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All about cyber attacks!

To protect a company’s valuable data it is of utmost importance to know about cyber attacks and cyber crime. Most industrial and manufacturing firms are victims of practices such as a/c hijacking, SQLi attacks, Distributed denial of Service Attacks(DDos)and maladvertising. Thus, they should keep these 8 points in mind:-

1. Hackers steal the data primarily for monetary gains.

2. Cyber criminals are interested in debit and credit card numbers.

3.  Instead of internet they access Darknet(also known as deep web) so that they do not leave any digital footprint behind.

4. Companies make huge losses due to these cyber attacks.

5. All the company data must be protected by purchasing breach insurance and by using cloud storage.

6. Companies can take prevention by training staff members on basic and critical policies.

7. Efforts must be made in the field of cyber security. This can be done by identifying the baseline( i.e., identify normal network activity before an intrusion). This is helpful as it makes the identification of attack vector easier and also helps to improve the data security.

8. New threats keep evolving.

By keeping these points in mind company can take prevention against the unfortunate cyber crimes or network breaches to some extent. To read more follow: - http://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/cyber-attacks-8-things-company-need-know-01601714#WhGV91IDu2rTGu9V.97


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Big Data Analytics : A useful security tool

Big data analytics is a useful instrument for empowering organizations to become more resilient in the face of increasing cyber-attacks, according to a software market analyst and IT consultant. Attackers inject malcode into genuine processes by process hollowing and install deception techniques. They send data outside an organization. Analysis of security log data and other security system data provides useful insight for improving organizations' cyber defense capability. For more read the article written by Warwick Ashford (security editor) : http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450288411/Big-data-analytics-a-useful-security-tool-says-analyst


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Cyber-attack may lead to potential air hijack

The aviation sector is continuously facing cyber-threat. Hackers are targeting crucial infrastructural units and necessity services. The most alarming issues are a flight is not safe from the hacker's hands even when it is in the air. A recent report says a hacktivist easily hacked the on air entertainment system of a flight when it was on air and also take a control of the flight, which causes deviation from the actual course of flight and compelled it to fly sideways. Therefore, many experts believe that to hijack an aircraft one may not need to board on it, he/she can remotely access the unsecured Wi-Fi of the aircraft and take control of the cockpit. This irregularity is happening because the aviation security and network access is weak and the firewall standards are age old & hack able. So the transport safety department should take care of these cyber-attacks in the aviation section.

To read, follow: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2016/05/the_aviation_industry_is_starting_to_grapple_with_cybersecurity.html


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Reliance on Cyber Security Tools but Still Face Protection Risk


According to a new study by Cisco “Security in India: Enabling a New Connected Era”, 72% of the Indian companies rely strongly on web Security whereas this figure is 52% for non-Indian companies. This means Indian organizations rely more on tools rather than strategies for protection. Therefore, reliance on tools may also put them at risk. Around 65% of the Indian organizations use mobile security against 49% of the non-Indian organizations. Indian organizations are also rapidly using cloud base security. Use of cloud security system in the coming times will lead them to threat problems just like other countries - China, Russia and U.S. These countries use advance persistent threat (APT) to steal data from consumers and competitors. To know more read article of TOI 



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Take a stand or get perished: cyber security mantra

Take a stand or get perished: cyber security mantra

Cyber-attack on Sony pictures in 2014 has clearly indicated that the hacktivists have enough technological supports to sabotage one of the most secured service section and business giants. The U.S government suspects that Chinese hackers are penetrating the government's Office of Personnel Management (OPM) last summer as it exposed almost 4 million Federal employee records, including social security numbers. These all instances which prove that these hacktivists are mostly concerned about the sensitive data. The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Einstein system is used to find out who committed breaches. Deeper insight in cryptography is therefore required.

To read, follow: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/225114-the-cybersecurity-threat-are-we-protected-yet



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Protection of crucial business data ensured.

A company must protect itself from viral attacks and hackers. Such hackers have been in existence for as long as the internet has existed and they make a living out of stealing important business information by selling them in the market to the highest bidders online which can cause terrible damage to the reputation of company in question. The appropriate way to go about this is to install malware removal software’s on all the computers and also ensure protection of their private business and assets. Some other ways to ensure this protection are:

• Sufficient disaster recovery layouts: since virus and malwares on the computer can wipe away important data and ruin the business in seconds, efficient systems for disaster recovery should be in place so that information back up is restored at that very moment after the attack ensuring no loss is incurred. Professionals should be hired for such tasks.

• Effective virus protection should be installed since sensitive information about the business as well as of the employees once leaked can lead to several other problems and regular security checks should be done to ensure everything is updated and new viruses are detected instantly.

• It’s always necessary for the company to regulate the employee’s access to the computers so that information is not mishandled. Every employee must have his own work station and not mingle with others work which ensures no personal information exchange.

Such practices can definitely help the business data stay protected in the long run if followed properly.

Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/peterdavidson/320351/how-ensure-protection-critical-business-data



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Combating data breaches

With increasing number of data breaches, companies should now take necessary steps to combat it. Phishing, though a fairly old method, is the most common method of attacking companies. Emails which contain phishing methods should be identified, filtered and prevented from hitting inboxes. Spam filters are already doing this task to a great extent, but creating flagging system that can filter out the necessary emails through human logging works better. Systems should be upgraded to prevent from being vulnerable to malware and malicious cyber-attacks. Misuse of system and human error should be prevented to prevent hacking. The most important way of protecting system from attacks is by educating people who use it in the best ways to protect it. Read more at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/data-breaches-aren-t-changing-but-you-should

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