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Internet of Things and Analytics

With advancement in Internet of Things (IoTs) such as asking the personal digital assistant to read the news, give weather reports, turn on/off the lights, locking up the house and many more, our lives are being simplified, though not as seamless as expected. In Edsger Dijkstra’s words, “Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it.” It is analytics that trains the technology for doing hard work so that its virtue can be enjoyed by the people. Hence, with every passing day, as IoT is taking over, Analytics market is becoming more complex since machines have their own languages and specifications and idiosyncrasies. Read more at https://www.experfy.com/blog/to-serve-man-the-internet-of-things-and-analytics

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How Edge Computing is Changing Cloud Utlization

Nowadays, edge computing power of cloud is changing how Internet of Things devices and applications work as systems. This article explores some ways edge computing will change cloud utilization.  They are: Faster Decision Making, Network Load, Sharing Security and Disconnected Decision Making. Read more at: 



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Analytics is the global key

The old practice was to study the analytics from a historical perspective but in today’s marketing scenario, we need analytics that present a forward-looking view. There is more potential in data and analytics. Thus, that’s what the McKinsey Global Institute’s partners Michael Chui and Nicolaus Henke share their views with McKinsey Publishing’s Simon London. The age of analytics: Competing in a data driven world is a new McKinsey Global Institute research report in which Nico and Michael are among the co-authors of it. In the McKinsey Podcast, according to them data and analytics is important for customer engagement and satisfaction because a lot of data is available, connections are many and there are many understandable machine techniques and languages through which it’s easy and comfortable to analyze data and to take decisions differently. The data analyzed must be organizable in the ways needed. The data must be such that it develops helpful use cases.

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Big Data in 2018

Big data systems have been growing more efficient every day. The data trends have been ground breaking in 2018 as well. There has been implementation of one of the most enhanced cybersecurity model ever. Not just cyber crime, but the crime rate in general has started to come down all around the world in the last 20 years. The expansion of Internet of Things is another amazing influence of Big Data in todays industry. Artificial Intelligence has actually started reaching out to the masses. A number of new occupations have started coming up already. There are plenty of other news from around the world on Big Data. Find them out at: 



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Internet of Things: Need of proper guidance

Author, Philip Piletic, in his article link clearly states the fact that with the advancement in Internet, Internet of Things (IoT) is also reaching endless possibilities. Yes, there are many perks of IoT but in some situation, we need proper security. In some cases, it may act like an open door to a secured network, since IoT devices are also directly connected to the internet. Most of the IoT devices, like Mobile Phones, Smart TVs, etc., always keep collecting private data of a user which is sent back to the manufacturer, that have some threat. Therefore, it is necessary for proper guidelines to be set up for manufacturers about using the user’s data. Read more at: 



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Changing Roles Of Technology

Technologies changed roles at home, from the kitchen phone to smartphone, tablets etc. The latest edition is IoT. Here, smart means safety in terms of health and security. We will be able to control various electronic devices like AC, Fridge, Fan, TV etc. directly with our smartphones and also able to know the safety status of those. We can take care of our loved ones when we will be outside of our homes. The time of the smart home is coming to us soon. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295464

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Impact of IoT on Big data 

Internet of Things is creating a revolutionary technology space and the connected devices are producing an enormous amount of structured and unstructured data which can be analyzed to give insights. Retail stores can with the help of VLC technology store information about the customer and analytics can decipher his buying patterns. IoT connects everything in our daily lives from smart homes to transportation to health which generated huge data. Businesses are able to take timely decisions and can even predict events by analyzing data from IoT. They have gone from reactive to proactive. Read more at https://www.experfy.com/blog/integrating-iot-with-big-data-a-revolutionary-step



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Internet of Things (IoT) with fitness wearables

Today’s generation is health conscious and use wearable devices to track their fitness levels. This constantly generates data and we should be able to draw a comparison on different datasets or data collected from various devices. Lumo BodyTech, a fitness related tech company, created a platform (Lumo Motion) to analyse such data. People can monitor, regulate their health and get accurate advice. Lumo Back and Lumo Lift tracks the posture and combined data can be used to learn about the best posture. Even though the progress is limited but with growing number of products joining the platform, data is comparable from a wider range. Read more at: https://readwrite.com/2017/06/28/iot-will-let-you-understand-your-workout-data-better-hl1/


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