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Internet of Things: Need of proper guidance

Author, Philip Piletic, in his article link clearly states the fact that with the advancement in Internet, Internet of Things (IoT) is also reaching endless possibilities. Yes, there are many perks of IoT but in some situation, we need proper security. In some cases, it may act like an open door to a secured network, since IoT devices are also directly connected to the internet. Most of the IoT devices, like Mobile Phones, Smart TVs, etc., always keep collecting private data of a user which is sent back to the manufacturer, that have some threat. Therefore, it is necessary for proper guidelines to be set up for manufacturers about using the user’s data. Read more at: 



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Have you ever thought of what it feels like to get “Hacked” ?



Ideally, your answer is "No" and aim of this blog is to keep you cyber safe in 2017. There are no ensured that malicious actors won't get to your data, here are some tips which will diminish the likelihood of having your data hacked. 1. Have unique, complicated, difficult to crack password.

2. Reduce the reuse of password.

3. On regular basis update your password.

4. Prevent “Dictionary Attacks”.

5. Keep your security and privacy settings current.

6. Enable two-factor authentication or 2-step verification.

7. Don’t store your password saved in the browser.

8. Have a security program installed.

9. Install software updates.

10. Be suspicious of URLs before you click.

Now play it safe.

To know more please read the following article:


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Take a stand or get perished: cyber security mantra

Take a stand or get perished: cyber security mantra

Cyber-attack on Sony pictures in 2014 has clearly indicated that the hacktivists have enough technological supports to sabotage one of the most secured service section and business giants. The U.S government suspects that Chinese hackers are penetrating the government's Office of Personnel Management (OPM) last summer as it exposed almost 4 million Federal employee records, including social security numbers. These all instances which prove that these hacktivists are mostly concerned about the sensitive data. The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Einstein system is used to find out who committed breaches. Deeper insight in cryptography is therefore required.

To read, follow: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/225114-the-cybersecurity-threat-are-we-protected-yet



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Are Password Managers Good Enough?

Next time while you are trying to log in and the "remember your password?" window pops up, think before hitting yes. Password managers help users sync their usernames and password so they can choose strong passwords which are hard to guess, thereby reducing the risk of hacking. But if the password manager fails, putting all the passwords in one place would be regretted since now all the accounts run a risk of security breach. Password manager stores passwords either on the user's machine or uses cloud-based security. Both could turn unsafe as the former is vulnerable to malware and in the latter case the password is sent to remote servers. To know more, read: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jun/17/do-we-really-want-to-keep-all-our-digital-eggs-in-one-basket


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