A recent study revealed that about 30% of Indian adults who are corporates suffer insomnia and 25% sleep apnea. This is a clear indication towards unhealthy condition among the corporates. But there are gadgets which helps you to monitor your sleep and they are becoming quite popular among all age groups. These gadgets are way better and has no side effects like memory loss caused by sleeping pill. 

To know more, please read the article written by Shobita Dhar (Writer at The Times of India tech)-: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/computing/Why-this-tech-could-put-you-to-sleep/articleshow/51181484.cms




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A week without social media

What if we tell you that staying away from social media for a week will benefit more than workout or even swimming. At least an independent study says it’s true. Here are some thing you must try to avoid anxiety, depression and health hazards caused by social media -:

# Try to be on bed without your phone -: lesser will be the contact with your phone, happier you will be.

# Workout to tone your body and to be fit 

# Learn how to be alone - We are constantly connected to social media which create an illusion that we are never alone but it’s important to take some time for yourself. 

To Know more , please read the article written by FlockU in The Huffington post - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/i-quit-social-media-for-a_b_9627574.html?section=india


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Good posture in a day keeps the doctor away

According to a recent study, Experts are saying that Excessive use of electronic gadgets is leading to hunched backs and high stress level among youngsters. Hunched back is a medical condition of exaggerated curving of the upper back.

This is condition is commonly being observed especially those who are between 9-18 years old due to weak abdominal muscles from years of sitting in a hunched postion. 

Orthopaedician are suggesting that it’s important to learn the correct way to sit, especially when using electronic gadgets. Simple exercises & practicing yoga improve spine flexibility and good body posture. So good posture in a day keeps the doctor away.


To know more, please read the article by The Health Site -: http://www.thehealthsite.com/news/are-you-hooked-to-your-smartphones-and-other-gadgets-doctors-say-it-can-give-you-a-hunched-back-ag0316/


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Mountain Biking in the Trend

Road cycling had been a dominant sports form through publicity of celebrities. But mountain biking has never been so easy because of its complex technology. Effective suspension to absorb huge bumps with powerful pedal strokes are required for mountain biking. World’s top mountain bikers, Tracey Moseley and Jerome fitness, endurance as well as technical skills, all are required to be at the top of the list. Practice makes a person perfect – so better to practice at various terrain in various weather to know how to use skills efficiently.  The new technologies include increasing stiffness of bikes allows for a better power transfer from pedal strokes to the drive train. Thus basically technology is improved based on the performances. According to both, the skills learnt in mountain biking provides a broad base which can be transferred. Read more at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/talking-mountain-bikes-with-two-world-champions

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