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Criminals making felonious use of Artificial Intelligence

Cyber criminals, also known as hackers, use computer systems to access business and personal information for malicious purposes. There is no doubt that criminals are the most creative people in the world and the development of Artificial Intelligence has only made them stronger. Since the tutorials and tools for its development is widely available in the public domain, AIs use for attacking purpose is hugely unrestrained. Machine learning poisoning is one of the ways for criminals to circumvent the effectiveness of AI. Today we live in a world of chatbots. Most people do not realize how much personal information AI-driven bots may know about them, which makes them easy prey for experienced cybercriminals. Moreover criminals could harness machine learning technology to sift through huge quantities of stolen records of individuals to create more targeted phishing emails. However the biggest fear remains in the fact that the fully unstoppable AI creature will seize the world one day. Thus AI security abuse must be prevented and humans being much better than machines must understand its cause and effect. Read more at: https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/criminals-can-exploit-ai/#gref

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All about cyber attacks!

To protect a company’s valuable data it is of utmost importance to know about cyber attacks and cyber crime. Most industrial and manufacturing firms are victims of practices such as a/c hijacking, SQLi attacks, Distributed denial of Service Attacks(DDos)and maladvertising. Thus, they should keep these 8 points in mind:-

1. Hackers steal the data primarily for monetary gains.

2. Cyber criminals are interested in debit and credit card numbers.

3.  Instead of internet they access Darknet(also known as deep web) so that they do not leave any digital footprint behind.

4. Companies make huge losses due to these cyber attacks.

5. All the company data must be protected by purchasing breach insurance and by using cloud storage.

6. Companies can take prevention by training staff members on basic and critical policies.

7. Efforts must be made in the field of cyber security. This can be done by identifying the baseline( i.e., identify normal network activity before an intrusion). This is helpful as it makes the identification of attack vector easier and also helps to improve the data security.

8. New threats keep evolving.

By keeping these points in mind company can take prevention against the unfortunate cyber crimes or network breaches to some extent. To read more follow: - http://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/cyber-attacks-8-things-company-need-know-01601714#WhGV91IDu2rTGu9V.97


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