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Criminals making felonious use of Artificial Intelligence

Cyber criminals, also known as hackers, use computer systems to access business and personal information for malicious purposes. There is no doubt that criminals are the most creative people in the world and the development of Artificial Intelligence has only made them stronger. Since the tutorials and tools for its development is widely available in the public domain, AIs use for attacking purpose is hugely unrestrained. Machine learning poisoning is one of the ways for criminals to circumvent the effectiveness of AI. Today we live in a world of chatbots. Most people do not realize how much personal information AI-driven bots may know about them, which makes them easy prey for experienced cybercriminals. Moreover criminals could harness machine learning technology to sift through huge quantities of stolen records of individuals to create more targeted phishing emails. However the biggest fear remains in the fact that the fully unstoppable AI creature will seize the world one day. Thus AI security abuse must be prevented and humans being much better than machines must understand its cause and effect. Read more at: https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/criminals-can-exploit-ai/#gref

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Big Data in ensuring Gmail security

Gmail has become a huge platform with almost 1.2 billion monthly users and holds a 20% share of the global email market. However, Gmail is not really secure as they require personal information such as name, interests, who is one talking to, and many more things. Hence, for trusting Gmail, several tips should be implemented for ensuring maximum security. • Big Data plays a big role in cybersecurity and malware protection. Machine Learning tools are capable of understanding newest thus it is advisable to invest in email specific antivirus software. • Enabling two-step verification, again made reliable by the Big Data. Along with this is the easy-to-use update which adds to the security. • Upgrading the browser whenever possible reduces changes of cybercrimes. • Using a sophisticated password. Read more at: https://www.smartdatacollective.com/4-brilliant-ways-to-use-big-data-to-boost-gmail-security/

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Edge Analytics : Antidote to Cyber security problems

Cybersecurity is a threat to the globe. The quicker it can be dealt with, the better it is. In order to quickly find the problem, the organizations have to deal with the available big data more efficiently. Edge analytics is the concept of extending edge computing to data analysis. The advantage is that analytics can be done closer to the devices which actually generated the data so that the predictive maintenance can be carried out and security problems can easily be dealt with. This is important in situations where waiting for sensor systems to transmit data to a remote cloud is just a wastage of time , for example the case of train safety.Edge analytics can act as a veritable antidote to the malicious act of hackers. Read more at:  http://www.csoonline.com/article/3195922/data-breach/is-edge-analytics-the-front-line-of-cybersecurity.html


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A big red alert to the phishing emails!

Now a days we are receiving phishing emails. Security experts have discovered that these phishing emails contain Pony malware which when downloaded and opened, crashes the system moments later. In the background the infected attachments start invading the system and give access to all important credentials to the hackers. Now follow these tips to avoid becoming a victim to phishing emails:

• Note that publisher is not used for file sharing or word processing. If you receive these type of file, just be cautious of phishing attack.

• Install antivirus or anti-malware which will detect these types of files and alert you if any suspicious activity is running in background.

• Continuous changing of password and having a strong password will help you from hackers from hacking or accessing all your important credentials.

So, continue using these cybersecurity tips to be protected from these malicious activities.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/phishing-emails-spread-pony-malware-01783728#ifY3P7jKyFeVx4Y7.97

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Why signature is considered as basic step of security?

Let's think of the security infrastructure of your application as its doctor. Let's say you have a cough, sore throat and runny nose and if the doctor assesses external symptoms, then the doctor will prescribe the wrong medicines as he has not done internal test to know what is happening inside the body. This same thing can happen to your application, allowing attacks on account information. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) cannot see what is happening inside the application and that is why it uses "Signature" to determine if the code in the request is threatening. So, the best way to protect your application from vulnerabilities is to combine both external observations and internal tests. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/signature-based-security-first-step-01773479#qAVrXsrP3ape3Hb5.97

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Cybersecurity Risk to Machine Learning Algorithms

Cybersecurity is a very important and is becoming one of the biggest worries for companies. According to various surveys, companies are investing a lot of money in cyber security and training their employees in it. It is estimated that till 2020 investment in the cybersecurity will be around $170 billion. In today’s world as the data is rising, so the risks on it are also increasing. The pattern classification systems that machine-learning algorithm rely on themselves exhibit vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. As we know machine learning algorithms train themselves with the training data set so it may be manipulated according to the needs as hacker wants. For example, Search-engine-optimization algorithm was trained and manipulate website content to boost results in the search ranking or senders of junk emails try to fool spam-filtering algorithm. Even the results of the public election can also be affected by 20% or more as it is found that the order in which candidates appear in search results can have significant impact on perception. To read more about Cybersecurity risks, follow the article by Dr. Kira Radinsky (CTO and Co-founder of SalesPredict) at: http://blog.kiraradinsky.com/author/kiraradinsky/

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